I think I'd rather go back in time, probably not earlier than about 1900. I'd like to meet some of my ancestors from two or three generations ago to see what their lives were like. This is assuming my time machine would then let me return to the present, but hey, it's my fantasy so I guess I can declare it to be so.
Go on a road trip into the future. I' a curious person by nature and want to know whats in store for this world - specifically with space exploration. I think we are way behind in that regard because we have so many fucked up problems on earth to deal with. Imagine what we could accomplish as a species if we weren't always at each others throats?
Me? I'd go back in time. To when I commanded the Margo to not watch movies that I didn't watch. I'd take it all back, suck all that poison outta the Marg like John Coffee sucked all that poison out of the warden's wife in the "Green Wiener"...then I'd expel it into, I don't know, somebody's mouth, who deserves it most? Probably PeteRose, he never comes around no more, maybe just into the air...whatever. If that happened>me & the duchess would be tighter than Dick's hat band by now.
I was kidding Miss Margo a fortnight ago about not watching a movie that I didn't like. I forbid her to watch it. She tore me a brand new one and threatened to turn me at the first port of call if I ever spoke to her again. Big deal. I've been thru that with my wife a 100 times.
Then she intimated that I was on her "To Ignore List." I fired a shot cross her broad side and she took off cussin' me.
I saw this thread about time travel and wished I could go back in time and make it all right with Miss Margo.
She's a grudge holder though. I'd probably have a better chance of playing pick up sticks with my butt cheeks than getting her to walk the down the primrose path hand-in-hand with me & bury the proverbial hatchet.
i'd like to go back in stages. 7 or 8 million years to meet our common ancestors with the chimps, then walk through all the stages of primate evolution.
then, if more opportunities are on the table, then i'd like to take a deep dive, go to the time of the tiktaalik, walk through the dinosaur era, all of it.
Yes, I would like that too! Interestingly, a few days ago I saw a really bad movie featuring Michael Gross trying to rescue colleague Christopher Atkins who was stuck in 100 million BC. I'd rather not use their time machine!