MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Announcement Re: The Experimental Profan...

Announcement Re: The Experimental Profanity Filter

Hello everyone, I'm the newest MovieChat moderator.

The automated profanity filter was only an experiment. Due to your feedback, we've decided to remove it.

You'll also be happy to hear Jim is looking into fixing the character limit on posts.

Next time changes are made that impact members, we're going to do our best to post an announcement here in General Discussion.

Thanks for your feedback!


Thank you!
I'm not against having some sort of simple profanity filter, but the normal way is just to replace the " bad" word with asterisks. And the list of bad words is very small, only the worst swear words or racial slurs.
Words like jerk, stupid and shit are not profanity. Grown adults should be able to handle those words.


Oh thank goodness!! Language filters really are useless lol. And I don't mean that in a rude way. I'm only being honest. 😊

What we really, truly want and need is a complete 2-way ignore/block feature that blocks both ways and only eliminates the blocked person's posts, not entire threads. We should not be receiving website or email notifications from someone that we've blocked.

Please, please this really needs to be #1 new/modified feature. Thank you!! 😊


Nice to meet you Mod3
As far as profanity goes,I like a good swear up as much as the next person but not everyone does.I think what would be great is if posters self edited .Just,you know,use common sense!
Everyone has different ideas about what is and isn't acceptable of course. However maybe we ought to think about which words are necessary for us to get our point across without always resorting to profanity.So maybe using N or C words are not necessary.



Me too! I would do away with the tab altogether in General Discussion. We aren't all Americans, nor are we interested in Political discussion. All the articles in News, Rumors & Gossip are AMERICAN.....which is poor taste imo. Indeed, there is already a sub forum for discussing politics or even news, rumors and gossip, so people who want to discuss Trump or what have you should go there.

And if you are going to have articles from News, Rumors and Gossip, you can also have them from other countries, no?


Why not a Profanity Filter which could be turned on/off. Default would be on. Those who don't have an issue with profanity could choose to turn off the filter. tMDB has this type profanity filter.


Any idea as to when the problem with the multiple bolds/italics/spoilers/quotes will be fixed?


Well okay then.



Spammer alert!!! check the general board


I already reported some of them, but then I lost hope. I hit ignore button and poof... begone! Lol.
