Universal health care? For or against it?
Why or why not?
shareFor. As an Australian, it's automatic, it's never hurt my paycheck and I've not had to pay a dime for any of the surgeries, scans or doctor's visits I've ever gone to in my lifetime, plus medication is heavily subsidized as well. While it's an imperfect system, I don't see how the alternative is better.
shareIt seems incredibly naive to think we could just wave a magic wand and have universal Healthcare in America overnight.
The reality is those high fees go directly into funding medical research and creating state of the art hospital tech. If those funds go away we'd be losing a lot more then greedy insurance companies.
I do get that its expensive. Nobody wants insurance. But you'd basically be taking that money away from curing diseases. Do you really think the government that's over spending on military already is going to push some of that into the medical field? No. It would end up grossly unfunded. And the increased taxes you pay for free Healthcare would go into other programs.
I do not buy that stuff. I have relatives who live in Canada and they have great medical treatment.