If you are against ANY gun reform
you are a piece of shit. You value your ability to own certain kinds of weapons over innocent lives.
shareyou are a piece of shit. You value your ability to own certain kinds of weapons over innocent lives.
sharePeople will shed crocodile tears for the next few days and then do nothing. America has already shown that gun profits are more important than lives.
Eventually elementary school killings will become routine.
It amazes me how anyone could be against background checks. People use the amendments as if it's set in stone. It can and has been changed.
shareIt's unreal. Background checks are the LEAST that could be done.
in Canada-
MULTIPLE days of firearm safety and tests
MINIMUM 45 day wait for the application period. while background checks are done and even police investigations
then another MINIMUM 28 day waiting period
this isnt even for restricted firearms like handguns and shotguns! that is even more thorough and takes longer
US- oh the FBI didnt get back to my gun shop in 48 hours? heres your ar15 and handgun
this isnt even getting into strict gun storage and transportation laws
and conservatives actually act confused how common sense gun legislation could reduce gun deaths
This ain't Canada, we don't ask the government's permission to exercise our rights. Because they're rights. Dummy.
shareThere already are background checks, I own multiple guns and I was subjected to a background check every single time. This idea that anyone can just walk into a store and then walk out with a gun is a lie perpetuated by the radical left.
Also we need guns because we have to defend ourselves seeing how the left doesn’t want us to have police protection and they don’t want to prosecute violent BLM terrorists.
Yeah, they want to restrict gun ownership and then let rioters run wild and free for months on end. Then wonder why we resist.
shareWe already have sensible gun laws, background checks. Murder is also illegal.
The problem is cultural. And much more complicated than the simple minded Democrats and their lemmings can handle.
If you characterize strangers who abide the law, pay their taxes and vote as a "piece of shit" due to a difference in political opinion, you have proven yourself incapable of having a civil discussion like an adult. No, for your judgment against me, YOU are a piece of shit and you can go fuck yourself.
If you think gun laws will change anything regarding crime, you're a naive imbecile.
It's not my "ability". It's my right. That right exists to safeguard all others. If you don't think the events of the last several years have proven that, you're a moron with an agenda. Here's the bottom line, without that right, people like you will claim domain over people like me. You've already proven yourselves to be wannabe tyrants. If you want our guns, come and get them.
If your opinion is "My AR-15 is more important that kid's lives", yes. Yes, you are a piece of shit.
"Here's the bottom line, without that right, people like you will claim domain over people like me. You've already proven yourselves to be wannabe tyrants."
Have you ever considered speaking with someone about your paranoia?
Those are your words, not mine. As I said elsewhere, my freedom and that of 330 million Americans is worth more than anything. Because like it or not, no law will do what you want it to. Did the laws that were already broken prevent it? Nope. So we're not giving up our rights that people fought and died for, for absolutely nothing.
share"for absolutely nothing"
That's 21 "nothings", you piece of shit, 19 of which were kids.
NO LAW would've prevented this shooting. Name one. Ok, "AR's bad". You're going to ban the most popular rifle in the US? What do you think will happen when you go to round them up for this unconstitutional act? A lot more than 21 people will get shot. Will you be one of them? No, you'll be cowering in a corner because you don't believe in anything enough to die for it. You'll send others to do violence and die on your behalf. See the irony in that?
sharePS, you're the piece of shit.
share>>It's not my "ability". It's my right. That right exists to safeguard all others.
Do people in Australia, Europe, and Canada not have rights? Are their rights somehow in danger whereas all of these other rights are firmly secured in the US? Do you have evidence to support that belief? Because I suspect that if you were compelled to cite a source, you'd have to point to your dirty keister.
People in those countries are at the mercy of their government.
shareSure Craigy. When this tyrannical government sends an armored division to your trailer park, you get out there with your Bushmaster and put a stop to that nonsense. .
shareThis is objectively silly. American law enforcement kill about 1,000 people per year, far more per capita than state agents in those other countries. I think in England and Wales it's fewer than five people per year. The main reason American police kill so many is that they're afraid suspects are armed with guns.
Think about that. One of the reasons you claim to want guns is to protect people from the government and it's having precisely the opposite effect.
It's factually correct. Did Hitler rise in the US? No.
Yes, police shoot criminals who are a threat to their lives. Civilians do the same thing. We want police shooting violent criminals so we don't have to. That is their purpose.
Here's the fundamental difference between the US and Europe. We take responsibility for our own safety. You do not. Your police are there to save you from criminals. Ours are there to save the criminals from us. Because without the police and the laws they enforce, citizens would just be shooting criminals right and left and we wouldn't have the crime problem we have now. The problem is that system of dealing with criminals is broken. It's been made too soft by liberals. It's also liberal policy that creates them in the first place.
And if you think that the US wants to be like Europe, read a fucking book.
First, I am not European. I'm from the US of A.
Second, did Hitler rise in England? Any number of other European countries? Canada? Australia? What a bogus non-argument. Add to this the idea that he rose BECAUSE people lacked access to AR-15s. It's just so unbelievably silly.
You have an argument that is not borne out by the data. The US has higher rates of crime.
>>Because without the police and the laws they enforce, citizens would just be shooting criminals right and left and we wouldn't have the crime problem we have now.
This is sand-poundingly stupid. It also contradicts the I-Love-The-Poh-leese rhetoric from the Republican Party. In other words, almost nobody believes this nonsense.
Liberal policies do not create criminals. From rather standard conservative principles we can say that we'll always have criminals. Oddly, saying social policies have a dominant influence is to buy into a facet of the liberal worldview.
A more tragic view of human nature says we cannot eliminate crime and murder, but we can make it less violent. It is absolutely true we have head-in-the-sand, vain people who want to be nothing like Europe. However, there are also plenty of us who envy their health-care, public transportation, and gun laws.
Hitler rose in Germany and promptly disarmed the people. Do you really think a tyrant could rise in the US and exterminate an entire demographic? No. Not silly at all, it's the reality of human history that people like you so readily ignore. You think the atrocities of the past cannot affect you in the present, even while Russia invades the Ukraine.
It is not stupid and it does not contradict anything. You're stupid for even comprehending what I said that way.
Liberal policies absolutely create criminals. Liberals have steadily deteriorated morals, the nuclear family, religion, corporal punishment, personal responsibility, economical and social independence, everything that creates good, honest, hard working people liberals have attacked. From a soft on crime approach to law enforcement to permissive parenting and entitlements, the world liberals have created breeds the people who commit these crimes.
You thin Europe is more enlightened and advanced? Is that why the US detached itself from European power 250yrs ago? Yeah, their healthcare, paying over half your income in income tax alone, so that freeloaders can abuse the system. Do you not have enough sense to understand why they have such public transportation? They live in cities that are hundreds of years old. Their populations are far more dense than the US. People like you are just too stupid to fully consider the crap that comes out of your mouth.
>>Hitler rose in Germany and promptly disarmed the people...
You've beclowned yourself with this is a familiar talking point. Much has already been written about this gross distortion. Putting the bogus history aside, look at the inconsistency with an even more familiar talking point: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. If some government were to turn tyrannical, then we'd just get guns. Somehow. Unless you believe, contrary to all evidence, that despotic governments are better at regulation than democratic ones.
>>You think the atrocities of the past cannot affect you in the present, even while Russia invades the Ukraine.
This example does not even follow from your claim (unless you've fully internalized Russian propaganda and believe Ukraine is not a country). First you're talking about domestic tyranny, but now an invading foreign power. We have a professional military to deter and confront foreign threats.
Now, if you actually knew anything about history, you'd understand the 2A was originally intended as the anti-standing army amendment. Standing armies were considered the "bane" of liberty, anathema to peace and prosperity. Except the biggest proponents of guns are also huge boosters of the military and the police -- compounding stupidity upon stupidity.
>>Liberal policies absolutely create criminals. Liberals have steadily deteriorated morals, the nuclear family, religion, corporal punishment, personal responsibility, economical and social independence, everything that creates good
Yet Europe etc. have substantially lower rates of violence. In terms of transportation, nobody is advocating public transport for bumblefuck, Idaho or Ass Cancer, Alabama. My city of Los Angeles -- the city "of the future" -- is more populous than most of Europe's biggest cities -- and it's 100 miles of sprawl. If you had a half a brain, you'd consider population density as a factor in urban violence, which makes homicide rates abroad still more impressive.
I don't trust commie liberals to make gun laws when they align with Domestic Terrorist organizations.
shareCommie liberals are aligned with Q, the NRA, and the GOP?
shareTry Antifa and BLM. How do feel every time a shooting like this happens its being orchestrad to bring about a gun grab? Beto O Rourke said it himself.
shareI agree, the left pretty much sacrificed their moral authority when it comes to protecting lives when they endorsed domestic terrorist movements like BLM and Antifa.
shareShut up.
shareAgain liberals feelings are hurt. Millions of babies are being killed but that's okay. Like many I'm also getting tired of these kind of shootings. Any child dying like this and having classmates having to live the rest of their lives living through this again is tragic. I never heard any news ask if the doors were locked. Asked my daughter who is a teacher if the doors at her school are locked. They are but the office buzzes that person in.
Only problem is nobody if there physically to let them in. Ever if there's cameras at the entrance they just let them in. How hard can it be to have a staff member right by the door to check on people? Gosg even put bullet proof glass in case the person wants to shoot their way in. I don't own a gun, shot them but really they scare because because they're so powerful, but I'm not going to tell anyone not to buy them.
"Again liberals feelings are hurt."
Weird way to say innocent kids were murdered.
Stop exploiting the tragic death of innocent children to promote your democrat propaganda you worthless POS. Mentally Ill like you are the reason we need need schools security.
shareThey just made the Taliban the 3rd most heavily armed military in the world, I don’t trust them at all. The left wants to disarm us because they are hoping BLM and Antifa will murder people who lean right.
shareThat's a way to win over minds!
shareLiberals: “Hey, a horrible tragedy happened, committed by some random psychopath with a gun. It’s sucks he’s not white, but either way, let’s just randomly scream and yell at all the legal law abiding gun owners in the country who had absolutely nothing to do with it. All of THEIR guns caused this too! Let’s take them all! All hail our trustworthy government. They would never lead us astray.”
All of you fucking obnoxious morons who go just go right into your political talking points without missing a beat right after these things happen are so unbelievably pathetic and disgusting.
I have a better idea, how about we enforce the laws we already have and tell KKKamala to quit bailing out violent criminals.