MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Stand By Me (1986)

Stand By Me (1986)

Watched this for the first time today. I realize it's a quaint/feel good/simpler times movie but I really don't understand its enduring popularity. How much of this has to do with River Phoenix's untimely death ??


Somewhat I'm sure, but River Phoenix died in 93, so I'd say it's more to do with Kiefer Sutherland's popularity which came shortly after as well as Corey Feldman's popularity prior to the movie with somewhat diminishing returns over the next decade for him and Wil Weaton's royal pain-in-the-arsey which came from the popularity of TNG - if we're going by actors alone.

I'd rather stipulate that we have some classic King writing with a nostos inspired by American Graffiti, which led to Happy Days, which further inspired The Wonder Years and much of the popular nostalgia which is inherent in popular culture these days.

It was Rob Reiner's best years and nested among The Breakfast Club and Explorers for most people really touched upon the difficult years of being a younger person, mostly notable in novels such as The Catcher in the Rye. The audience didn't have to be younger or older than the characters on screen in these movies, they just had to remember (If even for their first time).

Add to that a soundtrack that would keep Levi's stocked up for the next decade in advertising music and you have an automatic self contained circuit appealing to 3 generations of consumers.

That's my take on it.

Lollipop, lollipop. Oh lolli lolli lolli. Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli lolli lollipop πŸ”† (Badum dum dum)...


It's one of my all-time favorite movies, and it has been ever since it premiered. To me it's a masterpiece in every single way.

🎡I wonder, wonder who, who-oo-ooh, who! Who wrote the book of love?🎢


It's well shot, well written and well acted.

What's not to like about it 😊


Ti's indeed! πŸ˜€


None for me,I watched it before he died.
I love this film and everything about it.It's actually better than the novella in my humble opinion.
It reminds me of childhood,going on adventures,getting into real danger.Bonding with friends.


Ditto, here ! This story could have been lifted directly from my boyhood. I still both marvel and cringe, looking back at some of the dangers we somehow survived. The Adventures of (both ) Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer were two of my favorite books during said boyhood and reading The Body was reminiscent of those. I also really enjoyed this movie.


The bit where they're at the scrap yard always takes me back.Part of the fun was being on someone else's property,not maliciously but just to see if you'd get caught or could out run their dog.I also enjoy Lardarse and the pie eating competition! Oh god all that vomit.

In the summer we would leave in the morning on our bikes with a packet of cheese and pickle sandwiches and that was it until tea time (5 o'clock),but god forbid you weren't back at that time!


I mentioned in one of the games over the week end where I had had a close encounter with a deadly water moccasin. This was while trying to build a raft so we could navigate a huge pond in the woods where we would often play.

And wasn't there a scene in the movie where they were crossing a railroad trestle ? I had a very similar experience once while out exploring with my brother and best friend. I remember the gaps between the ties being so wide, I was paranoid about maybe slipping through one and plunging into the river below.


There was a railroad trestle scene, a very exciting one too!


Yeah, I seem to remember quite a bit of tension in that scene.


For me, nothing to do with that at all.

What I love about this film is the nostalgia indeed for simpler times. It reminds me of rambling around with my own little friends, albeit it we were girls not boys. It conveys very well an air of relatively carefree childhood despite the elements of difficulty and stress in the storyline.

It dismays me that someone will always bring up the issue of a dead star and assign a movie's entire appeal to that, rather than any other factor.

Do we all say people only like Citizen Kane because Orson Welles is dead? There are tons of dead people in movies everyone loves. Bit tired of this weird phenomenon.


I'd also add that all four boys carried the film almost on their own and all turned in wonderful performances.
I love it,I have to ration myself viewings!


No, it's just a very good movie. Simple.



For me, it really has nothing to do with River Phoenix's death since I saw this movie before he died. I read the novella first. When I saw that the story was going to be made into a movie I was extremely excited because I loved the story so much. Why? In Gordie's words, it reminds me that
" I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"


You do know there’s a Stand by me board on this sight right?
Seems like that would be a more appropriate place for this discussion.


There's a lot of love for this movie. I can appreciate that.
