Percentage of democrats surveyed that support the following against unvaccinated individuals:
55% support fines against unvaxxed
59% support house arrest
48% support prison for questioning vax efficacy on social media
45% support internment camps
47% support surveillance
29% support the state taking their kids
If you support any of this garbage you are a pathetic human being and should be ashamed of yourself. And Democrats wonder why they’re going to get absolutely destroyed in the next mid term election. In what world is it ok taking someone’s child because they don’t want to be vaccinated? Sending them to prison for questioning a vaccine on social media?
The wheels are definitely falling off the tracks in this country when you have brain dead fascists supporting bullshit like this.
I’m not against vaccines. I’m not against boosters. I’m against disgusting fascist monsters like the ones who support things like the list above.
The Democrat party of:
the KKK
anti civil rights act
Japanese interment camps
killing 10s of millions of babies
anti free election
anti free speech
anti freedom
anti constitution
anti science
anti United States.
Michael Savage did an interview with Robert Malone and he referred to the vaccine hysteria as mass formation psychosis and Savage was calling it mass hysteria. I was hoping people would realize that the vaccines are JUNK after continued boosters. The flu shot is around 40% effective in a good year so I stopped taking them twenty years ago BUT I remember a supervisor all but forced us to get them.
My post below includes notes from the Malone interview and a link to the interview.
I fully support the Trumptwats who choose to remain unvaxxed, as it means there will be fewer people around to vote for him in 2024...💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
"They routinely publish misleading or false information regarding climate change that goes against the consensus of science. The Daily Caller has also published articles by Jason Kessler, a white supremacist who organized a rally of hundreds of white nationalists in Charlottesville. They subsequently scrubbed those articles after the Charlottesville vehicular homicide incident."
Does it ever get tiring being an unbelievable tool? Besides, I think Mein Kampf probably aligns more with the liberal mindset these days than anything else.
That article was posted to That’s where I saw it. I know nothing about the specific news source. Are you saying you think they completely made up this survey? Did they pull these random numbers out of their asses? The democrats surveyed felt this way about unvaccinated individuals. Whether you like politics of the source or not.
Beyond that, I bet you actually agree with the people surveyed about taking peoples’ children away, giving them prison time for speech against the vaccine, fining them for being unvaccinated. You are all about extremist shit just like that.
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Jesus Christ, look at yourself in the mirror. You are the personification of spreading hate, lies, and false information.
And what the hell am I supposed to be lying about? That is the article. You have the link. That is what it said. You don’t seem to want to deny anything that the article said, or address my comment that you agree with the democrats in that poll about unvaccinated people.
Until you either admit or deny that you feel the same way about unvaccinated people that the democrats polled in this article do, I’m not going to waste my time sifting through your bullshit anymore while you dodge and deflect every comment. Do you agree with the democrats polled in this article or don’t you?
A garbage poll conducted by biased pollsters reported by a hatesite to spread lies and propaganda with you as their stooge.
You obviously have low reading comprehension.
Typical for your cult to tell Democrats how they think and feel based on your own delusions, lies and propaganda and then expect Democrats to defend themselves. LOL! Stay in your self-made delusional bubble with the rest of your cult. Democrats prefer reality.