MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Survey Says?????

Survey Says?????

How many people here actually check out the Trending Bar and respond to some of those individual boards?
I do! Every now and then I see something of interest. I respond!

How many people here actually POST in the individual boards?
I do! I keep wishing that more folks who are "Having a Blast" on this General Discussion Board would start actually discussing movies on the individual boards.

I know and I see many of you folks who actually do post on movie and TV Boards. It's getting better all of the time.

There are some who say they should, but they still seem to be stuck on this particular board. This is a nice place. I enjoy General Discussion too.
We still have to be aware of the fact that this is MovieChat and we need to build up the community.
There are folks on the individual boards who want to talk movies, actors, TV shows. They are seldom here on General discussion. Why would they come here if they want to discuss what we are here for?

We ALL need to test the waters and swim further than General Discussion.

CHALLENGE![ Spend 24 hours OFF General Discussion and ON any of your favorite movie or TV show boards.... maybe try a few of your fave actors and wake up those boards!
Doesn't matter if you are discussing things on a thread that is 10 years old. Pick a thread. Pick several thread that interest you. Start giving your thoughts and who knows??? You may get some responses! Maybe from ME!!!!
It dosen't matter when you read this. ONCE you read this, BEGIN!


Margo, Iโ€™ve started thinking that MC has become structured like the Westworld theme park: At the center, there is a safe place: GD/Sweetwater. The farther a visitor moves from the center, the wilder and more dangerous it gets, until it gets really, truly ugly: the comic book and politics areas/Pariah. Most people want to stay in Sweetwater and drink and have sex. I did a check of the posting history of some of the better-known posters, especially those with large post counts, and many of them them seem never to leave Sweetwater, at least, not in the last six months.




Thank you, Margo.



Well, I suppose it all depends on which movies and TV shows we try to wake up. Some days I get nothing . some days I get lucky and people want to talk. I hope that you will keep plugging away.๐Ÿ˜



Yes. Naturally there will be more activity on the current shows. I confess that I don't watch very many of those either.
I do get surprises though. I can post on a board and I get a response a few days later Sometimes a month or two. It does pay to keep trying. I also run into people I never or seldom see here.


There are some topic areas, like Psycho and Supernatural, that have one psychotic jackass whose life is dedicated to posting on them. Itโ€™s scary. It keeps those topics trending, and sometimes attracts other posters, so itโ€™s a type of marketing. I admit to cheerleading for a new TV show that I admire. Iโ€™ve done it for Westworld, SMILF and Iโ€™m Dying Up Here. Thereโ€™s no harm in cultivating oneโ€™s garden, as it were.

The trending bar usually nauseates me. What I am wont to do is to have my phone next to me when enjoying home theater, in the course of which my curiosity is sparked. For example, a few months ago I was watching the remake of Cat People, and wondered what IMDb posters had thought of it. I paused the movie, came here, posted on topics that had been dormant for years. Within minutes I had a responding PM from a friend here, and comments on the topic. My point, MJF, is to screw the trending bar and let your interests and curiosity guide you. I have found that to be fun.


I loiter it & respond regularly.


If a movie or series that Iโ€™ve seen is on the trending bar, I always click on it and often post there as well. I spent the vast majority of my time on boards other than GD during my first six months here.


I know you do. I've seen you out there.


What I wouldn't give for a crack of the Google Analytics for this site.

Variety and regular fressh content really helps raise these boards' profiles across the Net, I post in as many as I can think of on any given day. Internal crosslinking like IMDb introduced a year and a half before its demise would greatly benefit this site.

In the words of Q from The Next Generation; see you...out there!


I see you out there too. I say we all keep Liz Sheridan's board buzzing if nothing else!

Space, the final frontier.....
Live long and prosper.....


We'll have Liz be a living legend before the year is up Margo!


I like her. She deserves the honor of being the most posted about star there is!
If you check my posting history for just this morning, you will see that I moved outside this box and posted out there in space.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause! People actually make conversation about movies , TV shows, Actors!!!
Who knew????
It took very little effort on my part.


I enjoy GD but for me the being out there part is the best. Old threads, new threads, deleted threads - that's where a lot of good stuff is at.

Good here too but I'm mostly here for the movies and those who make them Margo.


Bless your heart. More of us need to take that attitude.
I have farted around too much this morning. I'm surprised that I got my bed made, a shower and my breakfast dishes washed! Now I must get out and run errands before my seat becomes welded to this chair! I must fly!
See you out there in space. Later!



(It's for the post count, a big deal to some apparently!)


I'm guilty as charged.I did used to post a lot on individual boards but it does become a little disheartening to receive no replies.
Sometimes I just posted to bump something into into trending and I do check trending for things I like.
I promise to try a bit harder Margo.
It's a good idea that you remind us to do this,thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


I'm guilty too, and I know that most of us do try. I try not to get too discouraged because I do get responses eventually. Sometimes I get them in the same day.
I don't expect anyone to feel that they need to stop posting here. I just feel that we should each try posting on the individual boards at least once a day.
Keep plugging away. There are people out there who very rarely if ever come here. I'll bet they are lonely too!


The point is not the reply. The point is the gratification of making the statement, of making the post itself.


I've found that out this morning. Even though I didn't get a response on a few posts, I still put it out there!
It takes no more effort to do that, than to talk trash here!


Often, itโ€™s more fun. No reply is better than some of the replies that Iโ€™ve seen.

And I just got an actually-intelligent reply to a topic I created five months ago.




I think GD has actually slowed down lately, and as for the survey, I do post on the other boards a lot and appreciate/use the Trending bar.


It's funny..... Most of the posts here actually came from the ones who do post outside this box.


I'm probably one of the most guilty of this out there.

I started out almost completely on the other boards and now am almost always on GD.
For me real world events have changed the way I post.
I get much more out of GD than I do the individual boards.

I will make an effort to change this.

Only for YOU!


I hope you will. General Discussion is great. I just think that we are spending far too much time here, and not enough time discussing films with the people who actually frequent the individual boards. There are folks who actually never come here to General Discussion. Why would they???
They aren't interested in celebrating the number of posts a person makes. I'm no longer interested either.
Is men possibly being able to give birth a burning issue? Why are we even entertaining the thought?
I'm sorry if I offended people here. I'm just saying that it is just as easy to contribute to the other boards and to possibly build more of a community if we spread out and talk about fave TV shows and films. There are folks the GD board has yet to meet.


I don't think you offended anybody here. You just spoke from your heart.

As far as the post count thing this was always a fun thing to build some camaraderie.
I don't think anybody takes it seriously. If they do then that's too bad.
It was never intended like that.
It's no different than saying "I ate 10 hot dogs" or "I drove 1000 miles today"
What or where people post shouldn't really matter but it does to some people.
I don't like the ones who dictate what you should post and where you should do it.
I'm not talking about you. You gave a reminder of what we all talked about at the beginning.

I watch a lot of obscure foreign films. I know I rarely got a reply on these boards.
I think that there is a reason why so many people post in GD. There has to be or people wouldn't do it.
Each person has their own reason.

I started something many months ago and now will try to finish it.
Thanks to you.


I definitely don't want to dictate. People are going to post where they want to. . . .
I'm all tuckered out. This was a reminder. I'll do my own thing and leave everyone to do thiers. No hard feelings.
Dewy, I'm not sure of what your personal situation is. Somehow, by some of the things you say, I get the feeling that things aren't as you wish they could be health wise...
Little things you have said in the past and some of the things you say now have concerned me.
Just know this....I think you are the BEST!
As long as you are here, I'll post where EVER you are! Even HERE! YIKES!


I didn't take it as you dictating at all. I hope you didn't take what I said as that.
I certainly didn't mean it like that.
I meant some here aren't so subtle. They do more of a "you must do this or else" approach.

What you did is remind us all what we talked about when we first got here.
I think we all were gung ho at that time and now may have lost that feeling.
At least that's part of what happened with me.

Like I said, I started a project on the boards awhile back ago and now will do my best to finish it.

I think you're pretty terrific too. ๐Ÿ’—


And here is a little something extra! ๐Ÿ’‹
