MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > American Monuments being taken down.....

American Monuments being taken down.....

What do you think of this? Do you think that this is right or wrong?

For my part, I feel that they should stay up. Right or wrong, they are a part of our history. They are a reminder of what went on over the years. Nobody should ever forget history. I feel that by taking them down, no matter how offensive they are to certain people, even ME, we are taking away reminders of our rich history as a nation. To me, it would be the same as trying to downplay the Holocaust.
Tell me I am wrong, right, ??????
I'm interested in anyone's views on this controversial subject. I respect all views.


Those confederate monuments were not erected during or even right after the civil war. They were not erected to honor the southern losses during the war. They were not put up to learn any lessons from history. They were mostly put up by klansmen in the early 20th century, Jim Crow era, to send a message the same way burning a cross on your front lawn sends a message.
Needless to say I shed no tears for them being taken down.
There is absolutely no equivalence or analogy to a holocaust memorial. Holocaust memorials are to honor the victims, not to celebrate Hitler.


I appreciate your response, Popcorn. As you can see, there have been many here. Thank you for your thoughts and your information.


Things just get crazier all of the time. This is a thread on here from Fox News.....

'Gone With the Wind' screenings pulled from Memphis theater for racially 'insensitive' content......


The movie theater is a private business isn't it? It's not run by the government. They can show or not show any movie they choose.
I am not sure I understand the analogy between that, and monuments being removed from public spaces by that local government. i.e. They are not analogous at all.


I refuse to get into an argument over this.
I realize that the theater isn't run by the government, Popcorn.
I like your posts here and I appreciate your views on this subject.
The owners of the theater removed the movie..... WHY?
The local government removed the statues/ monuments...... WHY?
People are offended. Other people aren't.

We may not agree, on this subject. I do hope that this doesn't make us enemies.
This is not what I was going for when I started this thread.
To be honest, I am sorry I even started this. I have read so many opinions and I thank you and everyone. I just prefer to keep things less hostile. I have learned a great deal from this.
Thank you for your thoughts.


'The owners of the theater removed the movie..... WHY?'

Short answer: dollars.
Long answer: The same reason any business makes any decision. It's almost always about money.
They don't want to offend their customers. Getting the customers pissed at them will result in lowered revenues. Customers might stop going to that theater. It's usually the simplest reason with business. Of course there are some who are not offended, but this is the free market at work. If another theater owner wanted to curry favor with the group of people who celebrate the confederacy, they would be free to show that movie, or Birth of a Nation, or any other movie of their choice. But it might cost them customers from the group that is offended. So they usually base their decision on economics.
I don't know if your question was rhetorical or if you really wanted a reason, but this is the reason.

"The local government removed the statues/ monuments...... WHY?"
Short answer: votes.
Long answer: Because the statues were erected by the klan during the jim crow era and they are not popular with the current residents of that local area. With government, the answer is also usually simple: because the voting public wants the thing.


Well said popcorn


Just because something is "part of our history" doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken down. If it's wrong, get rid of it. Remember how the soldiers tore down the Saddam statue when we invaded Iraq?


Totally different situation, bat. Apples & oranges.


Glad that you weighed in with your opinion. I appreciate and respect all opinions. Many here have similar views.


If you mean the Confederate monuments, those aren't American history, or history at all.


Glad that you weighed in with your opinion. I appreciate and respect all opinions. Many here have similar views.


I think it's sad cause America is such a new country and doesn't have much history, and now it's tearing down the little history it has.


Many don't agree, but thank you. That is sort of how I feel. At first, I felt funny about sharing my views. I knew that many folks here wouldn't agree with me. I accept and respect their opinions though.
This is what makes this thread interesting to me. It is what I love about our country. We are a melting pot of different backgrounds, lifestyles, sexuality, nationalities, races, religious beliefs, political opinions..... you name it!
I may not agree with everyone here, but I am so glad that they are here to share their thoughts on this matter.


Well, what's happening in America isn't about monuments at all. They are just a convenient target cause they can't fight back. Monuments are a perfect target for cowards.


I hope they see it some time and feel somethign positive.
