MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone enjoy frozen dinners?

Anyone enjoy frozen dinners?

What kind?

I really enjoy the Chili's at home frozen ones. Especially the pasta Alfredo.


No. They have no soul, and they have too much salt. Do you repect yourself, or not? I'm guessing that it's Option 2.


And you have too much vanity and venom. And option doesn't require capitalization.


What's up with you, RK? I've noticed a distinct change in your posts over the last few months. Now you're insulting a brand new MC member over something trivial?

TedJolly, don't pay any attention, and welcome! Most people around here are very nice.


Rarely. I used to buy them to have on hand in a pinch, but now my freezer's the size of a bread box and increasingly getting smaller due to the glazier that's building inside of it.

MC makes a decent chicken pot pie, and the turkey's not bad. I like Stouffer's mac and cheese. Never tried Chili's.


I used to before I learned to cook. Most frozen food really isn't good for you, even the "healthy ones." Remember, you are what you eat!



"Enjoy" maybe isn't the right word. It's just that I can't be bothered to cook so it's that or restaurant food.

This is an embarrassing guilty pleasure that makes me sound like a 9 year old, but the Marie Callender fried chicken and mac and cheese is delicious to me. Always like to make sure I have one in the freezer to eat if I get super depressed.
