MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If we killed all the bad people, like th...

If we killed all the bad people, like the violent thugs and whatnot, would the world really become a better place?

And would all evil be defeated just like that, so that we have no more injustice, no more suffering, no more pain and also no more unfair societies etc and therefore also no more angry discussions about certain things online (it happens today only because the world we live in is so bad) and no flame wars, even justified ones.

Or is it all actually reasonably complex and not that easy to accomplish and that there is often more to evil than meets the eye and mind?


Probably woulnt work
But lets start in the morning anyway;)


AK 47, .45 automatic, weapons of choice?


Pick you up at we get an early start!


No one would be here.

We all sin. Only God is good.

We are given free will. Satan still roams the earth.


Well then we had better shoot Satan first !!
Wonder what kind of security he has..?


He actually posts on the Star Trek Discovery board all the time. Nice guy.


'Nice guy...'
Second thoughts now


No. People always find ways to cause conflict...people always disagree.


Funny how, I recently got into a disagreement with one user on a previous thread who thought I talked way too much about rape in movies and even mentioned one particular aspect of it that was a little unusual in terms of me discovering thoughts of some men and I intended no offense whatsoever, I was just commenting on existence of double standards and different thoughts in our humanity including the mere fact that they exist.

I hope I wasn't being too offensive.


When you say "if WE killed", Who is "we"? Who would do all this killing? And what makes you think you'd be in the group doing the killing, rather than the group getting killed?
If 50% of the human race killed the other 50%, then everyone left alive would be a murderer.
Would that be a better world?
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
Violence is not a solution to violence.


By we I mean, well, the police, maybe us the civilized people, the victims of those horrible acts that wronged them etc?

Like, we can track down all known sex offenders, murderers, violent thugs, prejudiced people etc and go "Death Wish", "Taxi Driver" or "I Spit on Your Grave" on them, I mean if those scenarios work well in movies, and some of them like Taxi Driver are acclaimed classics to boot, why not in real life?


With all of that being said, I do agree of course that just because a violent criminal doesn't get killed or justifiably punished in any way, it does NOT mean they didn't do something wrong and awful.

So if I don't kill someone who has hurt or wronged me in any way, doesn't mean I think what they did to me was trivial.


You still don't get it. If you or 'we' track down all murderers and murder them, then the world still has murderers in it.
If you hire someone to murder for you, you are still guilty of murder.
What if the police ARE the thugs and murderers, then who will kill them?
A society that commits mass murder is not 'civilized".


Not until you address the conditions of life that make people become like that in the first place. It's not some genetic thing that you can wipe out by killing everyone with certain personality traits. People are shaped by their environments. If you kill everybody that's been shaped by an unjust world but leave the injustice that made them that way in place, all you've done is make yourself into a mass murderer, for nothing. So long as poverty, exploitation, oppression, bigotry, war, and so on exist, then people will continue to be shaped by those circumstances.

There's also the fact that one person's perception of a "violent thug" or other form of "bad person" is almost always shaped by his/her own experience and prejudices and may differ drastically from other people's perception of the same. Nobody thinks of themselves as "the bad guy", but for all you know, you just may be the one, killing people you judge to be bad based on your own personal prejudices while leaving a blind spot for others that you don't see that way (perhaps including yourself) but whom others may see that way and for good reason.


To illustrate my point, take for example this comment you made:

"By we I mean, well, the police, maybe us the civilized people, the victims of those horrible acts that wronged them etc?"

Who are "the civilized people"? Throughout history it's often been those who regard themselves as "civilized" and others as "uncivilized" who commit the most savage acts of all, convinced of their own righteousness. The British Empire, the Nazis, the Romans, the United States, the Japanese Empire, the Spanish and Portuguese colonialists, and so on. What makes you "civilized" and others not? This is what I mean. Frankly it could very well be the inverse.

As for the police, there are reasons why some people (primarily middle-class white people) identify the police as the "good guys" but others may not see them the same way. For example, take the fact that a black man is murdered by a cop every 28 hours on average in the United States, the vast majority unarmed and defenseless, shot in the street for some arbitrary reason. Police are people like anyone else, shaped by their environments, and their role in enforcing a power structure over other people makes them the agents of that power structure's prejudices and injustices. Cops are often corrupt, brutal, racist, historically have often been a prime base of support for fascism and apartheid in various countries (and of course then serve as the enforcers of such), and so on. So, you can't just say "the police" are "the good guys" who are going to help wipe out "the bad guys". To many, the police are the most violent of the "violent thugs" you speak of. Police reflect a ruling social system, which may often be unjust, and they will then reflect that injustice.

"The good guy" to one person may well be "the bad guy" to someone else who has a different experience with the same person, due to a different position on the social ladder.


Isn't that what Antifa is trying to do?


Well, it seems that evil is too much into most of our nature to just be wiped out then, correct?


Who has been killed by Antifa? And where have any Antifa stated such intentions?


Won't be long before they do kill someone. I've seen them physically attack people just because they consider them "evil".


As I understand it, Antifa has specifically made it its mission to resist fascism, racism and the like, not to go on a messianic crusade to rid the world of some vaguely-defined "evil".


But how will Antifa plan to do all that?


Seems like that's a question for those who insist that Antifa is out for such a purpose.


So you have actually never seen Antifa protesters in action, beating people up and calling for them to be killed just because they consider them fascists and racists? I have.


No, but I've seen lots and lots of alt-right people calling for Antifa to be killed, gloating over that woman who was murdered by being run over with a car and calling for the same to happen to others.

Also, I consider there to be a difference between aggressive violence and defensive violence, violence of oppression and violence of resistance. I'm not afraid of Antifa, but I am afraid of racists and fascists, and for good historical reason.


I was commenting on the idea of killing people because they're "bad", which seems to fit with the beliefs of many Antifa protesters.

I'm absolutely afraid of Antifa. They are sponsored by folks like Soros and supported by the media. Extreme racists are an extreme minority, extremely monitored and extremely alone.

Good that you mention history, some of the biggest mass murderers were communists like Antifa.


Actually, that's more likely to be a trait of those the Antifa are up against. The fascists in Charlottesville have already killed someone, ran someone over with a car. But for some reason the focus has remained on Antifa as "potential killers". Interesting, that. And helps illustrate my point about how concepts like "the good guys" and "the bad guys" are shaped more by where others are standing in relation to the people in question than to any objective reality.


Did the ONE guy run them over in the name of his ideology or because he was pissed at them beyond all proportion for blocking his way? Still not clear. But just because their opponents are horrible means they aren't? Antifa is pure scum and so is anybody who actually supports them.


Who the hell is Antifa anyway?




Sounds like some weird tough chick. :)


I am.




I will get bored for sure...nothing else to do...
