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A Bigoted Piece Of Garbage By A Hate Whitey Columnist!

I won’t type his name as it gives him credence!

”White supremacy is, essentially, an ecosystem built around the idea of never having to fight fair.”


His name(Damon Young) is in the link you ignorant Trumptwat!


The author of this article seems more unhinged than the windmills he writes about.


This guy is so full of hate for the White man he resorts to going back in history and bringing forth once again the atrocities from the past. I’m not guilty of those atrocities, neither are most of Americans. He’s stirring the cauldron of hate. He’s a race baiter!

Do Jews assail today’s Germans for the atrocities, the “man’s inhumanity against man” perpetrated by Hitler. I think not!

So to this writer I say get the hell over it! Cease stirring that cauldron of hate as you aren’t helping.


Israeli NGOs have been photographed quite a bit helping migrant boats into Europe, and then they head straight for Germany due to Merkel's handout policies...


White people have no reasons to feel guilt even if you look at history.


And they think "equity" and "racial quotas" favoring minorities for things like jobs and college is about fighting fairly? I swear, the concept of "meritocracy" is like kryptonite to these dumb fucks!


”Biden admin sued for pushing white men to ‘back of the line’ for COVID aid”

And there’s no discrimination from Biden and his gang toward White males? What a laugh! 🙄


"It's not racism if POC's do it! It's not racism if it's against white people!" :P I've been to garbage dumps that smelled better than that tripe.


We’ve been told for years by race warlords Blacks can’t be racists because they don’t have the power! Excuse me while I go 🤢🤮!

But, they do have the power to burn our cities, loot whatever they want, and murder without compunction! All under the auspices of BLM and VP Harris!


If it makes you feel better, my brother told me of a town the MSM didn't report on back in 2020.

See, this was a conservative town in some place like eastern Oregon or eastern Washington State (the eastern counties tend to be more right-leaning) and there was this one town that heard BLM and Antifa were coming to "protest." The town organized a local militia and had everyone who was trained in firearms standing at the town entrance when those freaks arrived, warning them that if they tried any of their usual tricks, they would be arrested and the full extent of the law would be used on them, no matter their skintone.

Incidentally, the cowards went around the town and left it alone ;)


Way to go! Yahoo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Meeting thugs head on! Damn Antifa, BLM and full speed ahead!


Oh look, another RWNJ wankfest!


You're delusional.


No…haven’t you heard? I’M INSANE!


Racism's purpose is to maintain white privilege. That's common knowledge.
