MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are posts suddenly limited to only two o...

Are posts suddenly limited to only two or three short paragraphs?

Some sort of glitch or what?


Yeah, that's what I was wondering. I tried to do (what I thought) was a fairly-short post a week or so ago, and it told me that I had exceeded the 2000-character limit.

I've seen waaaay longer posts than what I was trying to do, so I didn't get it. Was it a glitch? Or are we really only allowed to do really-short posts from now on?

Is that the same problem that you encountered?


Yes. I didn't get any warning; after a certain point, it just wouldn't allow me to type anymore. It is some sort of change because I've written much longer ones here. I hope it's just a temporary glitch because a huge part of why I come here is that it lets me work in longer form than places like Facebook. It's like the old IMDb boards.

Also, and this is even weirder, it won't recognize any formatted text after the first one. Like I had two italicized words in a post and it made a hash of them until I knocked it down to only one, then it worked.


Also, and this is even weirder, it won't recognize any formatted text after the first one. Like I had two italicized words in a post and it made a hash of them until I knocked it down to only one, then it worked.

Oh good. I thought that it was just happening to me.


I E-mailed Jim all about the formatted-text issue weeks ago, but it still isn't fixed nor have I gotten any reply.


That is the future. I envision a time, not far from now, when people will express their thoughts with just a dozen or so characters and anything more will be tl;dr and impolite.


Conciseness rocks!


Your prophecy is coming true: the #1 topic in General Discussion today has been "Emoji Movie Game"!!




Reminds me of Twitter


But there is a bright side too. Our female counterparts don't like much the verbose type, especially those who wield words like swords. It gives them headache and makes them distrustful.

Yep, "Before Sunrise" is mostly a male fantasy. If you are not Ethan Hawke and try his thing on a girl, you will get much less female appreciation than him.

Let's keep this board girl friendly.


If true, it's an egregious assault on free expression which, in conjunction with the intrusive moderation many are beginning to notice, spells doom for the future of Moviechat. Too bad. I actually liked the layout here, but the community is not growing and there are a number.of red flags that things may only get worse.


The first amendment only applies to government intervention on you. It is perfectly ethical for private site to limit your expression.


The size limit got cut way short recently. Way too short. It's really annoying actually. There was nothing wrong with the previous size allowance, no need to make it so short. What's next, are we going to become Twitter, limited to 240 characters or whatever it is there? This is a site for discussing movies, which often entails a fair amount of analysis that the new size limit really doesn't leave room for. Heck, on the weekly "what movies did you watch this week?" thread, I can barely even list the handful of movies I watch each week without hitting the size limit. It's just too short.


Given that it's a recent innovation, it would probably be relatively simple to fix. That needs to happen.


I don't know why this change was made. As far as I know, there wasn't any problem with overly long posts.

I liked it better the way it was. Or at least the character limit should be doubled.


A lot more than doubled.


I think it should be shorter. Think about it. More posts means you participate more. Every idea you put down is a another post and it actually helps to organize your thoughts better.


That's an interesting question. I was mildly rebuked about a month ago for my short posts. Go figure. I sort of think brevity
is a virtue.

