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9/11 victims' families outraged over media claims Capitol riot was worse

9/11 victims' families outraged over media claims Capitol riot was worse 'to score points politically'
'Either they're ignorant or they're just really devious and clever'

When retired New York Deputy Fire Chief Jim Riches speaks about it, the anger and sadness in his voice is unmistakable.

It's been nearly 20 years since his son Jimmy was among the 343 New York firefighters to die at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The 9/11 terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people, launched wars, and changed the world.

But since the January 6 Capitol riot, when a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the building to disrupt certification of Joe Biden's election victory, some commentators and reporters have claimed it's not just on par with the 9/11 attacks, but actually even worse.

Riches and other family members of victims told Fox News they're disgusted when they hear of the two events even being compared, let alone suggesting the riot, while stunning and disgraceful, was the darker day.

"It's a shame," he said. "Are they kidding me? 3,000 people died, plus we have more people dying from the air that was down there … They're comparing it to score points politically. The families are really [angry]. When I talk to them, when they compare it to that, they find that outrageous."

It's become a trend in some liberal circles since the riot to liken it to 9/11, citing that it was a direct attack on the democratic process. The widely condemned assault came on the heels of weeks of unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud by Trump and his supporters. Rioters smashed windows, beat law enforcement officers, and were heard voicing threats at Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other politicians.

Democratic lawmakers repeatedly intoned they wanted a "9/11-style" commission to investigate the Capitol attack. Left-wing pundit and former George W. Bush strategist Matthew Dowd recently argued the riot was worse because it's divided the country. Lincoln Project co-founder and Republican-turned-independent-turned-Democratic strategist Steve Schmidt said not only that Dowd was right, but that the riot was worse because it would end up leading to a greater loss of life.

"The 1/6 attack for the future of the country was a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks," Schmidt said at a town hall last week. "And in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks, which will include the casualties of the wars that lasted 20 years following it."


The rhetoric about the riot hasn't been confined to political actors. In May, Huffington Post White House correspondent S.V. Dáte said the riot was worse because Usama bin Laden and his gang of terrorists "never threatened the heart of the American experiment."

"The 1/6 terrorists and Donald Trump absolutely did exactly that. Trump continues that effort today," he tweeted.

He later added the riot was "1000 percent worse."

The rant by Dáte was in response to columnist George Will's call for the day to be as burned into the American memory as 9/11.

Don Arias, whose brother Adam died on 9/11 while working on the 84th floor of the South Tower, told Fox News it makes his "blood boil" that anyone of any political stripe would make that comparison.

"Clear thinking people see these inflammatory statements as the bulls--t they are," Arias said. "There’s no comparison."

DePauw University Professor Jeffrey McCall told Fox News such rhetoric was irresponsible.

"Both were shocking, serious and painful, but they were different in so many ways that trying to compare them with a rating of which is worse is a fool's errand," he said. "There is plenty to discuss and criticize with regard to the Capitol riot without rhetoric that lessens the harm and destruction of the 9/11 attacks."

Liberals are nuts.


Maybe if we start completely ignoring these progressive nut jobs and all of the idiotic things they say…maybe they’ll go away to wallow in their own misery and leave us alone. Never thought I’d see a group of people so devoid of logic and common sense in my lifetime.


The obsession with the Capitol Riot - and it WAS a riot - is out of control. It's on the news almost daily. Every time they arrest someone it's on. I saw a "6 months since people tried to overthrow the government" the other day. LOL, stop. It accomplished nothing and last summer was 20X worse in every way. More damage, last longer, more deaths - and there were even attempts to destroy federal buildings:


All true. Plus, it’s ludicrous how they pinned it on Trump, claiming he incited it. When the real incitement came last summer, when the media and left-wing politicians incited the burning of our cities by promoting the lie that police officers were hunting blacks. Hell, they were even bailing the rioters out of jail. Can you imagine the outrage if Trump put up bail for those arrested for their actions on the 6th?


What about those despicable pardons?


I know! Obama sure did some despicable ones!


"What about those despicable pardons?"

Why are liberals so disconnected from reality?

From here:

Trump used his clemency power sparingly despite a raft of late pardons and commutations

Despite a burst of pardons and commutations in his last hours in office, Donald Trump used his executive clemency power less frequently than nearly every other president since the turn of the 20th century, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Justice Department data.

Trump granted 237 acts of clemency during his four years in the White House, including 143 pardons and 94 commutations. Only two other presidents since 1900 – George W. and George H.W. Bush – granted fewer acts of clemency than Trump.

His predecessor, Barack Obama, granted clemency 1,927 times over the course of eight years in office, the highest total of any president going back to Harry Truman. Obama’s total was skewed heavily toward commutations (1,715) instead of pardons (212).


Hoe bout these lil angels: Trump granted clemency to five of his former campaign staff members and political advisers: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Stephen K. Bannon, and George Papadopoulos. Many of Trump's grants of clemency were criticized by the federal agents and prosecutors who investigated and prosecuted the cases.


Are you trying to insinuate that the agents and prosecutors who investigated and prosecuted Obama's pardons were happy about it?


You wouldn't even know what reality is if it smacked you in the face with a 10 ton semi speeding at you at 90mph.


Says the guy who ignored the facts I posted and just resorted to an insult instead.


Not really


"Not really"

I guess this is your coy way of participating in the discussion without really saying anything.


Still no prove it


*yawn* Ignored.


Still no


Still no


Yeah and it’s not some wacko YouTuber. It’s the illegitimate president.

They want a civil war so bad but the right just won’t take the bait. Burning down cities for a year. Fake viruses. Fake vaccines. The sheep marching along lockstep to their masters orders. They really are so pathetic.

No ideas. No solutions. No platform. Just obsessive hate. The democrat media/party.


crazy conservatives. "They want a civil war so bad " Your wires are either utter crossed or you're a bald faced liar.

The conservatives want a civil war. That's why they attacked the Capitol on Jan 6 thinking the military would join them in their insurrection. They are stockpiling weapons and munitions. They are committing acts of terrorism and public shootings every single day.
Some in the GOP parrot far-right talk of a coming civil war


You're nuts. Conservatives are nuts. "Because Faux news tells me that 'media' is claiming that the Capitol riot is worse than 9/11 they must be saying it."

Secondly, media is corporate. They are consolidated and owned by 6 huge corporations. Corporately run = conservative. Everything on the media is paid for by the rich advertising dollars of the conservatives who tell you they are "liberal" so you think they are.

Where are the WMDs?
Why did the news go completely black out on reporting about the Fukushima disaster exactly one week of non stop reporting on it? Because GE owned half the media companies. They also built the reactors.
The right has so much control over what you are privy to they even shut down the Austrian atmospheric radiation monitoring site ARAD, or least hid it from your view, that showed the plume of radioactive matter spreading through the atmosphere and across the ocean. (I realize these are probably words too big for you to comprehend and issues for your naive young mind to keep up with but try to follow along)
Why did the American media report nothing on the Downing Street Memos exposing the justifications for the Iraq war were a fraud?
Why does the American media never publish anything about May Day worker's rights celebrations around the world even though the tradition was started in the USA?
Why does the American media never publish the news about the repeated attempted coups of the US government on Venzuela?
Why did the "liberal" media never publish the news about the desire for pipelines through Iran or Afghanistan?
Why did the media never publish the news that there were war preparations happening in the summer of 2001 long before 9/11/2001 if they are "liberal".
Sure you think they are liberal because they publish news about social issues but never do they publish news that really matters, like how corporations hold conventions for Republicans to draft bills in corporate favor.
▶ Bill Factory This is How Corrupt The Political System Is - YouTube
Why did the media censor global warming science for 30 years and over 100 years since scientists posts the potential threat?
and censor that cigarettes were bad for you or 5 years if they weren't conservative?

You're so fucking owned, you are such a fucking slave you don't even know you are. You don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground. You're fast asleep.


"Because Faux news tells me that 'media' is claiming that the Capitol riot is worse than 9/11 they must be saying it."

There were links in the article showing exactly what they were claiming.

Did you bother to look at them, or did you just drool over yourself and mutter, "Faux News, durrrr."?

As for the rest of your post, you obviously need to switch to decaf.


"You're so fucking owned, you are such a fucking slave you don't even know you are. You don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground. You're fast asleep."

By the way, I understand your frustration. If I couldn't make a logical argument to back up my views, I'd be angry too.
