Thinking outside the box.
Have you ever tried thinking outside the box and wonder if many of our common beliefs, laws, enforced morals and accurate codes of behaviour may, perhaps, in some or other cases, even if in very TRADITIONAL cases they are indeed what they are and are like that for PERSONAL reasons also, maybe EXCEPTIONAL in some situations and that common rules to them may NOT necessarily apply?
Can be anything from religious, political, historical, medical, sexual, violent, internet community-laden, legal etc etc etc beliefs out there, and despite OTHERS, for JUSTIFIABLE or even POTENTIALLY justifiable reasons, complaining or shouting "DOUBLE STANDARDS" or saying stuff like "wrong deed apologist SCUM" and putting a FULL STOP to it, you still stuck to your beliefs and moved on in that sense, in other words, you thought OUTSIDE the box.
Did it work out alright for you?
(And if it didn't for reasons NOT related to feeling ANGRY and INSULTED and HUMILIATED etc...)
Also, what if it neither did OR didn't, did people even UNDERSTAND you? Maybe there were language barriers, maybe the person on the other end did NOT know what you were REALLY talking about and spoke about something irrelevant INSTEAD, maybe he or she or it whatever wasn't able to professionally relate to it like some clever, say, American bloggers could whose first language is (say for argument's sake) English and who has knowledge of it all first hand etc, and no, MAYBE in real LIFE these exceptions never happen, but you've seen say plenty of such tropes in films, and maybe SOMETIMES they may ALSO happen in life, but you didn't think about the COMMON OTHER ASPECTS of course but just EXCEPTIONAL cases which may STILL fit the DICTIONARY definitions of course, but were not on the same level as bad as the commonly recognized ones, JUST FOR EXAMPLE.
Nothing to do with how someone looks etc or even, oh well...
And that one, ambiguous perhaps, example is, well, you thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX, it could literally be on ANYTHING out there...
(Oh some people think Putin is good, others not so etc, Trump etc too).
Anyways, let's discuss, TOB - Thinking Outside the Box, thank you.