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U.s Democracy is in debt to communist China.

Communist know you cant give the general dumb public the power of voting. Put the best and brightest in there. 50% of Americans would vote for a Kardashian If given the chance.

Communist china infrastructure is more impressive

Communist China has very high standards

Communist China wont import 3rd world burdens into their country.


Haha, I see what you did there!


Is China really communist?


Of course it isnt. Or I have yet to have someone to explain to me how billionaires and ceos trading goods on world markets for private profits is communist.

im no expert on China politics/history in particular. but one documentary on it noted how previously to be a party member it was focused on communist ideals. but now its pretty much who is loyal to the state and going to improve its power and wealth the most.


China isnt communist however.


Communism vs Capitalism it is not a black and white binary choice , as most people seem to think (particularly Americans)

Every country is communist to some extent.
You pay taxes into a central pot that the government uses for the benefit of all? --> communism
Government employs people and runs industries (DMV , NASA , Science research , Army ) --> Communism
You have "welfare" ? --> communism
Minimum Wage? --> communism
Its "Communal"
Its just a question of how far you take it .


public education


very good example


Some of the 100s of millions of people who were murdered under Communism were assholes. I guess that kinda ok. I guess.


The NAZIs killed 2-3 million Commies!


Well, first, there is no communism. No such thing. No country every practiced communism, but it is used as a catch all to justify fascism.

In Russian polls communism is preferred to the way it is now, something like 60-80%.

What they have in Russia now is what the US is moving towards.


Commies keep repeating this lie. Cuba, USSR, N Korea are exactly what Marx intended when he said "dictatorship of ...".


That is about average dumbness for your comments.


There is nothing positive or good to say about communism; nothing!


You've obviously given up on this pathetic troll.

If you were serious, print out the thread and give it to your shrink. You are one sick psycho!


It keeps the US in plenty of supply of people coming here to do porn stuff.
