MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your opinion about Kill Bill?

What's your opinion about Kill Bill?

I think it's a masterpiece.
Action, plot, dialogue, the manga anime sequence, cinematography, emotions, characters, acting, fight scenes, direction and music all perfect!!!!


I wouldn't say "masterpiece", but it is very good.



I would call it. It's perfect!
Cinematic gold!


I really wanted to like it since I loved Tarantino's previous movies, but it just didn't work for me. It had some interesting ideas, but it wanted to be too many different things at the same time making it a mess. Some segments just lasted way too long, it was actually quite boring at times.


Boring? Seriously?
But If you mean in Vol.2 i understand that...


Yes, it was mostly Vol.2 that was boring, but I actually thought Lucy Liu's segment became pretty boring as well at some point because it went on for too long.


Uma is sweaty, desperate and attacked the entire time in both films...and she kicks everyone's ass!
Great action movies and Thurman/The Bride was a total badass
Loved Kill Bill 1 n 2




Part 1 is an action masterpiece... Part 2 is an amazing drama.


I agree. I liked 1 more.


It hasn’t aged well. I agree with Strat that Tarentino does not know how to murder his darlings, and some scenes are snooze-inducing—and I have both volumes in my video library, so I know the work quite well. It really should be re-cut into one film, which I’ve always thought that it would be. As the 2 films stand today, KB 1 is mostly action, and ZB 2 is mostly exposition. Meld them into a coherent whole. That might be a masterpiece. What we have now is an entertaining masturbationpiece that does not meet Hitchcock’s criterion for a great movie: Three great scenes, NO bad scenes.


I don't agree but i respect your opinion.
I like it more as two seperate parts because 1 is an action flick, while 2 is a dramatic adventure. They are very different.


Yes, I agree that re-cutting it into one movie would improve it. Trim all the segments down to make it all more tight.


It's alright.


I love it. Good movie, very entertaining. One of my favorites.

(I'm counting both parts together of course)


It actually took me a second viewing to appreciate it
