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"Young Generations Are Now Poorer Than Their Parents And It's Changing Our Economies"

"when Boomers were young they voted for policies that benefited them, low cost or free higher education, strong social welfare. when they got to the peaks of their careers, their voting pattern changed again, they became in favour of lower taxes, less business regulation and zoning laws that would protect the value of their home. the push towards suburbs means houses got bigger and got more valuable. homes used to be a commodity and the cars costed more than the homes. now they are investment. in old age their voting patterns change again, voting to support pension schemes, healthcare benefits for seniors and cutting wealth taxes. even if that comes at the expense of cutting all the programs that benefited them when they were young and allowed them to get to where they are"

america isn't successful because its America. A country is strong because it had programs and encouragement that created a strong, educated and population. the older generations now want to burn all those bridges to that path of wealth creation.

if total lack of regulation and government was the ultimate economic stimulation, not a government infrastructure and some that encouraged these, failed stateless states like Somalia would economically flourish, not America in the 50s-60s. And now we see as America doesn't even rank in the top 20 of economic mobility. This is the chickens coming home to roost when your older generations betrayed your younger ones for their own gain.


"Young Generations Are Now Poorer Than Their Parents And It's Changing Our Economies"

Is this true in China, Russia, Ireland, India?


im in the west and that's what this video talks about. are you saying west should base our economic policy and how well we are doing off how well china and russia are? silly comment.


Well, I, for one, given the choice, will decline landing on Omaha Beach or Iwo Jima for the gamble that me and my kids will have a terrific standard of living for 30 years, if I'll accept the 30% chance that I'll be dead or limbless...

So yeah 1946 ain't coming back, where USA had the only functioning economy


wtf did this comment have to do with anything? honestly man reread this shit before you post. it had nothing to do with

1. my original post
2. or my reply

like wtf was this?? the boomers were born as early as 1946. so they didn't start voting til around 66. nothing to do with them fighting on Omaha. this comment was nonsense


It's a different world.

I'm sure if someone asked them, the campesinos from Latin America living in USA have a much better quality of life than their parents. And that would be true if we only count the indoor plumbing. Probably true for the Punjab Indians also.

"If I had to go to India I wouldn't go to the bathroom the entire trip."


so again, for the second time. this is a largely western/american site and I am form the west. the video is addressing the western American/englands experience.

you don't seem to have a point and won't address the video. good job.

the point is all these things could have benefited the younger western generation (while also say increasing standards in India in China). but western boomers stole their grandkids future.


"western boomers stole their grandkids future"

Why don't you blame the "Greatest Generation" also? A lot of them voted for Nixon and Reagan and Poppy Bush and Little Boots. I'm GenX, my parents were Greatest Generation, John Birchers, thought Eisenhower was a communist, ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNED for Barry Goldwater... my dad drove a truck for the Teamsters, we were working class family...

The environment today in the USA was inevitable, water seeks its own level, telephone lines, jet planes, television, internet... someone will do the same work for a bowl of rice, that a Yankee would want a steak and a beer.


you didn't watch the video at all or address anything I or it presented... you have no argument and are going on a tangent not related to anything. congrats


The root of the problem is the education system. It is in a complete nosedive.


who has been defunding education any chance they get>? which party/ideology?


You do know, I assume, that the more money that gets thrown at the horribly managed education system, the worse it does.

Mismanagement is the problem. Not money.


so which side has been defunding education? go on


Work on your reading comprehension.


so which side has been defunding? im still waiting for you to show you got balls


You do know, I assume, that the more money that gets thrown at the horribly managed education system, the worse it does.

oh well , the solution seems obvious then .... isnt it ?

what would you suggest?


Problem is the curriculum more than funding. That and the quality of the students. You're obviously not an educator either.


Any educational system that has gender studies as a course is broken.


what a silly comment. that makes no sense at all. you can disagree with one subject but to then say it invalidates and breaks the rest is utter nonsense.

conservatives are dumb.


It's taking up time better off spent on other subjects.


From an article dated August 29, 2018:

"For the first time in history, 90 percent of Americans over 25 years of age have finished high school. In addition, more than one-third of Americans over the age of 25 have a college degree or higher.

That is a big change from 1940. At that time, a Census Bureau study found that less than 25 percent of the U.S. population had completed at least four years of high school.",those%20born%20in%20other%20countries.&text=The%20value%20of%20a%20high,in%20the%20U.S.%20job%20market

Probably 75% of the work done today is the same work done in 1940, selling, bookkeeping, answering phone calls, etc. Not everyone is designing apps for iPhones.

Mayor Pete had the best line of the 2020 campaign when he remarked that Americans should be able to have a comfortable standard of living with just a high school education.


"From an article dated August 29, 2018:

"For the first time in history, 90 percent of Americans over 25 years of age have finished high school. In addition, more than one-third of Americans over the age of 25 have a college degree or higher.

That is a big change from 1940. At that time, a Census Bureau study found that less than 25 percent of the U.S. population had completed at least four years of high school.""

AND? people graduated high school and got a middle class job and bought a home in a few years. now a post secondary education is a must

what is your point?? you are all over the place


"people graduated high school and got a middle class job and bought a home in a few years"

I don't think that was the experience of most Boomers. Maybe the Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation. My father-in-law was Silent Generation. If he had been born 20 years earlier, he would have died before he was 22. Dumber than a bag of hammers.


The best thing I ever did was drop out of college. I built up myself naturally without debt.

People assume I have a Master's Degree anyway lol.


Don't blame this on Boomers.
This is a result of Libertarian billionaires and elites who are all about disempowering democracy and the lives and power of average people. They will do anything to deflect the blame for this, but it is very clear that they see an educated, healthy populace as competition and a threat to their hegemony.

If young people want to they can get out and vote. Just the few that have participated in democracy have already made some changes, if they got off their asses and learned about what is going on in the world they could do a lot of fix things.


For someone who thinks they are so smart, you're sure a dumb ass. Who runs the education system? It ain't Libertarians.


a little column A a little column B.

the video describes how the youth today are nearly as sizeable voting bloc as the boomers were.


Back in the last century there was not the technology or science to manipulate people, and people were less homogeneous and less activist. They were cowed and very hierarchical. Everyone was in their place, minorities, women, gays. Now everyone wants to be treated fairly - they just have a hard to getting off their asses and voting. But that is because people are manipulated in incredibly complex ways due to the science of neuroscience and sociology.


No, it's because you losers have no work ethic. You think you're entitled to everything and you're too dumb to pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel. Google has created two generations of morons.


ya no one works anymore... the generation literally working 2 or 3 jobs barely getting by.

you contards hate facts. even when they are infront of you


the generation literally working 2 or 3 jobs barely getting by.



You're obviously not an employer. I'd love to see an actual twenty-something actually working 2-3 jobs to get by. Seems far more likely they're sitting on their asses sucking on the gov't teat.

No, you're talking theoretical bullshit used to push for a higher minimum wage. Because you shitheads can't be bothered to actually earn something.


they Do, all the time. id love to see your stats on all these 20 year olds sitting on welfare.

its not theoretical,. its facts. you clearly didn't watch the video and have no rebuttal. as usual you say nonsense, lie then like a bitch run away. im ready for stage 3


They're not on welfare, they're sitting in mom's basement. Like you.


weird as I sit in my home I bought looking at my two cars :)


$8 daily lattes add up.

The only people I know working multiple jobs are single moms.


ya man no ones working its all 8$ lattes and welfare.

you contards really are stupid.
lets take your dumbass latte comment. 8x365=3000

yaa the new generation can't buy a hour because they aren't saving 3000$ a year. they'd be a 1 million dollar mansion of it wasn't for lattes.

is this a thing" it should be called "boomer economics"


You're obviously not an employer, Nor will you ever be. You know nothing you didn't Google first.


You didn't address anything I said. what is it with you Craig? such a ball less loser who runs away from points. village clown


Your points are bullshit. Every time.


so going to address any of the videos point of conceding?


Isn't that the way it always is ? It takes time to accumulate wealth unless you inherit it or are lucky in some other way.

But I do have a solution. Abolish money ! You know it makes sense !


you didn't watch the video or read my comment clearly.......


Is that supposed to be a criticism ?


how could it not be? I made the OP. and your comment showed sheer ignorance or the topic

1. no that isn't the way it always is. you didn't watch the video
2. the video has nothing to with it taking time to accumulate wealth or inherit it by luck
3. whether your abolish comment was tongue in cheek matters not.

so maybe try again


You know if you're going to use a sock puppet Keelai you should at least try to make it a different persona, otherwise what's the point ?


you got called out on your bs response so now its "you are a sock"

you contards really can't think at all can you. you always have an excuse or change the topic.


Now? Lol, younger generations have been poorer than the boomers for the last 25-30 years...


yes its saying now as in now they are the same age while their parents were far richer. how iOS this confusing mush brain?


They are presenting it as it's a new thing.

It's not.


it is new. you clearly didn't watch the video. where they fucked over the future generations.

you read the title and maybe my post and said dumb things


No one wants to watch your 16 minute video.

Post something from it that you think is relevant, maybe something with statistics and not just feels. Or maybe something from the comments.


I am sorry you have no attention span and cannot rebut it. I have you quotations from the first 3 minutes for simpletons like yourself.

but you could not rebut those either..


Your quotes from your OP are just feels.

From the comments on YouTube (Random YouTube Browser 3 days ago):

"Most of the world have always struggled. At some point some people in a few countries that were victorious after a long global war that gave them a huge technological and economic advantage managed to enjoy life for a few decades

We're sharing the planet with the most number of people alive ever, more than twice times as many as 1970. We're also more urbanized and concentrated than ever. This has got to impact land prices near employment centers. We on average are also not a whole lot more skilled compared to the rest of the world right now despite consuming a disproportionate amount of the world's resources.
There is no real reason why that advantage should continue and I can only see things getting worse as the world gets more and more competitive, so we should adjust our expectations instead of setting ourselves up for disappointment."

That remark about population double from 1970 is one I have to remember.


no,... no they aren't. lets take one quick example since im wasting my time on an idiot like you. education wasn't much cheaper/free as one example?

nothing else you wrote had ANYTHING to do with my argument. wow you quoted a random YouTube comment. good try. you face planted hard.


I'm guessing education was free in 1940, and it's still free today.

You keep squealing about "everyone needs a college education." I agree that the more a person knows about history, literature, art, etc, the better off they will be, if not financially, then at least for being interesting to talk to.

You don't need to "go to college" to be "more educated." It's called the internet, and before that it was called the library (or Cliff Notes)

Now, it's true that a lot of employers want to see a college degree. That's because so many people went and got college degrees. That story comparing 1940 to 2018 says that one-third of Americans over 25 have a college degree or higher. One-third of the work that needs to be done doesn't need 16+ years of classroom instruction. But here they are, one in three, waving a piece of paper. And most of that is borrowed money. Cut off the lending and the prices will fall, or the services (college education) won't be demanded.


really university/college is free and extremely cheap? people get middle class jobs outside of high school? houses are dirt cheap?

"You don't need to "go to college" to be "more educated." It's called the internet, and before that it was called the library (or Cliff Notes)"

ya let me just go to the job interview and say "well I don't have a degree technically but I read cliff notes!"

this is why no one takes you conservatives seriously... honestly that was so dumb.

Now, it's true that a lot of employers want to see a college degree. That's because so many people went and got college degrees. That story comparing 1940 to 2018 says that one-third of Americans over 25 have a college degree or higher. One-third of the work that needs to be done doesn't need 16+ years of classroom instruction. But here they are, one in three, waving a piece of paper. And most of that is borrowed money. Cut off the lending and the prices will fall, or the services (college education) won't be demanded.

like honestly wtf are you talking about? your doctor going to skip school and instead just read the cliff notes? how about your building engineer? "don't worry mark read some wikipedia so now hes good to engineer this 20 floor building or bridge"

your post was so stupid its unbelievable.


Like I posted earlier, probably 75% or the work needed by employers today is the same work done in 1940, when less than 25% of Americans had completed high school. Selling, Purchasing, getting stuff onto the truck, getting stuff off the truck, getting stuff onto shelves, collecting payment at a register, etc.

Clearly, health care professionals, engineers, hard sciences, research scientists, need more than 12 years education. Does an engineer need to waste 2 years reading the same literature and history they read in high school? The engineers, MD's, etc. likely learned how to write and research in high school.

I think we're on the same side, I don't clutch my pearls worrying that Mitt Romney will take all his money to Somalia if we raise his tax rate to 22%.


yes and back then those were middle class jobs that let you buy a house in a few years and the wife stayed at home and you could support a family.

wait an engineer learns how to do research in high school?!?! LOL what are you talking about.

I don't care if you re on my side, the shit you are saying is sooo dumb.

you advent addressed anything in the video other than to say "nah uh"


the shit you are saying is sooo dumb.

you advent addressed anything in the video other than to say "nah uh"


The cost of goods has also increase at staggering levels. The average price for a new car in 1960 for example was only $2,600(or about $26,000 today). In reality the average cost of a new car is closer to 50K. There are so many examples. My father provided for a family of 4 on 30 to 35K in the 90s. There's no way that can be done today.

It's more about this or that policy. Sorry, no Democrat could change what I mentioned above.


ya but why is there a staggering disparity between the cost then and cost now and why we can afford them? productivity has gone up. efficiency has gone up. corporate profits and the gap between rich and poor has increased..

yet wages stagnated. someone got that money. it wasn't the average person


There's many reasons as to why wages haven't grown as much. Capitalist companies like Walmart(which is the biggest private sector employer in the US) came in and crushed their competition decades ago. No competition leads to less wage growth. What should we do about that?

While that is an important issue, we still haven't solved why these costs have gone up so much, especially since productivity is much higher now like you mentioned.

I don't think you honestly believe Democrats are the savior on this issue.
