Subway in Poland
What do you notice?
Subway in U.S.
Looks about the same as Poland
I think the OP was more interested in the differences of the interiors. Something closer to this:
Interior of U.S. subway at :39
Lets just cut to the chase: It's the blacks. Got it? The negroes. There are no monkeys in Poland except in the zoo.
shareYou'll notice the US one in that video is empty. The new strategy by the left to solve the violence in subways is to have them stop picking up passengers. It's a bold move but so far the empty trains have had zero instances of assault, robbery or murder.
shareIts a bold move Cotton.
shareThe DC Metro, which serves the wealthiest set of counties in the Umited States, looks halfway decent when you film it with no one on the platform. But in real life there's no shortage of boogies and undesirables milling about. Worse yet is the fact that train operators are make-work jobs for local color, so when you get on the train, they often mispronounce the names of the stations - in their own language.
shareNotice in Poland nobody is being beaten to death or harassed.
shareIt's a bright train and this is the reason:
haha thats awesome! we need to do that here.
sharethat one cannon looks like its filled with poop. why is it brown? lol
shareMy Polish countrymen don't fuck around. We don't want third wold shitskins in Poland.
shareGive it some time and that will change, unfortunately.
shareThey are all caucasian??
Im just trying to guess at your question here. But if you are asking whats the difference that I notice, that would be it.
Ah, my beloved Poland, my country of birth. The first thing you’ll notice when you arrive is that the 'Usual Suspects' are conspicuously absent. Do they exist? Unfortunately, yes. But they’re very rare and kept on a very short leash. And if they step out of line, they’re swiftly humbled and brought to heel. We don't tolerate monkey behavior in Poland. We also don't tolerate faggotry. We are very based indeed.
sharecuriousMInd- many of my ancestors came from Poland. I’ve heard all the Polish jokes. But now the joke is on many other countries. Poland controls its borders, does not accept the dregs of the world, has a low crime rate, etc.
shareI know exactly what you mean. Back in junior high, I had to sit through an endless stream of Polack jokes. I still had a Polish accent back then, so, of course, everyone I talked to felt compelled to tell me the same tired Polack jokes I’d already heard a thousand times. And now, those same people are all over Twitter talking about how Polish people are the best and how they want to move to Poland — where it’s a White country with traditional values, well-educated people, beautiful women who aren’t feminists, and so on. The irony isn’t lost on me.