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The librarians corner.

I’d love to hear your questions. I will answer the best (or as best if you prefer) I can. Doesn’t have to be about books but it can.


What is your favourite book?


Sleepers . Dark and disturbing


what is your favorite fiction and non-fiction books ??


Fiction would be anything by Tim Dorsey. Guy has a great weird sense of humour. Non fiction I’m more the biography type of guy. This is a call by Dave Grohl is right up there


How you get to be so DAMN COOL Bucky?


Friends like you kind DF.


Ever give up on a book?


Dewey decimal system...scam...right?


Not really a scam. It was invented in 1873, and although it has been updated to reflect changing technology and what not, it is kind of irrelevant. Many libraries use the DDS for non fiction materials only. While fiction books are always alphabetical.


Gotcha! All I know is that I'm no dummy...until I have to locate a book at the libray😉


You're a fan of Sebastian Stan?


Do you have a limit on the number of books you can check out at one time?
Do you ever recommend books?
What is your favorite thing to witness in a library?


The limit on books is 10-25 depending on your account. At the University faculty/instructors can check out anything pretty much. Community users can do 10 items at a time (although I have made exceptions)

I recommend books all the time. If it is a text book/something academic I have to be more careful and kinda do what the computer tells me, however for anything else I love making recommendations.

My favorite thing is seeing a kid smile when they check out a kids book. Sometimes I will even read the first few pages with them. Love that part of it.


Why the exceptions?
What would you recommend for a 12 year old?
AWWW! That's so sweet. Never seen a librarian do that. :)


Depends on the reading level. Kids really like books on how to start their own small business (I did a class just for that with summer coming up) Guinness World Record books they think is super cool. For novels I they like artemis fowl, Harry Potter of course, Geronimo Stilton books, Diary of a Wimpy kid is super popular right now. If they like action/spy books, the 39 Clues series is super fun


thanks captain :) appreciate this. my daughter turns 12 at the end of the month, might get her one of these.


If you wanna tell me her reading level and what she is interested in I could find something more catered to her interests.


I'm not sure of her reading level, she's in 7th grade now. Probably sixth grade reading level, she doesn't read that much. Mostly plays video games.

She loves sci-fi stuff, mysteries, might like a romance element in there since she's at that age and boys are kinda cute but not really. She has read all the Harry Potter books. Loved that series.

Thank you! You don't have to go to all that trouble.


It's what I do. :)

I'll get back to you later with some title suggestions


Thank you so much, I appreciate it :)


But just off the top of my head, she might like Percy Jackson, Inkheart, The 39 Clues, the Golden Compass... and I really recommend The Magicians by Lev Grossman.


She's mentioned Percy Jackson before and I got her the newest one last year but I don't know if she's read it yet. Thanks! These sound great. If you think of anymore, I'm open to suggestions. :D


39 Clues is quite a long series of books. It's a series of books about magic and stuff, that takes place all over the world. The kids here get super invested in it. We have even done some games and stuff related to it.


If she likes weird kinda magic stuff she could try

The Spider-wick Chronicles or Lemony Snicket A series of unfortunate events.

Both are beloved by my grade 6's


Oh okay! Never heard of Spider-wick. 39 Clues would be great too, if she got into it. I would just like for her to read a few things this summer.



That is a great story. That is how I would love to be remembered. It is very important that children have a positive experience each time they visit the library. She inspired you and your love for reading. Thank you so much for sharing that. Libraries are a lot less strict on total items now, the public libraries anyway. Cheers!


I forgot to return this DVD (How to Hem Your Own Pants). It's been a year and states on the inside of the case that a $1 a day is the fine. Do I have to pay all that money? I'm not going to, but, I want to know if you're going to try and make me.


Truthfully it all depends on your attitude and how much we like you. We can make you pay the whole fine, plus a re stocking fee. Or we can cut you a deal, or we can whip the record clean. And we can make you pay....


Is your job a vocation?


Vocation ?


A job you were particularly drawn to do.


Nope not at all. I wanted to sit in a basement updating records all day (true story) i didn't want to work with people at all. But it grew on me, and now I love it


Will paper books exist in 50 years time ?


What a great question. I think yes, but mostly as rare items, limited items, collectibles... stuff like that. They will go through phases. Kinda like what vinyl is now.
