MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Here's what owner of sai...

Here's what owner of said about Catbookss

" if we as a community were to decide we wanted mods here, i would probably only allow them very restricted authority, not free reign with powers unchecked. banning would only be an option after repeated warnings, and only for the most egregious of acts, like things that are technically illegal, or repetitive disruptive trolling in communities where thoughtful discussion is the established norm. basically, just don't be like Catbookss over at moviechat. i've seen how damaging his/her blatant trolling has been and this behavior won't be allowed to take place here. "

Now you know what a troll Catbookss and his cronies are.



I thought you were trolling at first but it really does say that there and nimda is the admin of that site and so our resident troll here has a following elsewhere by the looks of it.

I wonder if Jim and Moderator1 will consider this when reviewing their reporting of "Issues" they have with members here.


I would not troll about this!


As far as I can see you are reporting upon an issue within the wider community as a public service announcement.

How true it is, what history there is behind it or indeed whether or not they are the same people is all up in the air.

An interesting thing to note though as my Spidey-senses were tingling heavily with them here the other day.


That user is not the only one. Nimda is shrewd and i am sure Jim isn't stupid either. Nimda won't allow such nonsense.


Jim should learn from nimda




In the same post, the owner of IMDbarchive later says:

"i meant it was Wilson that was the troll over there. i got them mixed up. Catbookss, i apologize."

Just for the record.


Are you suggesting that Catbookss and I are the same user?


No, I'm quoting the post from IMDBarchive admin. Have you read it?


Sure did. The complete lack of film conversation around here just deepens and deepens.

There's going to be nobody left at this rate.


""i meant it was Wilson that was the troll over there. i got them mixed up. Catbookss, i apologize.""

LOL, Wilson? Why am I not surprised? Although how he or she could have mixed the two of us up is beyond me. But, IMDbarchive owner, thanks for the apology. Apology accepted :)




owner of IMDBarchive hmm


I think Jim and Nimda are both great - for now ( can't say about the future )


I get a "Sorry! The page you requested was not found" message clicking on your link. What did it say?


Who cares.



You and your socks give me far more credit than I have. Thanks, though, I guess, for thinking I have so much pull, on this or any other board.


LoL Cat. 😉


Styx, :)


And what are YOU doing...Ben?

Why are you acting like such a little sissy about it and spreading rumours? Why don't you mind your OWN damn business and let Jim do his job? I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

Frankly, I'm on my last nerve with the whole General Discussion Board. It's nothing but miles of threads about mods, mods, mods, trolls, trolls, trolls, and seeing who can bash who the the furthest down the hole. There's no sensible discussions on this board at all anymore. It's become a full blown joke! And YOU, I trust about as far as I can throw, so don't go trying to act all you're doing everyone a favour by tattling on other's like some kind of 5 year old child! God...grow TF up!! Jesus...I feel like I'm in F'n kindergarten or something!

I'm done here. I'll go find some movie or actor boards with stimulating conversations, not this constant, endless BS and bickering about who should and shouldn't be a mod and who the trolls and their socks are. Speaking of seem to have quite a collection of socks of your own so who the hell are YOU to speak AT ALL!! You're nothing but a little shit disturber!

As they say..."People aren't always who they appear to be." And as Benjamin Franklin quoted: "Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see." Good quotes to live by.


I hope it calms down StyxNyx. It is a bit heavy handed here though and I think a break is a great idea for anyone who has had to tolerate it this past week.


Thanks Wilson, same here. There's just too many threads of bickering and it's just getting ridiculous. It could've all been done on 2 or 3 threads, no need to start a new thread only to have the same bickering discussions over and over again. It gets old. Actually, it's gotten old many threads ago.




Yea! Ditto! Right On! Couldn't have said it better!🤗


He said he was cold!



At this point I don't know who to trust!



Use the force is what you are saying?

