MovieChat Forums > Politics > Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

Brought to you by brave, patriotic citizens with guns. You're welcome.


Good Afternoon!!

In less than an hour, aircrafts from here will join others from around the world... And you, will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind.

Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today.

We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom.

Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution...but from annihilation.

We’re fighting for our right to live, to exist.

And should we win today... The 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

“We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive. Today we celebrate...our Independence Day!”

EDIT: JFC you guys must be a blast at parties....if you actually get invited to them.


Meanwhile, your cult continues to ban books, suppress voting and force pregnancy on 10-year-old rape victims.

You are the tyranny!


Fucked-Up ❗❗❗


What kind of books are being banned? And who’s making 10-year-olds give birth? What world are you living in, my guy? 😆


Time for you to exit your bubble!


Go lie in someone else's thread, commie bastard.


You're a fascist gun nut! Are you gong to mourn your pal being arrested after he slaughtered?


The armed citizen is a symbol of liberty and freedom. I'm not familiar with this alternate reality you live in.


Shut up, liar. Delete your account.





What an incredibly heartfelt, rousing speech. It’s not at all like one of the most cringeworthy scenes ever committed to film.

I’d like to follow up your inspiring words with:

Once again, the L.A.P.D. is asking Los Angelenos not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft. You may inadvertently trigger an interstellar war.


I see you Gun Nuts decided to celebrate by shooting up at an Independence Day parade.


Fucked-Up ❗❗❗


If the DemoKKKrats were actually enforcing the laws that we already have then the shooting wouldn’t have happened.


If the GOP gun nuts cared about human life instead of political donations from gun manufacturers than we would have as little gun carnage as other countries with sensible gun legislation.


Guns are not the problem, DemoKKKrats would refuse to prosecute violent thugs are the problem. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, this incident proves that they don’t work and that the DemoKKKrats don’t care if innocent people die. all that matters to them is perpetuating their lies and false narratives.


Nonsense! Your pal's gun literally blew the head off of a victim at a far distance. Military weapons don't belong in the hands of civilians.

BTW, the incel was a far-right extremist and Trumpite. He is one of you. Keep your pals in check.


When I heard it was a skinny white guy with an AR, I immediately thought of Lil' Craigy.


Did it in Chicago so he won't get the death penalty. His lawyer will scream he is a mental so he will go to a nut house instead of prison.


All Trumpites are mental.


I celebrated with dinner with my family, like most other "gun nuts". Can't speak for terrorists, any more than you can speak for BLM.


So guns cause violence? I own 200 guns, none of been used for violence. Are they defective???"

I like how you put gun nuts in quotations even though you are one.


I'll bet you all sit there with guns in your laps waiting for someone to speak their mind. Isn't that how we keep things in check, threatening to shoot first and ask questions later? The idea that you even have a family is frightening, but since you fuckers lie all the time, I'll figure this is the case here.


I really pity people like you and this alternate reality you cling to. It's sad.


No, that would be you and Keeliar. The head liars of MC.

You are a reprobate and a hypocrite. You got all butt hurt that I said something about your fat, ugly wife but it's fine that you say: "The idea that you even have a family is frightening." You're a POS.


Words of wisdom from moviechatuser666's sock.


Words of idiocy from doggiedaddy.


Freedom lovers don't ruin the 4th of July....America hating commies do.

No one buys your bullshit lmao.


Pretty shitty day for the country, unfortunately. A handful of haters are giddy with delight while freedom and democracy crumbles around us.


You can thank liberals and the democrat party for that.

I'll take what you call a "shitty day" in America over a good day any where else.


Carnage caused by another far-right extremist Trumpite. You need to take responsibility for your own cult's actions.


Talk of cults, from the party of groupthink and mass psychosis.


All you ever do is emphasize the traits of your own hateful tribe and claim it's the behavior of others. Fuck, you can't even think of something fresh and legitimate to claim, just some some fuckin' stupid I'm Rubber You're Glue nonsense. Like a goddamn child who refuses to think and figures insolence is the same as intelligence.


Oh the irony. I'm sure you know no joy in your life whatsoever.


Thanks America for saving Australia from the Japanese in WW2
