MovieChat Forums > Politics > It's a shame that this country is about ...

It's a shame that this country is about to be taken over by pathological liars, trolls and lunatics.

The election was closer than it seemed initially, but the Democrats still need a lot more charismatic politicians with very direct personalities who aren't afraid to talk some serious shit (while still sticking to the truth). The party also needs a more efficient news media ecosystem (especially online). None of this will convert lifelong Republicans or MAGA cultists, but it should fire up the base and win over independents.


They need a more efficient news media ecosystem? Oh dear. At one point in the not so distant past, this party had a chokehold on the entire media ecosystem. And even today, the legacy, mainstream media threw their entire weight behind getting the low-IQ diversity hire over the finish line.

This is another take on the "our ideas were great, we just didn't get the message out!" trope. No, it was the messages that were rejected. The country heard you loud and clear and thought, "that doesn't work for me, brother!" The left pushed insane ideas about race, sex, and economics and people were repulsed.


The sad part is that the Democratic leadership will probably assume they were not Republican-lite enough. All this right after Kamala lost while campaigning with Liz Cheney and Mark Cuban.

They need to go more left. Almost 20 million Democrats stayed home. Target those voters instead. Not the suburban soccer mom who will probably vote Republican cuz I dont know, she saw a facebook post about litter boxes in the schools.


I mean, the issues are systemic. We could say the Dems should do this or that, but at the end of the day they're beholden to corporations & lobbies. Maybe not as much as Republicans. They're not interested in allowing a viable 3rd party to form.

Putting that aside, what would be good for the Dems? Messaging-wise they should abandon identity politics & embrace economic populism. Half the ppl on this forum think Dems = groomers wanting to change your child's gender and then molest them. Still protect the vulnerable and minorities legislatively, but don't mention race, sexuality, gender identity, etc. Their policies should benefit everyone, except the ultra rich.

So yes it's great to promote & support, for example, black female businesses. But many of the talking heads you see advocating for this end up dividing people. They think if minority group X gets something, that means everyone else gets nothing or worse, must give up something. Maybe the answer is to be colorblind, LGBTQ-blind. Our policies cover everyone so race, gender, orientation are irrelevant to the conversation (while still important personally). Idk maybe that's easy for me to suggest as a white guy. I think Bernie Sanders '16 & '20 platforms were our best shots at restoring balance to our egregious income inequality economic system.


Almost 20 million Democrats stayed home.

Are those the same millions that stayed home during the 2020 election due to the scamdemic and mailed their ballots? … Explain why those same millions couldn’t mail their ballots for the 2024 election?🤔


You're missing the point that they didn't want to vote.


EvIdEnCe please


They need to listen to their constituents. Trump is a slimeball, but at least he gives the impression that he listens. Democrats don't listen to their voters' concerns, take them for granted, demonize some of them and then assume voters are going to support them on election day.

They're still clueless and NOT listening.


Yes keep going left, I beg you. Continue to campaign with soon to be prisoner Liz Cheney. You’ll continue to lose.


Biden and the traitorous Dems can't get out soon enough!


The election was never closer than it seems, not by a long shot because the liberal media mislead you this way on election night along with Ann Selzer of the Iowa Register feeding people a load of crap that Harris was 7 points ahead when in fact, it was Trump who was 10 points ahead of her!! She got her ass pounded(and she's used to it) and it's over. You have a New Daddy Next Monday at High Noon


I keep saying, it wasn't Republicans winning, it was Democrats losing.
For many decades Democrats have positioned themselves just a little bit less right and a little bit less authoritarian as Republicans and then told the voters "vote for us, we are the lesser evil".
This time around many Democratic voters found this lesser evil still too bad to vote for, mostly because Harris has made crystal clear she would keep the wars in Ukraine and Israel going.
Therefore Democrats stayed home, didn't vote and Republicans won the elections because they all went to vote.

Shame on Democrats for being such a war mongering evil against the strong will of the vast majority of their voters who want to end all wars.


I think you are confused. The pathological liars, trolls and lunatics were just rejected and are about to leave, while the mature adults are about to come back in and clean up their mess. Respect President Trump, he cares about you.


I think you misspelled re-elected.


Nope, I did not misspell anything. You people drove the country into the ditch, the least you could do is shut up and get out of the way while Trump cleans it up.


The third world country you ordered will be here shortly.


Typical liberal fear mongering. Things were great during Trump’s first term and there’s no reason to think they won’t be great during his second. Brandon and Kamala were an unmitigated disaster and people who voted for those two fuckers have no moral authority to question anything Trump does. People who voted for them also should be forced to pay reparations to the people who did the right thing by voting for Trump in 2020.




I intend to. You should send Trump a thank you for caring about you and doing what’s best for you. Sit down, shut up and learn your place you crybaby loser.


Democrats need a message and a platform that doesn't suck. One not rooted in Marxism, self-loathing and hatred for one's own country. Own not wholly dependent on the ignorance of the average voter. One that doesn't destroy the nuclear family and perpetuate racial strife. One that actually gives a shit about the people it claims to.

More efficient news media? 99% of news media is nothing but leftist propaganda and they still lost. Over 90% of counties in the US shifted right. Despite having a choke hold on social media. Despite having near total control over the narrative and the flow of information.


You need a reality check.
There isn't anything remotely Marxist anywhere in American politics, it's nothing but corrupt and war mongering capitalists among Democrats just like among Republicans.
Nobody in politics cares about the country, they all care exclusively about enriching the richest of the rich ever further, while making the wildest promises to voters but never keep them, Democrats and Republicans alike, there is next to no difference.
There's nothing remotely left in news media either, because they all run propaganda for one of the two parties, meaning they run propaganda for corrupt and war mongering capitalists.

Marxism exists in the middle of capitalism and is spreading independent from political forces, because Marxism doesn't want to be in politics, it's exclusively a concept of how to organize production of stuff.
The advantages are from a capitalistic profit point of view so huge, that ever more companies go for it, no matter what the large corporations and their shareholders want.
Marxism is the idea of getting rid of authoritarian owners of businesses and rich share holders sucking money out from above, Marxism is the idea of a company owned by the ones doing the actual work, making all business decisions democratically among all the workers, they are known in the US as "worker co-ops" and their numbers are increasing especially in Silicon Valley where ever more startups discover there's way more profit for everybody actually working if there aren't people on top sucking out profit.


Biden admin also lied as well, they're both guilty. I do think the other side lies more though due to the amount of BS and echo chamber conspiracy stuff that spews from that end.


Talk about an echo chamber...
