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what is the origin of life on earth?

How did life start?




dude 😎


Reality is on the back of a turtle shell, or - we are an organism living inside another organism. Our planet is a living cell inside (SOMETHING) and we unfortunately are helping the cancer by paving and cementing all the land.

Zoom out on Google maps and hit the little yellow guy icon and you will see how we are covering the planet with unnatrual contruction. We cover the soil so it cant breath. Then we chop down the trees and suffocate the planet (cell) even more. We dump unnatural toxic chemicals in the land, rivers and oceans and outer space.

The cancer is advancing and we help it along. Soon the world will be one giant ball of concrete and sludge, cancer kills cells as well. Agent Smith wasnt wrong.

In short, we are inside someones body and life was created by sperm.


"In short, we are inside someones body and life was created by sperm."

I have a similar belief. We're in somebody's thoughts for whom most humans refer to as God. We're basically his entertainment like "The Sims".



Intelligent Design (God) vs Randomness

The universe is finely tuned for life, with over 200 physical parameters that are so exact that they could not be random. For example, if the Big Bang had been slightly more powerful, galaxies and stars would not have formed.

The odds of a universe creating itself to then support life on Earth are at zero since everything needed to fall in place perfectly.

Begins at 7:30

"It is unreasonable to believe that when there are a myriad different forms of life in the universe below man in the scale of evolution, there cannot also be some other forms above him, nay, that there cannot also be some ultimate form of supreme intelligence which takes a cosmic view of things. It would then be impertinent indeed to foist on such a superior intelligence only the senses developed by man's partial experience, when it could become world-conscious in its own larger way." - Paul Brunton

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . . We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” - Max Planck

“Consciousness cannot be counted for in physical terms, for consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else. Quantum physics reveals a basic oneness of the universe. Multiplicity is only apparent; in truth; there is only one mind.” — Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Laureate


Why, assuming you are a theist, do you think a deliberate supernatural would have designed a universe that is mostly cold, dark and 'empty', cruel and blind in the way it operates, overwhelmingly hostile in its conditions to the only intelligent life we know of, plonked perilously off-center in a nondescript galaxy??

No points for "God works in mysterious ways".

Also the problem with inductive reasoning of the 'fine tuning' argument(s) is that one has no other universe to compare things with. It is like deducing all possible life forms from the platypus.

One also observes that while some scientist accept that some thing things are 'fine tuned' in their sense, no one as far as I am aware has published a peer-reviewed paper suggesting the 'Tuner' was God. That is, there is a distinction to be made between 'fine tuning' and Intelligent Design (or, let's not be squeamish: Creationism).

Consciousness cannot be counted for in physical terms, for consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else

There is no logical reason why one cannot see consciousness as just the result of the evolutionary struggle to survive, i.e. the logic of advanced biology seeking to gain an advantage and co ordinate different systems the most successfully - with this end result.


We are an alien ant farm.
