I might be completely uneducated on the matter but my understanding on it is that after WWII... the surviving Jews migrated to their 'Holy Land' and set up a new state; Israel... and the people already there considered it their 'Holy Land' and were unable to share and tolerate a new people coming in so they've been fighting ever since. A pretty simplistic overview but what am I missing here? There's always more to the story and who knows, I might even be way off.
It's not something I've spent much time on researching. Call me naive but I really thought we were beyond this kind of barbarism by now (or we certainly should be since ISIS was dealt with)/ killing civilians, parading their corpses around and spitting on them, shouting 'God is Great' in the process. Do people in the west act like that? I've never seen it. If you're going to act like animals or primitive peoples then you'll be treated as such... you can cry subjugation and oppression all you want but until that kind of conduct changes then don't expect any respect from the west.
Start by holding those "Allah Akhbar" freaks accountable. I can't think of a more blasphemous thing to do then to shout that in the process of such acts. Do the 10 commandments not apply to all 3 monotheistic religions?
I watched a video on infinitewaters (youtube channel) where he states something like 150,000 Palestinians have been killed since 2008 by Israelis. Why are they doing that... just because? I want to know more... but the conduct, the barbarism and disrespect is something that really stands out along with the murder and it's all got to stop.
The Jews didn't set up that state by themselves. They were scattered to the four winds ages go in what was called the "Diaspora." They migrated in scattered, small groups across the western world, ending up in parts of Europe, northern Africa, and eventually migrating overseas to the Americas. They never had enough people or the power to take Israel back. They were aided after WWII by the western powers because the white Christians involved were horrified at what the Germans had done to them, and felt they needed to give back to the surviving Jews in a way that showed they cared. Giving Israel back to them seemed like the greatest gift, as well as fulfilling a Biblical prophecy.
The problem is, Israel has many resources and is in a strategic location. Greedy kings and emperors of many empires (including Islamic ones) have added it to their domains over the last 2,000 years. Muslims took over Israel after the Jews left and made a false claim that some mystical "third temple" belonging to their Allah existed there. They deliberately built that outrageous "dome of the rock" temple to prevent the Jews from ever rebuilding their ancient temple, just to spite them. So when the state of Israel was formed, the western powers found a bunch of Muslims squatting in the area, and the memory of Jews living there had long been erased by their leaders. They had no clue that Jews had a claim to the land that far predates any Muslim. The Jews and the Western Powers ended up chasing the local Muslims out of there and when they refused to leave, they left them in a spot called Palestine, and the Muslims have been butthurt about the situation ever since.
The Palestinians don't live to be in peace. They resent having their homes taken away and shoved into one spot like a bunch of angry, displaced indians on a reservation. So they spend all their time fighting. They don't even have anything to live for, except to fight the Jews. Every time aid is sent to them by people stupid enough to fall for their sob stories, they take all those resources and put them towards the "war effort." A fine example of this was, a decade ago, people worldwide noticed a lot of bombed out buildings in Palestine, and sent the locals concrete to rebuild their houses, businesses, and official buildings. Do you know what the Palestinians did with that concrete? They dug tunnels under the border around their land, so they could get past the Israelis guarding the borders, lined the tunnels with concrete, and used them to set up bunkers and to invade Israel right under their noses. Not one scrap of concrete went towards rebuilding their infrastructure at all.
Yeah, pretty much what I thought; kid’s shit. As if doing some concessions and cooperation would be any worse than any of this. Thanks for the history lesson :).
You're welcome. There is much more to the story, but that's the basics of it.
If you want to hear some of the more interesting stories about Israel in modern times, I have a few that my family told me about, stories that tell you why Israel continues to remain strong against all its enemies.
The problem is that Israel is so small and surrounded by a growing concentration
of hateful militants who get stronger off Middle East oil money and whose
population is growing faster than Israel's.
Eventually one of these attempts will succeed and Israel will be destroyed.
So, Israel has two choices, either attack and end the threat of Palestinians,
Iranians, Saudi Arabians ... etc ...
or they might as well pack their bags and try to find a new home.
The West is with Israel whether they know it or not because as much as they
try to be nice to Muslims it is not going to work, and they will soon be outnumbered
and terrorized just like Israel. This is Islams way since the 7th century and it
has been incredibly successful except for their late adoption of the industrial
We in the West have been blind and stupid to think we are so great and
successful because we are just superior and have lost track of what kind of
threat this system ( not the people ) presents.
Sure... if you like, I'm open to that. I start a thread and get lots of responses. I appreciate reading what people have had to say but not gonna be able to respond to it all. I'm personally not down with the "religion is the root of all evil" outlook given what the alternative has brought us in history... but people can pick and choose what parts of ancient texts they want to adhere to since it's all so contradictory, confusing. I've been told that many of the laws only applied to the people of the day and not necessarily to modern peoples. I wish people would choose life and choose peace.
I've been told that every Israeli is taught how to fight, from the smallest kid to the strongest man and woman, to the little old ladies. They are always ready for war, because they've been attacked so many times since the 40s when the state of Israel was first made. When teachers take their classes on field trips, they carry guns out where everyone can see them, and the kids always feel safe. There has never been any school shootings in Israel because of this. When you go to the mall or other major public venues, there's always a strong police and army presence. They even hold bomb drills for the kids at school, so they're ready in case Hamas causes trouble.
Do you know why there has never been an attempt to do to Israeli flights like what we had on 9/11? Because in the 70s or 80s, that very thing happened on on an Israeli airplane. However, unlike what happened in 2001, the flight attendants were armed and well-trained in combat, and stopped the terrorists before they could take over the plane. Guess what happened afterwards? They cleared out First Class, put up a curtain, tied the terrorists down in the passenger seats, put towels around their necks, and slit their throats. News of this was heard around the world. It sent a very clear message not to try messing with the people flying Israel's civilian planes.
Wow, I had never heard that story about the attempted hijacking in the 70s/80s. Yes, armed security is a great idea I think and metal detection especially for air travel and for schools too. I think it's great, the measures Israel has taken to defend itself, with it's people, it's military and it's dome too which I have recently learned about. It's just a shame that they're a small country geographically and it seems surrounded by hostiles as well. Thank you for sharing :)
You're welcome :) Israel also has one of the best spy networks and spy tech in the world, btw. Often when other countries need a really good spy or some cutting edge spy tech, they seek help from Israel.
That's what Muslims do, kill other Muslims and shout "Allahu Akbar". If white Jews want to show up there, they can live as the Romans do, or something. As far as I'm concerned, let them murder each other in peace.
Boykin, a born-again Christian with right-wing political views, has gained attention for his use of religious imagery to comment on political and social issues over the years; some of his public remarks, which cast the War on Terror in religious terms, generated considerable controversy.[12]
In an October 2003 speech to a community church in Oregon, [Lieutenant General William Gerald "Jerry"] Boykin was recorded stating that Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan."[12][13] William Arkin, military analyst for NBC News,[14] was the source of the video and audiotapes of Boykin. The following day the Los Angeles Times ran a piece on Boykin. Among several quotes, the article revealed Boykin giving a speech about hunting down Osman Atto in Mogadishu: "He went on CNN and he laughed at us, and he said, 'They'll never get me because Allah will protect me. Allah will protect me.' Well, you know what? I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol."
It's pretty weird that this post is number 11911 for me...
You can indeed come up with one of two examples of Western Christian
excesses, but it is nothing compared to a whole Islamic world that for
example when polled globally a majority of them said they supported
the murder of people who insulted the prophet.
There are videos all over, including of these murdering maniac Hamas
from the other day performing en masse and in sync acts from
medieval times.
Chili, your attempt to create an equivalency at this time above all is
so wrong and so supportive of "the self-declared enemy" as to be an
act of hate against the West.
I repudiated Boykin when I first hear of him. How many Muslims do
you think repudiate what Hamas did in Israel.
The question was "Do people in the west act like that?" The answer is "yes they do." Do they act like that to the degree that the Muslims do? Of course not. But we in the west consider ourselves to be way past the 7th Century...
The problem is that we in the West have let money, capitalism and corruption corrode our values into 2 classes ... the incompetent clueless billionaires who fight the rest of us first and don't worry about the rest of the world as long as they are making money.
Mark my words ... this is the first step in the death of the West unless the West can get our 💩 together and do the horrible things we will have to do to end this, they will eventually win - if not now, then in the near future. Technology is on their side, as well as population.
We have utterly failed at meeting the challenges of our history and Constitution.
Its been this way forever...some civilizations die off because of their choices.
Palestinians have shown zero to little advancement in their civilization.
Palestinians ... i.e. Muslims are in a low tech system that has worked for
centuries to dominate others and spread massively around the world.
They have no interest in reforming, and they will not.
Add to that the new Western science and tech they have taken in and
learned about and you have two prongs of hate directed at the West.
The Muslims left behind in the low tech medieval world like the Palestinians,
and the high-tech computer and nuclear weapons world like Iran.
The is the real Islamic apartheid, similar to the failure of US capitalism -
inequality creating two essential castes of people, is one where there
are the generals and technicians, and the other who are the slaves,
hostages, and warriors.
If the West does not overcome their squeamishness to do what is necessary
to destroy the Muslims threat and force Islam to reform, they will eat our
But, our own economic "apartheid" everyone is calling inequality, is
hobbling our system from perceiving and reacting to this threat - because
the super-rich in the West really don't care what happens because they
know, or believe they will be oK whatever happens, so they are OK with
looking at regular citizens like they did in WWI - just fodder to man the
front lines front of whatever war they want to force us into.
Israel's war is our war, just like global warming is our war as well.
Our corrupt and psychotic leaders hold us back from realizing the
threat and defending ourselves.
It's not gonna get better without violence.
This extreme ISIS Islam is a closed totalitarian form of society where people are under pressure and can die at any time should they do the wrong thing. It is not going to be broken without severe almost medieval level violence.
What "tech"? Palestine is hopelessly outmatched in equipment and resources by Israel.
Iran is also massively sanctioned and completely geopolitically otunumbered.
>If the West does not overcome their squeamishness to do what is necessary
to destroy the Muslims threat and force Islam to reform, they will eat our
What is "necessary" here?
The Islamic world, who at times can barely tolerate each other has no operational capacity to wage a war on the USA or even the wider west.
If you are asking what Perry Mason would call a leading question.
That is you are blaming Israel for these problems when the problem is Islam.
We know this from the past where within Muslims societies where Muslims
are told that God only loves Muslims and they are superior to everyone else,
and wants them to take over the world.
We know this from history where Islam invaded and took over most of
Southern Europe through to Spain. But we also see it since forever in
Muslims countries where non-Muslims are second class citizens who have
lesser or no human rights. Muslims in Palestine pre-Israel could bully,
beat, rob, rape, non-Muslims and did. They committed pograms against
the local Jewish population up until Israel existed.
Jews in Israel moved there and began to stand up for themselves as they
realizes that was their only hope - to create a homeland.
Non-Muslims standing up and demanding equal rights or their own lands
is the basis of Muslim hate and violence today. And when I say non-Muslims
they even discriminate against "different" varieties of Muslims. In Iran if you
are Sunni Muslims you cannot vote or run for office.
The melding of the state and Islam created a low tech totalitarian system
that is closed, repressive and unequal, even denying rights to their own
Muslims like to talk about Israel being apartheid ever since the idiotic Jimmy
Carter wrote his book, but if you look at it with fresh eyes it is the elite
Muslims, in this case Hamas elites who live outside of Palestine in opulence
with great riches and who flout the dictates of their religion degrade and
dehumanize their Palestinian brothers by forcing them to live under the gun
in squalor and poverty and train them from infancy to hate and blame others
for their condition. They've created an army capable of a vicious terrorist
war as we saw the other day.
Common sense tells me that unless this system is ended Palestinians will just
keep going every so often engaging in barbaric war against the Jews, and if it
was not the Jews it would be the Christians or Hindus. When in the majority
and especially in political power Muslims will never subscribe to the Western
egalitarian democratic beliefs, and they scoff at us for thinking multiculturalism
works and use it against us by saying if we react against them, or make them
feel insulted they have the right to kill us.
Thus there has been Islamic terrorism globally since forever.
If Israel cannot end Hamas and figure out a way to either evacuate, kill or
co-opt peaceful Muslims this kind of war with continue until weapons become
so cheap and plentiful that they will end Israel.
So, Western society is in a real pickle. They either confront Islam or they
will be Islam's victims. What makes it ever worse and harder is that the
West in its zeal to promote multicultural values has allowed Muslims to
emigrate in large numbers into their countries, and has paid massive
dollars for oil, and then to get some of that money back has sold them
powerful weapons they will no doubt at some point threaten us with.
Why we are wasting time in Ukraine when this "clash of cultures" is not over
and is still the main existential struggle of the West ... I have no idea and
disagree with.
They were all scattered during WW2 until Zionists in the UK plotted the plan with the British government to create a new state after the war and what better way than where they are today. Technically they've been displaced from there long ago by the Romans so they were just coming back home in a sense (although some already lived there but were very small in number).
Palestine was there around the same time as Israel in the 8th century then recorded in the 12th. These ancient names have been there for a long time, descendants of the Noah's Ark guy. If you look at the old ancient maps, Judah, Israel, and Palestine were pretty much where they are today (until Kingdom of Israel came along).
They're doing that because of the far-right government and its ultra orthodox klan muscle that kept encroaching in their settlements and evicting them to claim it as theirs. This is what religion does to people, they think they're the chosen people and deserve it all. Eventually the other side snap so it is what it is. Mind you they went further than any sane human would do or any civilized society would allow so they'll be getting their comeuppance soon. I just hope we get good footage of all the carnage once urban warfare starts. The era of filming almost everything, especially death.
Religion is the root of all evil folks, especially the ones that take it literally, and it stands the test of time. Most of the time people just interpret it in their own way because it's written as vague as the constitution.