Do Men Even Matter Any More?
As some of you know, I’m a former journalst who has very actively avoided all news sources since the World Trade Center plane-bombing coverage, and I’m much happier in my blissful this-just-in ignorance. I recently had a good, beyond-intelligent woman friend tell me that she thought it was becoming impossible for men to receive credit and respect “in this climate.” Unlike me, she is a news junkie. I told her I hoped she was mistaken, and she hoped so as well. I just saw a promo on STARZ, touting three female-oriented series launching soon, and the headline was “This spring, the Female Revolution Heats Up . . . The Future is Female, Fearless, Fierce.” While this is manifest hyperbole (e. g., only one with no understanding of courage praises fearlessness) clearly STARZ thinks it will resonate with an audience. What really troubles me about it is the reference to the Female Revolution.” What revolution? When I think of all the strides, that I supported, women have made against prejudice, oppression and sexism that I have seen in my lifetime, though there are advances still to be made, I think the “heating up” stage has moved well into the “simmering” stage of the revolution—with one possible exception: revenge. Have we reached the stage of, “Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!”? I mean revenge in the form of marginalizing and trivializing men in popular culture and the mass media, two institutions with as much greed and integrity as a used-car salesperson. I am a tremendously confident man, so the idea of some commercial force turning me into an object of reflexive derision literally never occurred to me; and I may be naive. What do you think? With all the news about sexual harassment, movies about superheroines, Girl Power TV shows, are men being pushed into a corner in the popular view? After all, in the US, women make 70 percent of all buying decisions.