Smartest Actor/Directors in the Business?
Use any/many interpretations of smart. If you have video, even better!
Stanley Kubrick
Ingmar Bergman
Marlon Brando
John Cassavetes
Use any/many interpretations of smart. If you have video, even better!
Stanley Kubrick
Ingmar Bergman
Marlon Brando
John Cassavetes
Stanley Kubrick (obviously)
David Lynch
Yorgos Lanthimos
Jonathan Glazer
Guy Maddin
P.T. Anderson
Darren Aronofsky
(Can't think of any smart actors... ;)
I was going to mention how directors are probably smarter on average, since they do the creating, sometimes the writing, but was wondering what would be said.
shareJames Cameron
sharePaul Thomas Anderson, Ed Harris and Ethan Hawke strike me as very astute about their craft.
I think a lot of the Italian neo-realist directors were very smart.
I read an interview with François Truffaut where he talks about the French New Wave movement.
He said himself and Godard may be more well known but Rohmer may have been the best of the lot.
Not sure I can argue that point.
I really like about 2 movies from each of those guys, but still have a ton I haven't seen..
James Woods has an IQ of over 200
shareJames Nguyen. He's pretty smart.