MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Chinese have murdered 6.5million peo...

The Chinese have murdered 6.5million people worldwide and cost at least 12.5trilllion....

.....with high estimates double that. Where is the outrage??? Is it because they own the democrat party and the liberal lamestream media? Americans are at each other's throats about vaccines and masks yet there is no hostility towards China. Why???


I bet you are one of those Trump supporters who believe that the coronavirus was created by the Democrats just so Trump would not be re-elected. Where is the outrage? There is none from either Democrats or Republicans. Coronavirus is over. Time for you to move on. If you are so outraged then stop buying products made in China. Good luck with that.


Perfect example. I'm talking about China and you bring up Trump. Stop deflecting.


I'm not deflecting. I'm just pointing out your gullibility and stupidity. Typical of Trump supporters. If Trump didn't botch the coronavirus threat by pretending it didnt exist then claiming it was a hoax created by the Democrats thousands of Americans would still be alive. Where is your outrage? I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy.


You are totally deflecting. This has nothing to do with Trump. China is the guilty party.


>I'm not deflecting
Yes you are you brainwashed dumbfuck. China has been like this for decades yet Trump has been in power for only 5 years. You revere him like you do a God. Who else in your pinutive live has more control over your conscience?


Stop being racist!!


How do Chinese name their kids? Drop silverware down the stairs and name it after the sound it makes.


The Chinese invented writing you disrespectful little toilet licker.


Ummmm... their writing system is complete garbage.




ive literally made two posts all about how china is a disgusting totalitarian regime. where were you agreeing with this

if you are talking about covid, theres multiple issues

1.a country of origin for the virus doesnt make them responsible. unless you can show they created and released it. guys cant get your narrative straight. out one side of your mouths you say covid was nothing, a normal flu and the numbers are inflated and we cant trust the scientists and statistics. out the other you say 6.5 million really did die and covid was horrible and chinas responsible.



1. We know it came from the Wuhan lab, period. You really want to talk about denying facts???

2. What's this "you guys" bullshit? I've never denied the existence of COVID. I've had friends die from it. Employees that have been sick with it. I've posted multiple times that we are STILL sheltering in place. Haven't eaten in a restaurant in 2.5yrs and wear a mask everywhere we go. My family just took the chance on going to a family reunion and they ALL got it. There's been a lot of misinformation and I don't trust a lot of the "narrative" because the democrats have completely politicized everything possible but I have never been a COVID denier.

So again, you have deflected rather than answering the question.


1. NO WE DONT. show me your "facts". ill wait.

2. im sorry your side is full of wackjobs conspiracy theorists. maybe ask blacksurn, or Joe, or ksp. lol yaa man "democrats" are the ones who spread the misinformation............. thats the ticket clown......

I love how objectively republicans have spread the worst misinformation about covid. and you still find a way to blame dems. you are mentally ill


Uh yeah, we do! What are you fucking retarded? Fauci funded it. Keep deflecting.

The democrats started us down the road politicizing everything to do with COVID. It stated when asshats like Cuomo publicly stated they're not taking "that Trump vaccine". It's perpetuated ever since with all this rhetoric about "anti-vaxxers" and "super spreaders". You don't see it because your eyeballs deep in it. You're the purveyor of this bullshit.

And we're still not talking about China's responsibility.



wait. wait. wait. you dont even know there is no strong evidence covid was made in the Wuhan Lab??


omg man. go get tested. hhahahahhahahahahahah

im not even going to address point two, somehow its even more retarded than point one.


your Pulitzer Prize is waiting for your breaking Wuhan revelation no other media source has reported on.

im waiting for those "facts".


You really struck a nerve, he posted twice! 24 more times and we'll have immattj 2.0 lol.


shhhhh the guys on a verge of a Pulitzer Prize!!! he has breaking news no one else does!!!


I literally laughed out loud over that one!


Man you are really twisting and distorting things. The only time any democrats were saying they wouldn't take"the Trump vaccine" was when Trump wanted to release it before it had been tested and determined she and effective.


Bullshit. You just gloss over anything that doesn't support your narrative. Biden and Harris both made such statements on the campaign trail. How quickly we forget.

When CNN asked Kamala Harris if she would take the vaccine once it's approved, she refused to answer: "Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump."

September 6, 2020: Kamala Harris says "I think that's going to be an issue" when asked if she would get an approved coronavirus vaccine.

July 28, 2020: Joe Biden suggests the coronavirus vaccine won't be "real" and may not be "safe."

August 6, 2020: Biden says the vaccine is "not likely to go through all the tests that needs to be and the trials that are needed to be done."

September 3, 2020: Biden asks "Who's going to take the shot? Are you going to be the first one to say sign me up?"

September 7, 2020: Biden said he would take the coronavirus vaccine "only if we knew all of what went into it."


For a liar like you, you don't even try to get your narrative straight. You just lie.


Did you add in fentanyl???
