Famous films you haven't seen yet
"To Kill A Mockingbird"
shareLawrence of Arabia I haven't seen in full
I love the classics, but that movie is very boring.... You could have taken out an hour out, and not changed a thing.. I really didn't need to watch the camels walk ALL across the desert, we got the point, edit with a cut!
I could say the same thing about Lean's other movies like Dr. Zhivago, even The Bridge on River Kwai, but I liked the less grandiose "Brief Encounter" and "Ryan's Daughter"
It's A Wonderful Life
shareIts ok-ish...
Never understood the cult following tho
Not awful..just mediocre ...
its very corny - once is fine. I know people who watch this every year.
shareI know what it's about but just have never been interested enough to watch it.
Every year I must watch Christmas Vacation!
I finally saw the full movie last year. I can't say I get the appeal, there are better Christmas movies out there.
shareSame here, I still haven't seen It's a Wonderful Life. I've seen scenes but that's about it.
Hmmmm. Can't think of any off hand.
I haven't seen...
Requiem for a Dream
13 Assassins
Lady Vegeance
A History of Violence
The Basketball Diaries
Tombstone (1993)
Inside LLewyn Davis
And many more...
Metropolis (1927)
shareI only heard of 2 of those movies, action. The only one on your list I ever saw was Requiem for a Dream. I won't put spoilers out there but I'll just say I didn't like it at all.
World War Z
you said famous - these are not famous with respect
shareI've seen all of them.
Up was not that great. The villain was ridiculously old and the adventure was overly long. It has the most memorable montage scene in any animation film ever though!
shareOk, I'll restart...
Requeiem of A Dream
Star Wars Ep.II and III
Harry Potter 2-5 and 7
Citizen Kane
It's a Wonderful Life
I'm pretty sure they are famous (just not necessarily the ones I look forward to see).
I hate Star Wars so I agree with you on that
Harry Potter is for kids so forget that
Casablanca and Citizen Kane are two of my favorites. Welles performance in CK is a masterpiece
Its a Wonderful Life is corny but has a great message - once was enough
If you like Godfather you will like Scarface
I have never seen Requiem for Dream
I don't hate Star Wars in general, I just really let down by Ep.I so much I refused to see the Ep.II and III.
Harry Potters 1 and 6 watched just to spend time with some girls I had crush on at that time. I don't even understand the story of Harry Potter at all.
Fortunately I was already married when the 50 Shades of Grey craze begun. Phew.
I generally don't like high fantasy genre. Watched the LotR trilogy just so I can get with the conversation with my dad which was a big fan and kept talking about how great LotR is. Lol. Both of us have never watched any of The Hobbit movies though.
Game of Thrones though, is my number one tv series ever. I, too, don't know why.
The Godfather (all of them, even the third one) are my favorite movies of all time. I also like Goodfellas, Donnie Brasco, The Departed, etc. But mainly The Godfather. Just somehow I haven't got the chance to see Scarface. Weird.
I haven't watched a single Harry Potter movie. Am I missing out?
shareIf you were a teenage girl at the time of release of Harry Potter 1, then yes, you're missing a lot. If not, no, not at all.
shareI was not. When it first came out, I thought it was just for kids so I didn't bother. Then I found mostly everyone has seen it. There were so many after the first one, I just didn't bother getting into it.
shareYou are missing out. You’re also being lied to about not missing out.
shareYeah, I feel like I'm the only one who didn't see these movies. I also didn't see all of the LOTR movies either, just the first one. I haven't seen any of the Hunger Games either. I feel like these are all movies that almost everyone seems to have seen.
shareIf you liked The Fellowship of the Ring, you will like Two Towers and Return of the King. The Hobbit movies are not as good, although I did enjoy them.
The first Hunger Games was good but I found the sequels to be very predictable.
Thanks, I think I would have to rewatch the Fellowship of the Ring, as I haven't seen it since it was in theatre and that was so long ago now! I think I liked it alright, but wasn't overly excited over it. How many are there?
The Hunger Games is something I just never seem to get around to watching.
Many to be honest:
Godfather Part 2 and 3
Usual Suspects
Titanic But the latter I don't plan to watch it