MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Strange But True ?

Strange But True ?

I was listening to radio show a few weeks ago.
They were discussing myths, old wives tales or whatever you want to call it.

They were particularly talking about myths surrounding women who are menstruating.
Two that I can remember-

Don't make mayonnaise during or the milk will curdle.
Don't shower during because the water will absorb in the skin and will make it last longer.

There must be a lot of these myths out there depending on where you live
and your culture. Some of the them sound very strange. Maybe some are true.

Wait 1 hr. after you eat before you go swimming.
Don't open an umbrella inside or you'll have bad luck .

One I remember from my days in Arizona.
If you watch a lunar eclipse during your pregnancy, your baby will have a cleft lip.

Anybody have any other ones?


You don't put milk in mayonnaise? Maybe that's the problem and not the menstruating woman.

Don't sweep dirt through the doorsill. Don't sweep when someone is traveling /like family and stuff, not just random people/. Lots of sweeping, I wonder if this was just so that women could get out of household chores.

Don't put your handbag on the ground.

Once you've left through the front door, don't come back into the house if you forget something.

Don't put bread with the upside facing down. That's disrespectful to bread.

Don't look at your hands because someone is talking bad about you.

Don't wear a hat indoors. Idk if this one is manners or superstition though.

If you break any of these generally bad things would happen.

That's all I got for now.


We're not here to judge who puts what in where.

Does traveling include going to cross town for the night ?

What if you forget your keys, money or your child inside?

How do you know if you cleaned your hands properly or how do you cut your fingernails ?


No, it's long distance traveling, like going to the next village.

You are doomed. Honestly, I don't know what happens then.

It's not "don't ever look at your hands". More, don't look at them for no reason I think.


Still not convinced on the whole hands thing but I'll allow it.


One crow sorrow, two crows joy.

You can't go in one door and then out the other. Bad luck.

Never take the broom with you when you move out of a house.

Don't try using someone's crutches or you will have a broken leg yourself soon.

Hmmmm.....can't think of any more.


What if there's 37 crows and their all staring at you?

I've heard the door one before.

The broom one was started by broom manufacturers many years ago so you would
keep buying new brooms.


the broom comment made me lol. I thought maybe it was about witches? I'll have to look that up but its probably something my family made up. haha

If there is a murder of crows, run! And that's my driveway every morning. I swear they have their safety meeting here before they go about their business for the day. :)


It may be . I've never heard the broom one before.

I hear ya. I look in my yard and see all those birds every day.
When I let my dogs out the birds go flying it blocks out the sky.
I guess if they don't fly that's when you need to start worrying.


Yeah, when I finally watched "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock I finally understood why people were nervous all that time. haha. We had to put a sign up at work not to feed the crows, but they never bothered me. Apparently they remember people and how they treat them. I think that must be where he got the idea from.
What kind of dogs do you have?


I have 4. They're a bunch of mixers.

Australian Shepard/ Catahoula Leopard Dog
Chihuahua/Rat Terrier
some sort of hound/lab


They sound gorgeous. Times like this I wish we could post pics. :)
I have one tiny Japanese Chin. That's it. He's my third same breed. I love mixed breeds better, they are just smarter. No doubt. More genes in the mix, more ways to be stronger. Would you agree?


I had a friend who had a Chin.
He was a cutie.
He was also a little barker if I remember . Does yours bark at everything ?


Mine is like a cat. He barks at nothing and grooms all day. I call him my living stuffed animal. Mind you, if another animal comes in the yard he will bark but nothing annoying.


That's strange.

Either you got lucky or my friend just got a barky one.
Cool dogs either way.


Just more bad luck on the doors? Or people typically use one door for their main and don't want you using the other one? haha


I wonder why ?

Are they ashamed of the other doors ?


Oh yea always go in and out the same door.


You agree? Why is it though? Weird superstition..


No idea why. Just told to do t growing up.


Me too, with the simple explanation.. ITS BAD LUCK. I think saying that was very popular. :)


If you spill salt you have to throw some over your left shoulder. I can't remember why though. LOL. Anyone know this one?


Yes, good one.

If you spill it it's bad luck.
If you throw it over your shoulder it cancels the bad luck.

In reality you now have salt all over your floor.


I know and if you are at a restaurant, the table behind you might get pretty pissed. I think that would make the throwing part the bad luck then... hmmm. Just don't spill salt is the bottom line.


That's actually a really good point.
At least bad luck for the people behind you.


Or you, if they want to get rough with ya. ;)


I thought it had something to do with spirits too, but maybe not.

I should make a ghost thread to see if anyone here believes in them or not.


Somebody made one last week I think.
There were some good stories.


I saw something like that on here too, but i don't think it was like "Do you believe?", I guess only people that did would have replied.. maybe?


No it wasn't Do you believe.
I don't remember what exactly it was . I know I got OT and talked about dreams and other things.
You should try it.


I read something about someone's experience about seeing something.

Before I do that,
Do YOU believe? ;)


I'm one of those people have never experienced anything that I haven't
been able to explain.
Here's the thread.


Yes, that's the one I was thinking of too. I read some of it. So do most people believe or what? Probably 50/50...
I have a hard time believing anything supernatural. Heard too many stories growing up for them to be real. Like... really. Some of the stuff my family says is just too hard to believe but they swear by it.. I dunno..


I guess if you've experienced something you believe if you haven't you don't .


I just looked it up.

The old brooms were thought not only to carry the physical dirt and dust of the old home, but with it the negative aspects of your life at the old place"


Wow, that's actually pretty cool. To be honest, I have always left my broom behind. So weird, these superstitions. Thanks for the thread though. Really interesting.


I thought it was too. Different people, different countries, different cultures.
I like things like this. Helps you discover some things about other peoples cultures that
normally don't get talked about.


So is that part of the Scottish culture? Not sure,but that's what my family is.. and that's where it comes from. I love things like this too. So cool. I also love sayings and figuring out why they became them.. like
"I don't wanna hear it from the peanut gallery" and "Beat around the Bush"...


I have these conversations all the time in the real world.
I'm asking people about these sayings.
People think I'm a weirdo I'm sure but nobody knows the answers.

Like- to butter somebody up or even the phrase gee whiz.


I know the peanut gallery was that was because that's where the cheap seats were and they were always loud...
Beat around the bush was when people who use sticks to hit the bushes and trees to check for animals..

To butter someone up... maybe to use butter because it wasn't cheap to make them on your side?


How does hitting a bush to check for animals have to do with what we use it for now?
Now it means quit stalling and get to the point.


Yeah, quit looking for those dumb animals and settle in cause we gotta hunt. I dunno. That's my guess. You make one.


I don't know, that's the point. Nobody knows.

I don't want to make a guess. I'd rather listen to yours and then rip them
apart. It's more fun that way. ;)


Well one that bugs me so bad is ..
"Hell in a handbasket"
Short of the witch in the wizard of oz I got nothing. haha


And was beating dead horses popular in the past? Because where did that saying come from?


These are all valid questions and ones I have every day.

This should have been your post. Much better than mine.


okay...i'll be quiet now LOL


I meant you should have posted about this instead of
Hey it's Friday.

I find it hard to believe you'll be quiet now. :P


That's what people say IRL. I talk faster than I type. and its alot of the same nonsense. I'm fun.


None of this news to me or anyone on MC.



Wow cool, I never heard that part about the devil before.


I can remember as a kid living in Germany, spotting a chimney sweep was considered to be an omen of impending good fortune.


Do you mean an actual person ?
That's interesting.
I wonder where that came from.


Yes, there's an iconic image of a sweep adorned in black clothing, his facial features covered with soot,wearing a stovepipe hat with a piglet under his arm ( that's the mysterious aspect to me ) .

I do have a vague memory of actually seeing one once, pedaling a bicycle, sans the piglet but definitely all dressed in black.


Just Google chimney sweep with piglet and you'll instantly see what I'm talking about.


First, If I ever saw a chimney sweep with a stovepipe hat on a bike I would consider this good luck.
Either with or without the piglet. How could you not? At the very least it's going to make you smile.

Second, why the piglet ? Did he rescue it or just a pet ?
This is intriguing. I feel this would have been on Real People back in the day.


' Real People . ' Hah, there's a show I used to really like which I haven't thought of in quite awhile; thanks for that memory jog ! 😁


That one and That's Incredible.
Never missed an Episode.
Good memories to be sure.


Yeah, I also liked that one as well.



I'm familiar with the song but was never aware of that lyric. Thanks for that confirmation to the superstition.


Can't make mayonnaise or whipped cream either when there's going to be a thunderstorm.

Sneeze in threes and tomorrow will be good weather.

Knock on wood three times to avoid a jinx .

Asians got a thing about sleeping with the fan will suffer certain death.

If your nose itches, you'll have company.

If it itches behind your right ear, someone's talking about you positively. If it's your left ear, it's negatively.

Seeing a spider in the morning brings bad luck, seeing a spider in the evening brings good luck.


This whole making mayonnaise thing fascinates me.
Are there a lot of people who make mayonnaise ?
Why not during a thunderstorm ?

What if you sneeze at midnight ?

No fan would suck. How about the an air conditioner? Does this count ?
Have a lot of people died with a fan on ?

What if the front of your ear itches ?

If I see a spider in the morning and the same one in the evening does it cancel out ?


I think the humidity makes it curdle or something. Cream and mayonnaise are just very sensitive. My sister and I always leave the whipping of the cream up to our mother, because it just stays flat when one of us does it.

No man, I don't think it cancels out if it's the same spider. It's all about the time of day. A spider in the afternoon apparently does nothing at all!


Poor mom. That's what moms are for though right ?
Either you or your sister will have to step up your game.

What if I step on the spider but don't know it, I look down to see what I stepped in
then I see the spider? Does this count?

Way too many variables.
Interesting none the less.



NO MILK IN MAYO- got it.

Dazed -Arachnid police. I love it.

They already call you on your day off about milk, do they do the same if they find a spider ?


My poor mom once stepped on a big, fat spider at night when she was heading towards the toilet. It made a nice crunching sound as well. I guess the bad luck goes both ways when a spider and a human encounter each after midnight?



I would imagine spiders have their own superstitions about us.

See a human at anytime is bad luck.

Crunchy? Ewww.
Please tell me she wasn't barefoot.


As far as I know, my mother never goes to bed with her shoes on.


I was thinking hopefully some slippers.

That is not a fun experience.
And you still make her whip the cream. *shakes head back and forth*


No slippers. Otherwise she wouldn't still cry about it 45 years later.

It's either that or eat curdled cream. I don't think anyone likes to eat curdled cream. Do you like to eat curdled cream?


"That reminds of the time I stepped on that spider with no shoes....."
Know exactly what you mean.

I've never eaten curdled cream so I can't discuss the topic intelligently.
My gut tells me I don't but who knows.


You don't. It tastes like the music of Air Supply.


Oh, You didn't tell me it was SWEET cream.

BTW I found anther person who isn't getting emails so it's not just you.


Ah okay. Thanks for the info. I still have to send Jim an email!


Just tell him who you are and that some of the cool kids aren't getting notifications.
That should bump you up to the top.


Tuesday - three bad hours.


Does this mean every Tuesday you have 3 bad hours ?


Yep,on those three hours nothing works as it should be.


Every Tuesday?

Is it the same three hours every Tuesday ?
Are the hours together or are they separate ?


Together,mate...for example...the first three hours at work,from the start of my shift,nothing is working...true story.It happens every time.


Chewing gum can really get stuck in your intestines for a long time if you swallow them.


Superstitions can be strange but you do realize NONE are "true"?

The ones surrounding menstruation especially, are just old fashioned misogyny.


This may or may not be the case.

All I know is I'm taking my 4 leaf clover and going outside to wait for a shooting start.

I'm also not taking any chances the next time I make mayonnaise.
Just in case. ;)
