I think the boards are coming more and more alive here. Not at the level IMDB had, but really promising I think.
And the banner at the top of the main screen with the movies people most recently replied at, is a really great help with that.
I was more a lurker than a poster, but trying to post more to generate traffic.
It's barely been two weeks since IMDB closed the boards and MovieChat is in it's early days. You don't develop a big community over night ;)
I, too, was a lurker mainly, and rarely ventured into the general forums. I liked that I could look for insight on the specific movie/show/actor/etc. boards.
I think a lot of people don't know where to go or are still getting their bearings after the shut down.
And IMDb had plenty of dead boards with no or few posts, or with sporadic activity.
I really think IMDB has made the wrong decision here. For one the decision alone. But also the way they have executed it.
2 weeks notice, closing the boards early, not having a few months where the boards are read only. And the way they communicated about it. You can use facebook of twitter. That's just a joke and I find that they made us the joke. How dumb do they think we are.
Because of this attitude, people are not only looking for an alternative for the boards, but also for IMDB as a whole. I secretly hope that this will be their downfall, just for the message that users are what IMDB made and makes. Just like fans make the star.
I have learned a lot of alternative which I really like, like tastekid. Have been looking for such a site for ages. rottentomatoes, had heard of it but never felt the urge to go there.
Because of the way IMDB has treated their users, I think that imdb will lose a lot of its market share and no longer be the ONE source for movieinfo.
"I secretly hope that this will be their downfall"
According to Alexa graph for IMDb, the end of that downward trend for IMDb is over. And it's pretty much on the same level where it started, if not slightly higher. Which means that IMDb wasn't affected by us leaving.
I have a feeling this happened because it coincided with Oscars and the site was busier than normal, and we might still see a small drop in traffic, but nothing earth shattering, I'm afraid.
Actually, one of the reasons IMDB handled it so poorly and quickly is financial related. Advertisers were soon discovering that IMDB was overinflated its user numbers and advertisers were pulling out. So IMDB's excuse that the boards were no longer providing a "positive experience" was just a lame excuse to get rid of them as fast as possible to avoid losing ad revenue. That's why they handled the whole situation so stupidly and swiftly.
shareI believe that too. There had to be an explanation and this does it for me.
"I secretly hope that this will be their downfall"
I kind of regret saying this, not really my style to be this harsh. So I'll take that back if possible :).
On a final note... you talk about "positive experience".. Maybe IMDB meant their own 'positive experience' were no longer provided (i.e. ad revenue :)). Just kidding.
We ALL have to do our part by posting links to this site (along with a description about how all the posts from IMDb have been transferred to here) in all of the social media circles that we frequent. If we keep up a vigorous campaign to enlighten people about this wonderful place, the more it will grow and grow. Rome wasn't built in a day, so it will take some time. But every single person we attract brings us closer to a bustling community!! 😊😊😊😊
shareI agree it will take time but we must try!
shareAgreed... please go to facebook and like MovieChats page... post on your own page and provide the link here. Its important that people know that the posts from IMDB are transferred here.
shareI have, and I do regularly. In fact, IMDb's Facebook page blocked me for spamming their page repeatedly with the link to moviechat.org LMAO!!!!
shareLol good to hear!
shareThe situation is the same on all the other IMDb replacement sites that have individual boards. You can check how your favorite movies are doing there, or if they have anything other than generic chat you described. I checked that for some movies, and didn't find much difference.
As far as movies go, this will change once new movies hit the screen. People will want to debate them somewhere. For old movies, new messages are gonna be scarce indeed.
For TV Shows, it depends. I see more activity and more specific conversation on current series boards, but it's a far cry from IMDb, and it will be for some time. I guess we are all still shy. :)
And I'm prepared to wait as long as it takes for this place to grow. It just requires patience and faith, and most of all a positive attitude. Society is so dominated by instant gratification that people have lost the capacity to wait, and expect everything now. This board deserves a chance, and like others have said, Rome wasn't built in a day, and we need people like you to remain here to keep this place active to draw the attention of others.
Don't give up on us.
A mouthful and so true that, Babestation.
shareCouldn't have said it better Babe! 😃👍👍
shareI agree that people who were previously lurkers need to try to post more. I was basically a lurker at IMDb, I'm going to try to more often here though. But since old movies are my main area of interest I may be a bit lonely.
So if you watch something, come here and comment about. It doesn't have to be anything brilliant...(as I will soon prove).
Fellow former lurker. I have been randomly commenting here and there. Mine certainly have not been brilliantly thought out either, but it's been fun and has gotten some attention.
share" It doesn't have to be anything brilliant...(as I will soon prove)." PA LEEZ! I'm beginning to realize many who lurked there might be those reluctant to comment for a lack of brilliance.
Good Gracious Alive! I've chosen threads here with the intenton of commenting and failed after reading all the 'brilliant' long comments of others. We really need to stop witholding our thoughts.
I use to be good with discussion, still am when not in one of my dark time capsules when I absolutely have to be forced to say even one word (poor hubs) like for the past 14 months. This site just happened to catch me during a very bad time, but I've tried to stop my lurking. It's actually helped feel more connected.
So, C.K. Dex, if the Will is there to keep this site going let us ALL comment. It was a pleasure to see your comment. Participation is vital.
ps. I never liked to see anyone sit on the sidelines. Everyone has something to contribute.
pps. "But since old movies are my main area of interest I may be a bit lonely." I like old movies too.
Now, was that brilliant..NOPE.
shareFormer lurker, current poster, trying to help build this new site. I'm more interested in old movies and TV, too. I say go ahead and reply to old posts, even very old ones. Although the original poster may not be here to see it, you'll invite new responses that just might uncover new insight into a movie, show, character, story, etc. Brilliance not required. ;-)
shareYep volume is more important than quality at this point, if people just post a few sentences about what they are watching it will have a big effect on attracting new posters.
shareDexter...I like old movies, they're often much better than the new ones!
shareI never posted comments on IMDB...I only read the comments after I watched a movie or series... Now I joined this site, and will start commenting. I want this site to succeed, and glad that the posts from the other site was transferred here.
shareIt's a new site. As the others have said, give it time and be patient. Admittably, I am a bit disappointed about the lack of activity, but at least people are posting. I didn't even have an account IMDb, just lurked, but I joined this to help it grow, and because I wanted to interact with an online community again. Jim is very devoted to making this site the best it can be. The least we can do is keep it as active as we can.
shareStop lurking and start posting.LOL I am trying to do my part. I've posted on favorite TV shows and started new threads on shows I love.
Just start posting! Who knows how many people you will inspire to post when they see a good thread! Let's just keep up the good work. Hopefully people will come.
I can promise to post, but I can't promise it will be a good reading ;)
share"but I can't promise it will be a good reading ;)" Oh, I'm sure even a Hi will be good reading.
I'll have you know I read every comment under every thread under every board I go to. My son's always asking "Mum, how do you know that?" 'Cause I read the boards even if I don't watch a show or movie or want to get into a political debate or watch anime. I've been a ferocious reader from the time I Could read. I like learning 'bout stuff!
Don't eva eva eva discount your thoughts. One man's trash is another's treasure. I treasure words. Don't matter how they be stung together chil'.
I hope you'll post, Apis. You might be surprised how many people are interested in what you have to say.
shareI am! Lol. Just saying that I didn't post on the original boards, but I'm posting whenever and wherever I can here.
shareI think it's great you went from being a lurker to joining in on here. I think it's great, generally, that that seems to be a trend for a couple posters on MovieChat. I've seen the word "lurker" thrown around a lot, so the mere fact that they've come from the shadows to help this along is encouraging to me.
I can't add much because most of it has been said. The site is new, people themselves need to be the ones trying to post, spread by word of mouth, and just be patient! I'll add that along with posting responding is important as well. If someone posts something give them an answer or something to bounce off of in return, because they're trying and I feel like...not only is it a good feeling to get a reply, but it also keeps motivating and promoting activity.
And posters here have one very important quality (and I'm sorry I've hijacked my reply to you Leia to ramble like this), they have loyalty it seems. That will and can go a long way towards propping this place up. Maybe there won't be millions, but the ones that are here are committed and dedicated, from what I've seen so far, and that says more to me than if this site was a boomtown, honestly.
No problem, lol. Thanks, assuming it was meant as a compliment.
Also, when you said lurkers coming out of the shadows to help, I just pictured a dark alleyway, with people in cloaks slowly walking into the light.
That was one thing that was tough about IMDb.Once you went to comment on a specific movie or show, there would be no incentive to go back unless someone replied. When this would happen, there would be many threads from years and years that never get responded to. There would be so many unanswered posts. Members would delete their emails associated with IMDb message boards and change to new ones. This is why I hope this website alerts everyone on that specific thread, when someone replies.
One way to start the traffic is to comment on here on what show you want people to meet you at. I had some positives, when I had done that the first time. Additionally, make sure your reputation is really good on the "General Discussion" boards. Many times you will find that if someone enjoys writing to you on here, they will want to write to you on every comment you make or offer any input on any movies/shows you suggest.