MovieChat Forums > Politics > Basic story of why people are Republican

Basic story of why people are Republican

What Republicans are led away from understanding ...

1) The super rich do not pay their taxes.

2) The super rich have cut all investment into the public commons.

3) The taxes that the super rich do not pay end up having to be paid back by the working class - with interest.

4) The working class resents it because they are lied to that it is poor people taking all this money in social programs, but not only is the working class on the hook for rich people's taxes, but they have to pay the interest as well.

5) Since social programs are defunded and cut over time, the extra costs of all those rip-off economic sectors like education and health care, drag the working class down - and they do not have the time or education to understand the reality of what is happening to them.

6) The Republican working class does not believe they benefit from the government programs because they are propagandized to think it is all minorities, so they become racist haters as well. This helps to divide the population and ensure they cannot unify to make things more fair and better.

7) Republicans are told that if they hate and insult and whine really hard that they money they will save by not giving to other people will make them rich - so they vote Republican, but never realize that they are being lied to and duped.

There is a reason the rest of the world does not follow the American model of capitalism and taxation - because America is being sucked dry by some billionaire oligarchs, who have bought the government and media.


I always thought most Republicans became Republicans because of Alex P. Keaton.


You've been reading very carefully.



"I can't play basketball but if I buy $300 sneakers I can say I'm in the club."

"I'm eighth-generation born loser but if I vote Republican I can say I'm in the club."


Cute story but reeks of bovine excrement.


Stings, doesn’t it?


It might, if it were actually true.


Oh get off your soapbox! It’s tit for tat!

Look who became wealthy AFTER being the POTUS…Clinton & Obama! I believe they are Democrats.

Your OP reminds again of the adage:

”It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”


You do know, don't you, that that quote is a ripoff of Mark Twain?


No, I did not know that, but thanks for the info. I will now read the original quote. BTW, I appreciate being informed with true facts. Happy New Year! Good Grief! It’s 2022! I have more schoolmates dying and more on the way. It’s rather disconcerting to know your days are numbered!


That has nothing to do with the issue ... as usual.


That's retarded nonsense.


Always good to bring logic and facts to a discussion.


I’m a Republican as Democrats wish I was dead for being a white male. How’s that for an answer for you. Explain the legitimacy of your believes when they are rooted in terrorism, racism, and genocide.


> I’m a Republican as Democrats wish I was dead for being a white male.

Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason they hate you.


Basic story of why I am a registered Republican:

1) The super rich pay taxes, but some of them pay people lots of money to weasel them out of paying as much taxes.

2) Have they? That's a vague statement.

3) The middle class pays most of the taxes. This isn't fair but I fail to see the point of getting very angry about this. I worked to get the small bit of success I've had, and I can't complain about the standard of living I enjoy.

I've yet to graduate to the standard of living that I expected by this time, but I don't blame the rich for that. I started making smart choices a little later in life than most.

4) It's not "poor people" taking money in social programs that I resent, it's that so many of these social programs are fucking retarded and harmful. San Francisco made thefts of under $900 to get only a slap on the wrist. They also provide handouts for the homeless and drug addicts. So now it's a shithole full of criminals and feral humans.

These social programs enable human excrement under the laughable veneer of compassion. Its effects are so obviously harmful that you can only conclude that these programs are passed by either sociopathic politicians or useful idiots, both of whom only care about their own gain.

5-7) you're completely talking out of your ass.

Look no one tells me to "hate insult and whine". Who tells you to lie? Republicans aren't the ones who passed the idiotic laws and programs that have turned some cities on the West Coast into crime-ridden shitholes. I'm tired of people making out that there is no logical reason to be Republican or whoever. There is. I just gave you one.

That doesn't mean I automatically believe everything any "Right Wing News Source" says, either. That would be stupid. I'm not terribly smart, but I'm smart enough to notice patterns and to question whether things are true whether I want them to be or not. So I join whatever team that aligns most closely to what I believe.


"I'm smart enough to notice patterns and to question whether things are true whether I want them to be or not."

National Debt Percent of GDP

1976 33%
1980 32%
1992 61%
2000 55%
2008 68%

Notice a pattern?


yeah, the national debt is going up.

so? is that it?

the article cites tax cuts, defense spending, and "recessions" being the major cause. That's mighty vague. There sure does look like a storm coming if those numbers are true, but... the economy is a vast and incredibly complex beast... what exactly are you saying?


I like this one too:

Tax Freedom Day:
1979: April 22
2019: May 8


Don't be cryptic. If you want to make a point, do it.


Carter made the debt smaller
Reagan and Bush made the debt bigger
Clinton made the debt smaller
Littleboots made the debt bigger

1979, after 46 years years of New Deal Democrats controlling Washington (Eisenhower and Nixon were less conservative than Clinton and Obama) government spending consumed far less of our output than it does with the "party of smaller government" controlling D.C. at least half the time since 1979.


what you're saying is compelling, but it's also connecting dots that aren't necessarily directly related. And you're putting a lot of the onus on me to do homework to verify what you're saying is true. Just explain it to me.

A president's influence on GDP growth is limited to his fiscal policy in the framework of whatever happens to be going on at that time. The rest of it is up to the Federal Reserve, which controls lending and interest rates. So those are factors other than the presidency that can affect the GDP.

Well shut my mouth. Looks like the economy does do better under Democrats. This may be one of the grains of truth behind Leftist rage.

I still don't like bad social policy, like enabling the homeless to poop in the streets. And it's not the Republicans who condoned rioting for like six months in Portland and other areas.


If you do not like a wealthy republican they will not kill you for not liking them.

Almost all democrats will call a person evil and try to kill you for not liking them.


OMG! How many years of University to make you so stupid? Or is CNN on all day at the Commune?
If you are too dumb to get a proper education then Janitor is job for you!
