Star Trek or Star Wars?
Star Trek
shareI like both. When it was just the original trilogy and Star Trek: TOS/Star Trek: TNG I probably was more of a Trek fan but I think that had mostly to do with new stories on a weekly basis compared to a finished trilogy and seemly never ending wait for the sequels for Star Wars. I also liked the books better until Zhan and his trilogy revitalized Star Wars for me.
shareI only saw the first Star Wars when it came out. it was alright. Just not my cup of tea.
I'd have to say Star Trek, since I use to watch that show when I was a kid. The one with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. That was a fun show back in the day.
Those Trekkies are kind of scary now!
Star Wars by a mile...I have little to no interest in ST but props to any franchise thats been around for 50+ years
shareStar Wars. Never had any interest for Star Trek but I do like the new movies quite a lot.
shareFor me it comes down to who I like more: the best character in all of "Star Wars" (Darth Vader), or, the best character in all of "Star Trek" (Picard). And, since I like Picard a bit more, I ultimately prefer "Star Trek" a bit more.
shareVader is the man. All I know about Picard is that he was played by Patrick Stewart.
What did you think of the rebooted Star Trek films?
The last few minutes of "Rogue One," with Vader slaughtering all the Rebels, reminded me he was once The Man before the tail end of "Jedi" and the underwhelming prequels turned him into a tragic figure.
The rebooted "Star Trek" is okay. All the actors play their roles with aplomb though their efforts have not, unfortunately, hidden the fact that the scripts could be a lot better.
Star Wars.
Never saw a single episode of ST until recently. It was okay. Acting was terrible in the early episodes. No interest in seeing any of the films.
Mark Hamill's acting is some of the worst in a sci-fi/ fantasy film ever (and that's saying something). Admittedly, he's a terrific voice actor, which is what he should stick with. Putting him back in front of the camera for the next "Star Wars" film is potentially a very, very big mistake.
All I've seen of Star Wars is the first three films. The first was okay, The Empire Strikes Back was IMO by far the best. Didn't care much for the 3rd.
I agree Mark Hamill's acting was poor in it, however everything else made up for that for me.
I like both but prefer Star Wars.
shareStar Trek, because more multifaceted and thought-provoking. Star Wars pivots around space action, and jaw-dropping special effects and is easier to bore.