I challenge anyone to legally explain to me why what a rape victim was wearing when she was raped is relevant.
Just checking to see if there are any rape apologists here.
shareJust checking to see if there are any rape apologists here.
shareWhen I was a kid, women were put on the stand and questioned about their clothes and sexual history. Any nonvirgin was "asking for it" too.
shareIs this still a thing? I mean, I'm a middle aged man, and in my life this has ALWAYS been seen/disscussed/presented as the actions of a particularly sleazy lawyer with a guilty client.
This pastor thinks it's relevant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOHgrW-dmjY
shareI mean, if she's walking around with her ass hanging out blatantly I would argue many Men who have a Penis would take notice of it, some might even try to assault her over it.. Not saying she's asking for it, but this doesn't help either.. I suppose now I'm a rape apologist, right??
shareMaybe it's a gotcha question. It could be used in a consensual defense. Men go out to attract a female sexual partner by dressing up well and perhaps showing muscle and abs in a tight shirt. They may flash the cash to attract the opposite sex. Women show off legs and cleavage to attract a sexual partner. These men and women may and go and have consensual sex. A woman may then say she was raped. A man could also rape a woman. Happens both ways. I suppose now I'm a rape apologist.
shareI'm telling ya.. 💯 I'm waiting for the OP to respond
shareFACT: Rapist rape because they want to not because they have to. Prove me wrong.
shareI dont think you apologist , all you did was re phrase the OP
I think men are allowed to take notice, they are not allowed to harass her in any way , let alone assault her.
"this doesn't help either." is a misnomer.
Thats like saying someone with a nice pair of shoes is asking to be mugged / burgled
or a nice car , or any other posse ion
Nice trolling. Maybe you can get someone to say something ugly on the subject that will satisfy your need to feel virtuous. Nothing like building your ego off the victims of sexual violence
shareFACT: I'm more virtuous than people who think the way a woman dresses is relevant in rape cases. Prove me wrong.
shareCould be relevant if she was not wearing anything and had a big tattoo that said she likes being raped
shareFACT: Rape would not even be justified even if there were only one man and one woman left alive. If the woman does not consent the human race ends. Prove me wrong.
Not defending rape here, ok, just so you're aware.
The clothing thing is usually used in courts in one of many ways to tell if the accuser is lying or not. A real rape victim that's telling the truth will remember a lot of key details in what happened, and not change their story at all, and they remain consistent in their story. A fake rape victim will not be able to keep their story straight, is often inconsistent with the details they provided, and the entire narrative falls apart when proper evidence and historical research is brought into the deal.