MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have You Found A Foe?

Have You Found A Foe?

Or have they found you?

I'm not going to ask anyone to post a potential foe here on MC as even jokingly it can only go sour but what I will ask is this:

How silly must people have been to say "Friend or foe" in the past when meeting strangers?

I mean I'm not criminal nor bad guy but I'm pretty sure that if I were I'd still reply with "Friend" as it would at least get the person or group asking to not be on edge and alert.

Having read that I am not asking you individually; friend or foe?


There are tons of people who don't like me in the real world and tons online I'm sure. I'm a nice person, I just don't hold back that much or beat around the bush if I don't like you or if I find something you've said/done unpleasant. I will let you know. That rubs people the wrong way. I also don't follow politics or religion, which REALLY fucks with people. Another thing, I don't have any social media accounts or a smartphone. People that I work with always want to know how I "survive".


You're as sound as a pound in the US in 2008 tW! (That's like double what a dollar was then - a great thing!).

I'm cool with people doing politics or religion, it's a pretty big Internet - lots of other places that specialise in that stuff.

But, what can you do but ignore and carry on with what we're all actually here for ;)


I was wondering what the hell that meant so thanks for clarifying! :) Thankfully, the internet is a big place and I can read or not read whatever the hell I want. Its nice. I do have a few users here on ignore, simply because they annoy the fuck outta me. ;)


Some people are just out to annoy. I'm glad people have access to the ignore function and not be riled up for no reason.


That's something I've realized too. It makes my time here a lot more enjoyable :)


I found a foe. It was followed by a fie.


I found another and it had a fum after it Catbookss!


Don't forget their earlier sibling, fee!


Don't forget I'm Scottish and what that blood apparently smelled like Catbookss ;)


What did it apparently smell like? I never did get that bit.




Not what nationality did it smell like, WHAT did it smell like? I know the rhyme 😂

Did it smell like roses, gun powder, what?


I don't know Catbookss, they don't go into it but seemingly an Englishman smells like an Englishman and so...something in their diet perhaps?



The mother is a hamster and the father smells of Elderberries.


There is French in my blood Dazed but I wasn't expecting anyone to pick up on that 🤪


That's what didn't made sense. It was a declarative, yet never explained!

I like a good mystery as well as the next person, but this is a huge plot hole 😡. 2.5 for me.


It was still better than Prometheus though Catbookss, gimme that at least!


I can only give you that in theory, seeing as I've still never seen it. In theory ain't bad though!



Is it worth saying see it to show you how bad it is Catbookss?

There's a question for the ages.

Ask Dazed!


I don't think so. For one, my expectations are lower than low, which means I'd probably think it's better than all the reverse hype!

Also, it'd cut into my time for watching The Real Housewives (pick a city).


Have they done Clapham yet on The Real Housewives Catbookss?


Not yet. I heard that's coming next year.



It'll be on Netflix in no time I'm sure!

Toy dog and everything!!


It'll be an agony to wait. A year for it to come on TV, then a month for it to arrive on Netflix!


Well worth the wait I'm sure.

Time to catch up with Prometheus should Dazed say it is worthwhile I should think Catbookss.


I'm officially not answering questions about Prometheus.
The Real Housewives however....


The Real Housewives of Acheron?


just two


That's better than only one I suppose Hownos!


two is more than enough


Would only one suffice or does none sound better Hownos?


Aw, he's pissing and moaning because his own weak, wannabe rap lyrics of " he can't take it" are coming back to bite him in the ass. And this guy was a hockey player ?


I take it you may be one of his alleged 'foes' db?


The one he can't handle.



So he does have a foe I guess.

Do you?


Been dealing with them all my life, J8.


Fair enough db, is this a particular case or is it more generic?


I do have a history with this particular poster. I don't know what you mean by generic, unless it's in general, in which case I've already answered that.


I'm not looking for a battle of semantics here db but has this particular posters proved themselves to be egregious to you over time?

Or is it there style of posting which bothers you?


I'm not either but you never clarified what you meant by " generic. "

Not necessarily egregious, but arrogant, judgemental, snide and cheap-shot-taking.


Is that a factor you take umbrage with in general posters or is it a thing solicited towards Hownos in particular?


And a final bump for consistency in the top four topics!


I have FINALLY found a foe!
I'm sure I have many but this is the first one to make themselves known.

I now feel like Pinocchio .
I am a real boy!


welcome to the club


I've been envious for too long.
I also deserve to have a foe.


You showed me the way hownos.
For that I will be forever grateful.


Who is your foe then Dewey?


As of 24 hours now it's db!

I'm sure for him it's been longer but I've only recently been privy to this information.
I've finally made his list.
I wish he would make a post to rank us so I can know how much more work I need to do!


you have some catching up to do


I think I'll catch up quickly!


You both should chill.

He's here for the same reasons as us all and that's to chat.

In my opinion.


I'm sorry Harry.
When somebody ambushes you out of nowhere you react.
I'm sure he has his reasons but they are a mystery to me.

It's like walking in on your brother and your wife.
You just don't expect it.

I'm only having some fun but you're right.
Not good for MC.

If only I wasn't so damn weak!


Don't fret Dewey,

If db has something to say they will say it and if they don't they will showboat a means of not showing it.

We're all human and know the difference in my opinion.

They are either trolling or trying to tell you something.

Let them either do it or not - then you'll know.


It's my first time being hated.
I'm just not used to it!

I'll try to do better next time.

Good advice btw.
I only hope I listen!


I have faith in your Dewey, I think we can all get through this (For now!).


J8, if anyone has been trying to " showboat, " it's that wimpy trio that tried to gang up on me. Brown nose came running & whining to you early in the game, dewey collapsed & threw in the towel and BF, the instigator, was waving his little, white flag at the end of the night. I will let all of that speak for itself.


I'm not against you Db, sincerely.

I just asked an open question to all and this is the response.


What's wrong with my response? As in a court of law, I have the right to face my accusers.


I agree with you Db.

I have accused you of nothing though.

Perhaps you need to ask those who have?


No, but you were implying something. I stood my ground, I made my case. I've had two friends here inquiring about this and I explained point blank to both what it was about.


I implied nothing and you will have to state your case otherwise db20db.


I responded to and emphasized the word showboating, J8. How much more explicit could I be ? Never mind, move on. I've been trying to have a little fun here today.


I'm happy to move on db, we've had no direct conversations in this thread and so that is why I am at such a loss.


No direct conversations ? Are you serious ? If so, you've got a major denial problem going on.


I think you need to reassess what you consider to be conversation db.

This has ended.

I hope I see you elsewhere on these boards in better spirits.


Yes, it has. I'm presently in very good spirits. Another erroneous assumption on your part.




I do enjoy frustrating & exasperating a troll. Thanks for contributing to my fun and lively spirit today.




I've finally made his list

a testament to my tolerance Mr. " guiding light . "


Your tolerance is a thing to behold db!
You should be proud of it!

Continued success in your venture in the land of make believe.
Here's a little tidbit for you.

You big galoot you!


I updated my rap


I need to see this!


It is in that human nature is the same wherever you go.
I had an especially good day in the real world today. Lots of good vibes, especially from women.
Yes, " NOT REAL LIFE. " Exactly why you thrive here.


You're right about that, it's the same wherever you go.
I think that's a Twilight Zone episode.
The one where they go to mars and put Roddy McDowall in the zoo.

You're right again. I have no idea about the real world.
I'm just a big fake and phony and a complete failure in the real world.
I only thrive on the internet. So be it.

Believe it or not db I wish you the best and hope you have a long happy life.
I hope everything works out for you. I honestly do.
I say if you got a good vibe then go for it. Life's too short to not go for it.


Pretty sure we can hit 100 with this; let's get there chums!


It says 127?


143 posts with this one!

Is this part of The Celebration of Festivus...'The Airing of Grievances?
If so it has gone swimmingly!
Nice work Juror 8:)

Next up should be 'The Feats of Strength' but damn did i pull my back out erecting that Aluminium pole earlier
I think i may sit down for a bit


It's all a build up for the Summer solstice Yonkers, it's like New Year but for happy people :)


Summer long as i can drink and scream Metal lyrics very annoyingly i will see you there
Might even take my dance moves out

Who knows really!?


As long as your Metal is actually Metal and not some sort of derivative of it then yes, let's sing it loud and proud naked together!


Maiden, Priest and Sabbath yes!!!
The Holy Trinity of Almighty Metal
Take that as the word

Naked...i usually am
I should fit right in with this crazy scheme

I will bring Rum and sick moves


Now we are talkin'!

Proper Metal like it should be.

Rum and sick moves might make me sick - let's do it!


I like this lingo man!

Metal rules

And just being honest here...Rum is my bestie but my sick moves often make me sick too
I fear that i talked up my moves too much!

Lests tear this shit up!


Is moshing allowed these days?

It's been a while but last I remember some shaved headed buff poof bouncer told me I couldn't do it.

Obviously I stookied him and got kicked out by a mob of benders but it seemed to be body slamming and the like was no longer a done thing.

What's metal without that?


Moshing is mostly over here in the US but it was great fun once...boy did i manage to get knocked around lol!

You clearly acted Metal, Ska and Punk and for that i salute you!

Sadly, most people are crybabies now and things are not nearly as cool as they used to be

Give me a black eye, a keg and a bunch of laughs...


Metal without a few bruises ain't Metal.

It's like biking without knowing how to use a foot clutch.


'Metal without a few bruises aint Metal' is probably the coolest thing ive ever heard anywhere

And Oh yes of course...the 'foot clutch' thats the gizmo next to the Johnson Rod
I am well aware of all of that bikey stuff
(I have no idea what that means but im going with it👍)


Well if we're ditching biking, bread without butter - that type of analogy.

Cheers for the compliment on the bruises comment, I'm not sure blushes are very Metal though.


If i have a good bread but no butter i shake salt over it...very similar taste

What can i say?
You have been on fire lately!
How can i not only mortal


I'm all about casting light into the shadows Yonkers, if that means running into them while aflame then so be it!

Twas I who was blushing mind, but feel free to also blush.

At an idea though, not a person in my case ;)


That sounds dangerous though

I know...i make them all blush

Ok...well best wishes to you and your idea

Shame, we just got to know each other
You were cool


Looks like you got one of the natives really worked up, Shogun. Good luck with that, lol.


I seem to have that effect on 'em dont'cha know db

I wish you good luck too

Have a good'un


Thanks for that man ! I appreciate that support right now.


You are most welcome
But is support really needed?
Seems we are doing pretty well here without drama between our db and our dewey

I want you to get along again...not picking sides but i read the thread and i dont think dewey said anything offensive to be honest...hell, dewey is always busting chops and being a charmer (its kind of his gig here)

You, on the other hand, lay it all out there, say what you think and take no prisoners (you have kicked my ass a bunch of times funny boy!)

I respect both approaches

A poster recently attempted to insult me by calling me the 'MC Goodwill Ambassador...'
I have no idea why that was meant to be an insult but here we are!
I want goodwill here and both you and dewey are funny, insightful and brimming with movie knowledge

This spat needs to end
Its not good for us
Bury the hatchets already...


^ This😊


You and I were combatants once but you've been really cool with me for some time now. I also respect you for your Christian stance, which is not popular here.

I've lived a hard, often dangerous and courageous life. I'm now in what are supposedly my Golden Years and don't deserve to be labeled as a coward by someone I considered a friend here, just so he could feel accepted by a temporary fungus known as DF that has infected this GD board.

Sometimes, burying the hatchet takes time. Don't push it. That's exactly why we are where we are, because I refused to jump through hoops for that fungus and he just can't leave it be.


We did feud
Thats behind me now
I learned some lessons from you and am appreciative

Im sorry that you have had a rough road but im happy that you hiked it like a champ
The older I get the more interest i gain in others...even people i dont always connect with
You seem a wise fellow so im sure you get me

I wont push it Hombre
You will find that im a patient dude


Yeah, you've definitely exhibited patience and a tendency to be a peacemaker. Keep that faith. He is real.


Peace is a good goal


You stole my bike didn’t you


Did it have a foot clutch?
