I have the impression that you're confusing Socialism with Communism. Not the same thing.
A more accurate analogy is:
A Capitalist sees a mansion and says "I should live like this and I want 10 of them for myself! Screw everyone else!!!"
A Communist sees a mansion and says "No one should live like this!"
A Socialist sees a man living in squalor and says "No one should live like this!"
Socialism attempts to prevent common people from falling into poverty and raising their living standards. In the U.S, you can get cancer and lose your job, house and life savings. In Canada and most Western countries, your illness wouldn't bankrupt you.
Capitalism creates poor people by paying substandard wages in order for the Capitalist to buy his 10 mansions.
"At least capitalism offers some hope."
Hope doesn't pay the rent. Socialism DELIVERS by raising salaries and living standards of common people.
Socialism = Canada; Germany; Nordic Model; most of Europe (They have Capitalism! but protect the little guy,too)
American-style Capitalism is too pro-big business and screw everyone. Extremes are never good.