

That's a cool belief to have. Good jorb!



You experienced it yourself?


Yes. I worked as a cashier once, but soon realized that working for bosses is not cool.


Why do people take abuse at work?
You answered that question. To make money.
I'm not behind being humiliated on the job. Nobody ought to take that, but sadly, there are people who do need the money.... or can't see further than the job they feel stuck in.


It's all about the money, sometimes you just have to grin and bare it.



Tell that to the bellends who dish it out.



Would you rather be homeless and hungry or have a roof over your head and something to eat?
In many cases, that is the choice a person makes.
When you factor in children, there is no choice. You get out there and work.


There is nary other way.



There is always, always, always, somebody above that person ignoring the dignity of the one just below him. You have to get your mind right. If you do not---you will live to regret it.


True that.




Incompetent managers will surround themselves with other incompetents to protect themselves from those who they know can oust them for being the idiots that they are.

This is only going to get worse in the immediate future as equality hires are made and businesses will fail because of it.

Go to school and learn and only work for businesses who respect their employees.

I'd rather turn away an annoying paying customer than lose a commodity like a loyal hard working employee.



I didn't take it as bragging MJF. You've got a responsibility as an employer to look after your employees and that means helping through times when it is difficult for them and them seeing you do that, when others wouldn't, and respecting you and their position within your company all the more for doing so.

It might sound old fashioned but loyalty can't be bought, only earned and that takes being with your employees during births, deaths and everything in between.


I think the bigger question is why do people abuse others at work.

It's human nature. (You) swear up & down you won't. But, it creeps in on one, until you sate yourself that you're righteous in crossing a line you swore up & down you would not. & to prove it---one never looks back.


Maybe they don't know any real way out and need money to survive?



True. Most workplace bullies have an underlying vulnerability about their own capability


Exactly ! It's a form of overcompensation.


More often that I like to admit, I'm picked on at work. I work with 7 other women and its just CLAWSS out when the main boss isn't there. I think the reason they do it is because they have zero control/power in their personal lives. Their work life is all the authority they have so they abuse it, creating that power to fill the void in their life. Just my observation from the women I work with who like to nitpick or strut around like they know more than I do.


That has been my experience in some of my work experience down through the years.
Most people without control at home have to find other outlets. These folks inevitably take things out on other people in school, jobs, in traffic!!!!


Yeah, they always act like they are the ONLY person on the road. The ONLY person who works hard. Annoying.



I must confess I'm not a waitress. My username is from my favorite tv show. :) I'm a manager at a dollar store. Newest manager, part - time. They get all sorts of kicks I'm sure from playing the "boss" role.



haha yes exactly. i wish my uniform was that casual!



ha, whaaa? let me guess

american man I'm assuming and i'm gonna say.. Baltimore! Total guess. I have no idea.



that's cool. I've liked the idea of exploring Europe and other places but you couldn't get my ass on a plane if you tried. not that YOU would try but you get what I'm saying hopefully. How many grandkids you got? I like grandpas, they are usually hilarious and sweet.



although, i know those types of people you are talking about. awful how people like to treat others because they find some kind of sick pleasure out of it.
