MovieChat Forums > Politics > Whoopi Goldberg goes on a rant about abo...

Whoopi Goldberg goes on a rant about abortion proving again why leftists are crazy and unreliable


Do any of you men have any eggs or the possibility of carrying a fetus? How dare you talk about what a fetus wants! You have no idea.

Now I’m fine if you disagree with abortion, I have no problem with that...

My problem comes when you tell me what I need to do with my doctor and my family. How dare you!

Holy shit the HYPOCRISY! What about vaccine mandates you have been pushing on your stupid show with the other cackling crows. And do you have eggs Whoopi?


I will just identify as a woman, If I say I am a woman then I am one right? Vaginas and wombs don't make a woman because of women who have had hysterectomy.


whoopie what you find on the ground when the devil has a diarrhea event


Theres nothing hypocritical about it.
The difference is Whoopi having an abortion doesn't bring the country to its knees because millions of disease ridden antivaxxers are crippling the hospital emergency rooms.
and putting OTHER PEOPLES lives in danger.


So you condone murder. Got it.


I wish liberals were as mad at China for creating and releasing the virus as they are at their fellow Americans who choose not to take an experimental drug that does not work.


Covid didn't bring our country down to its knees either. Your elected officials and panic buyers did that. As for crippling the hospital's emergency rooms...they had makeshift hospitals built all over America that weren't even being used.

If you really want to convince me that abortion is good you should make the point that it would higher the probability of fewer people like you being born. I'm not a crazy evil leftist though so I wouldn't be on the wrong side of history anyway.


Yeah...Democrats did this, not people that believe in bodily choice.


Who do you blame when a Tsunami rips through a village?


"putting OTHER PEOPLES lives in danger."

Abortion doesn't put lives in danger, it just ends it. I'm not even anti-abortion, but vaccine mandates has absolutely exposed liberal hypocrisy. My body my choice! No, not like that!


From what i understand the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid nor does it prevent you from spreading it.If thats true then aren't i at the same risk of getting it whether the other person is vaxxed or not.


*This post has been flagged for misinformation.


This is a wedge issue. Commies try to make it a womens' rights issue. It ain't. It's about the sanctity of human life and that is not a womens' rights issue at all.


Always liked Whoopi, but...
Why does Whoopi insist on looking like a bag lady? 😕


"You're not a woman" isn't an argument. "You're not a part of _____ group, therefor your opinion is invalid" is a logical fallacy.

"How dare you talk about what a fetus wants! You have no idea. "

I don't know what this is supposed to mean. She knows what a fetus wants because she's a woman?


By what she said she admits men can not have babies so there goes the trans and identity thing.


We all know trans women aren't women. Even liberals know that. They're just afraid to hurt feelings.


She admits a fetus can think and therefore has, here it goes, "LIFE!"


Yeah, her comments were equivalent to putting up a billboard and saying, "This is why I am a hypocrite and my views on X, Y, and Z might be a bit hypocritical." And she is completely oblivious to it too. She's too busy getting caught up in a feminist rant to see it.

1. She just unknowingly admitted trans women aren't women. We all know they're not, but liberals think it's too mean to say that out loud. Once upon a time, dudes were allowed to dress like chicks and you could still tell them they weren't women: Now it's all this you have to lie or your a bigot shit.

2. Your point - so it's a life now, huh? Exactly that.

3. I forget which one specifically, but "You have to be a part of ___ group to have an opinion" is a logical fallacy. It's not a real argument. An association fallacy, maybe?

I am NOT anti-abortion either. i just can't stand this me, me, me, fuck men, fuck the baby shit.


Grr. Just noticed you posted this so I had to delete mine, twice now :(.

Men have a say now since they're birthing persons/menstruating people. The left changed the game on everything (against them). Whoopi is being very regressive and not inclusive and diverse with what people are nowadays. Play ball.


Sorry, sometimes I identify as Lois Lane. ;) lol


Do you women have balls?

Then shut the fuck up.

I can make up moronic rules too.

One big difference between me and this turd.
I believing drugging a 13 year old girl and forcing yourself on her pass out body is rape.
This person doesn't. She is pure shit.


What's the rape story? I feel stupid for not knowing.
