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Agree or Disagree?

I think cell phones should be banned in the workplace. In case of an emergency, you can always be reached by the phone conveniently at WORK. I get so irritated at cashiers or someone working behind a desk, sending text after text or giggling at something on their Facebook feed.


Disagree. There is no reason for a company to even attempt to micromanage a person like that. That isn't freedom. Sure, do your job while at work. Wanting to control whether someone has their personal property in their pocket.....that's 1984, Big Brother stuff.


There are many work situations where the phone needs to be turned off while working. Nobody is talking about taking away that life line of yours. I doubt that anyone could pry it out of your hand when you compare taking it away with "1984 Big Brother stuff".
It's just a stupid phone. Calls and texts and Face Book , etc.... will still be there any time.
I get chills when I think of all of the numb skulls out there in their cars with their eyes half on the phone and half on the road. It makes me cringe to know that their life and everyone else's lives don't mean nearly as much to them as this next call or text.
Driving is the one situation in which you should never multitask!


Lots of nice scenarios you've made up and preaching to boot. OP "banned at work". All your preaching aside. No, they shouldn't be "banned". If you have ONE specific employee that is always on their phone you deal with that ONE employee...including firing them if need be, but just at blanket "ban" no one can have their phone at work. No. I'm leery of the mindset of those in favor of "banning" things. "But someone, somewhere may abuse this and do something wrong.....therefore we'll ban EVERYONE from this" Always a horrible policy.


Yeah, I said BANNED. Big deal. No one should use their phone to send a lolsofunnytext during a transaction with a customer. I don't care how bored you are. I don't care how important you think it is. You should just do your job. That's what you are being PAID to do. Not send texts to your friends about the cute dress you saw at Kohls. I think its a great policy and if I ever have the opportunity I will put it in full effect. :)


I'm sorry that you feel that I was preaching. I assumed that you are mature enough to realize that I was responding to your post and sharing my views and opinions.
Banning the use of phones worked fine where I worked before retiring. Naturally, we used the phones in the offices, but out on the floor, with the clients and doing our various jobs, we were not permitted to use them. Phones stayed in our lockers. We worked with people with special needs, helping them with job skills and getting them employment out there in the work force. That just doesn't lend it's self to farting around on one's phone.
Same with the OP, thewaitress. She works in a store where she works, serving the public.
Many companys should ban the use of phones.. Take factory work. You have to be aware of what is going on around you and do your job.


Exactly! No one pays attention anymore, even while operating a huge vehicle at 60mph.


I did realize that your post was more about the work place. I can understand some jobs where the phone is needed, but I'm in full agreement with you when it takes one away from what they are suppose to be doing at work.
I just had to get my biggest complaint in there. I find it appalling when people use their phones while driving.


Me too. Its so dangerous! That text or call can wait.


I believe it's illegal to use cell phones while driving in most states.


❤️️It is. I still see it. I was nearly run down by some fool who wasn't paying attention while I was crossing the street. I had the green light. He thought he could go. He was too busy on his phone to notice.
I see it all the time. One hand on the wheel, the other with the phone welded to it. People never learn.


What really irritates me is when I'm stopped at a traffic signal, the light turns green and the car in front of me doesn't move. Everybody starts honking at the idiot ahead of us.


Where's a cop when you need one?


Disagree. I'm usually not in favor of banning anything.



I'm going to agree to disagree as my workplace is often being on the move and not being able to be contacted by, or contact, others but I do see a lot of people not doing what they are paid to do because all of a sudden the Internet is cool for everyone to use all the time.

That said, on their break(s) - let them have access by all means.


Disagree. Cell phones have become part of society, so banning them isn't really going to change the problem. We need to set rules around them because they exist, and they're not going away. If someone isn't doing their job, it doesn't matter what the reason is. The issue is the person choosing not to do their job.

It's also never been an issue at any workplace I've had. I mean, if you are a cashier, how do you have the time or the authority to be on your phone? Even if it was in your pocket, you wouldn't be allowed to be looking at it. If you aren't allowed and you're looking at it, you need to be fired.


If only the rules were enforced, but they are not.


They are fine for break time, the rest of the time they should be kept in a secure place away from the main work place. The workplace ought to have emergency contact info for all employees and on the flipside all employees should be allowed to use work telephones to take or receive calls at personal times of urgency. That's how it used to work in the good old days!

As I'm a cook I cannot have my phone on me as a phones in general are hives of bacteria. Although I would bet many food preparation operatives don't follow good practice😨



My cell phone is vital for my life!

I need it for my daily dose of wordfeud and porn!


I can understand the need for a cell phone in the work place sometimes. If you have young kids at home or something like that. However if you are in a job that you are dealing with the public it is a good way to lose customers. If I have a class in my library that I am working with I leave my phone locked in my desk, no point in even having it out (unless I am using my phone to play Disney songs for us to dance to) :) I was on a date once and the girl was on her phone the whole time. Guess who bought her own dinner.... :)


Funny how things change but still remain the same. Years ago, while on the clock, no personal phone calls were permitted. Everyone, I assumed, accepted the employers stance on the rule. Now we have “joined at the hip” mobile phones. So many users feel like a part of their body has been ripped away when the same rule is in place! They seem to be lost and in a state of depression. Two of my grandkids work for a major grocery chain. Cell phones are absolutely banned while on the clock, but they can be used while on break.

As an aside, not too very long ago while coasting to a stop for a traffic light I noticed a woman in the next vehicle (I was a passenger) using her phone. That was dangerous in its self, but she also had pen and paper taking notes while steering the car with her elbow! It was an accident waiting to happen and more than likely taking out another vehicle!
