MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you access movies? tv/purchase/re...

How do you access movies? tv/purchase/rental/streaming/purchased-download/torrent?

This is how i view movies.

1) tv - this is getting rare. I generally don't have the patience to sit through ads, even fast forward if recorded. But it occasionally happens.

2) purchase - if I am to purchase a DVD, it's generally at a 2nd hand store where they are about $1-$2 these days. As cheap as renting. I rarely buy brand new, maybe at Christmas.

2) rental - Where I live, we have rental kiosks and a few blockbusters left (they're dying, 3 closed down within the last 18 months.) I recently joined a blockbuster and it's a good store, but the owner is a bit of a di/ck. He wants weekly rentals back by 6pm or there is a 40 cent late fee on each, on the same day. Whereas another blockbuster gives a 3 day leniency on weeklies. Even though he's a di/ck, I feel like this may be my last rental blockbuster experience, so I'm going to play by his rules.

3) streaming - I actually don't watch many movies on netflix. Their selection isn't great, but I have watch a few. I'm more into their tv series.

4) purchased-download - I only did this once, as I was making a trailer as a project. But legally downloaded movies don't work inside of Adobe Premiere, as they are locked! I actually had to illegally download the movie to make a trailer out of it.

5) torrent - yes, I torrent. Not a lot but every now and then I will. My view is that if I were to digitally rent a movie, it shouldn't be expensive. It's $5.99 to rent a movie, which is more expensive than going to the actual video store and renting. Shouldn't digital be half the price of a business that pays rent, electricity, wages, etc? So I feel that it isn't fair to charge this. If digital rentals were $2-$4, I probably would do it.


Cable and Netflix. If I rent or buy anything, I use Vudu. I love Vudu's speed, picture quality and user interface.


Usually tv. I have 4 movie channels that I subscribe to that are uncut and commercial free and all 4 have an on demand option. I also buy movies, used and new. Sometimes I stream movies on Netflix. There aren't any video rental places in my area so I can't rent. I never torrent.


Amazon Prime

Cable bill was up to $240 or so a was really irking me so i tossed them out of the house

It was a smart move


That's a lot ! America is a real 'cable' culture and some don't even know that you can buy an antenna and get free-to-air.

I'll also add that I go to the movies probably 20 times a year, I see that as my financial contribution to the industry.


I'd like to clarify "you can buy an antenna and get free-to-air." It depends on how far away the nearest major metro area is as to whether this is do-able. 🤓


This is true, and even when you can get a good signal the selection isn't a legitimate replacement for cable it has to be paired with other services.


"That's a lot ! America is a real 'cable' culture and some don't even know that you can buy an antenna and get free-to-air."

You're right. It was costing us $2400.00 a year for cable. That's why we quit that nonsense and put up the antenna! We get about 14 channels. That includes the 3 major networks, each also have about two or three affiliate channels. We also get 3 PBS channels too. One of those is Create. Lots of cooking shows, crafts, and home improvement shows!
We also have streaming boxes, so there's no end to our choices. We also have DVDs.
As if that isn't enough, we have a Family Video store just a block away from us. There's a Pizza parlor attached, so you can get dinner with a movie!
YUP! We are covered!😁


One plus of cable is that there is no lag time between flicking channels. You can easily flick through dozens of channels. Digital is like ‘flick...pause...flick...pause’.


Yeah that digital delay is maddening! I think it's quicker when the signal is stronger though.


I like to see what I'm looking for. Pausing makes more sense than that flicker show you describe.


My cable bill is sitting at $215, not happy about it, but cant get the wife on board with reducing or eliminating cable.


My husband had to convince me too. I learned to survive, and the best part is thinking about how much we save. the costs just keep going up. We cut the cord about 4 years ago. Most of those cable channels weren't even of interest to us anyway.


well I have a few more months at this "discounted" rate, so I am going to try another push to get her to reconsider the cable, hopefully she will see the light.


No TV here, so I get anything I want from the local library. Oh, and I watch some things on YouTube.


98% Netflix, 2% YouTube.

Stayed at a friend's recently for several weeks, house and dogsitting. They have cable and DVR. Even with DVRing, I disliked having to fast forward through the many commercials.


It's almost unbelievable how many commercials there are these days. I have no patience for them at all. It's the biggest reason I don't miss having TV.


It really is. Once I started counting how many there were per break, and think it was something like 15-20! Crazy. I don't miss TV either.


Streaming is probably 70% - Netflix and "others"
Cable is mainly for sports now. I recently got rid off TMN Canada and I don't miss it.
No downloading.


Mostly through streaming and DVDs from Netflix.



I confess once again that i use illegal torrent sites to download films,music,games and other things.


You are taking food from the mouths of these artist's children.


There are millions like me.


Than all of you are stealing content....


Without being caught.


Congratulations. Does that mean it's okay to steal, as long as you don't get caught?


Depends.You have to know when to stop or where the traps are,it's not that simple.


What's not that simple, stealing content?


Stealing content it's easy,from which site you download is the problem.


Stealing is always easier than buying things legitimately. It’s also always done at someone else’s expense. So, congratulations on being a dishonest thief.


Thank you,i quess


I don't really torrent music as I have spotify unlimited. I will for tv series and movies here and there.
