MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do You Like Horror?

Do You Like Horror?

Me- yes, all things, books, films, TV


Yes, some.



Yes when imdb used to have boards the horror board was the one I frequented mostly, actually I rarely visited any of the other sections.
For me it's movies only though I'm not a reader or TV show person.
Guess 75% of my DVD/blu ray collection is horror.


yep, I was very active on that board, I found alot of great people and great movies


Unfortunately the horror section here is pretty dead like most of the other sections here. There is just too many other boards and facebook groups spread. I always grow tired of these fb groups after some weeks, you just can't get a decent discussion there. And most movie boards are similar to one another. It's handy to have movie database and community with different sections all in one but of course if people mostly post in general and 70% isn't really movie related I can understand it continues to be hard to get life in the other sections. Strange that ex-imdb posters didn't massively come over to this site. I guess imdb2 was just so fast that most of them ended up there in the first place. Don't know how active it still is now, haven't checked in ages and my account got disabled there anyway because I promoted some other sites.


I always say I don't, but that's not totally true. I'm just not a purist.

I like horror elements, but not pure horror. I don't like those horror movies that involve a girl in a wet, white t-shirt with a knife, running from a guy with an axe in farmland somewhere. I don't love horror/thriller, where it always turns out to be the main character being crazy, despite the movie explicitly showing scenes proving their innocence until some "big reveal" at the end that doesn't make sense. I'm not into gore fests.

I guess I like supernatural horror the best. But really, as long as there is a solid story and a lot of humanity in that story, then gore and chainsaws don't bother me too much. I don't just want to watch teenagers die because they decided to go camping or see people being picked off because someone was born on a farm so they must be crazy.


Yes I do. But my parents and relatives are 50/50 on it but then again, they are not as into movies as I am for instance.
