anti vaxer "virologist" on here claims that
-a study of 5000 vaccinated people showing antibodies was faked. his evidence "look at the millions worldwide". I love that sort of hard data and studies. the "look around you" type. totally scientific and peer reviewed.
-related to this, claims unless there is 100% immunity and no symptoms this is proof the body doesnt produce antibodies. Not realizing measles vaccine doesn't provide 100% protection, needs two doses, has to get boosters, and you still contract it with the antibodies and even get sick( I guess the measles vaccine doesnt work!
I guess the drop from 4 million (pre vaccine) by 95% once vaccines were rolled out was all a bill gates conspiracy lie too right??
he then provided a Reuters article as proof the vaccines do not work at all.
Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in ...
Infections in vaccinated people do not mean vaccines are ineffective, experts said. "As more and more people are vaccinated in Singapore, we ..."
But why no link and no full title?? ohh because the full title actually says
"Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in Singapore, but few fall ill"
the article later says "While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said."
why do these people push conspiracies and think we won't check out their claims?