MovieChat Forums > Politics > Steelers LB Devin Bush wonders why Tim T...

Steelers LB Devin Bush wonders why Tim Tebow got a job while Colin Kaepernick sits

Oh, well that's easy:

Colin Kaepernick Publishing Book Calling to 'Abolish the Police'

No one wants a bad player AND a headache.


Because Colin is awesome blessed and Tim needs the money.

If you'll notice, Colin is advocating for social justice issues, and Tim is sitting on his ass.

Tell that Steeler to advocate for child victims of molestation and sex trafficking who are silenced because their abusers have enablers.


"If you'll notice, Colin is advocating for social justice issues"

Is that what abolishing the police and prisons is? "Justice"?

"and Tim is sitting on his ass."

I don't think the words "sitting on his ass" mean what you think. He's been a minor league ball player for the last 5 years and running his own foundation. I believe he has some hosting/reporting gigs too.


Ending racism and discrimination in law enforcement is apparently twisted in your mind.

All the frivolous crimes that tax payers are paying for... but I never heard that Colin wants violent offenders freed. Spin it the way you want.


The police are not racist. The left selectively cherrypicks whatever incidents they have to to push their false narrative and lies because it manipulates people into voting for them. And I have yet to see one instance where a cop victimized anyone because of their race.

Also here are some inconvenient facts for you: The number of whites killed by cops each year almost outnumbers blacks 2:1 yet blacks outnumber whites in gangs almost 3:1.


Did you ever hear of Rodney King?

Or how about George Floyd?


I have yet to see any evidence that George Floyd was attacked for his race, as for Rodney King if you have to go back 3 decades to prove your point then that only shows your desperation. Again almost twice as many white people have been shot by the cops in comparison to blacks. You already decided on the conclusion you wanted, all you're doing is cherrypicking incidents that suit your agenda and it's sick.


You in denial is sick, and the burden of proof is on you. Unsubstantiated claims is your hypocrisy. Going back 30 years shows systemic racism and the lack of acknowledgment of it.


You still haven’t proven your claim and you are the one claiming the police are racist so therefore you have to prove it. You are trying to shift your burden of proof to me which is what cowards do. You are a total disgrace. Also if you had such a strong case you wouldn’t have to go back 30 years, heck the cops today more than likely had nothing to do with Rodney King or are they automatically racist for becoming cops? You are a sick, disturbing individual.


Yeah, like you're someone who can judge. I guess Jesus is your only hope.


Sorry, kiddo but I’m atheist


Do you really think whites, Latinos, Asians or any other races aren't occasionally beaten or mistakenly killed by police? What happens and what is selected to be heavily reported on are not necessarily the same thing.


Lady, can you not read?!

"In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also ABOLISH the police" -- Colin Kaepernick.

That's the core message of a new book being published by the NFL quarterback -- who's arguing for the abolition of policing and prisons.

The book -- titled "Abolition for the People: The Movement for a Future WITHOUT Policing & Prisons" -- is set to drop in October and features 30 essays, including one from Colin himself.


What he's probably too stupid to realize is if you abolish the police it is only going to hurt the people who live in poor neighborhoods who can't afford security systems, guns, private security, etc. and these people are disproportionately black. He's just some smug celebrity who wants to get on his pedestal and seem important while not giving a good damn about any of the people he claims to advocate for.


He and nuts like Tabby HAVE TO know a shitty neighborhood is going to get worse without cops. The public commits more crimes than bad cops every year - and it's not even close. This is common sense.


They don’t even care about those people, all they care about is appearing virtuous to the world. They are some very sick and disturbed individuals


Not acknowledging racism is pretty sick and disturbing of you.


Using unsubstantiated claims of racism to advance a political agenda is pretty sick and disturbing of you.


I'm sorry, does that say something about wanting to see violent offenders free? Can you read as well as you judge?


You have wandered so far off the road of rationality that you don't even know there IS a road. You are completely lost...


No, I can comprehend that he wants to end racism, not advocate for criminals.


Your comprehension is fatally flawed.


He wants to abolish prisons and police departments. ABOLISH. Are you not familiar with what that word means?


So he wants to abolish racism and criminal cops. Is that a bad thing?


Why are you pretending to not understand what his point is?


The core beliefs sound right, the method sounds unorthodox. I will have to read the book to judge.


"Unorthodox", LOL!!!

His core beliefs are to get rid of prisons and police. You understand that?


The Steelers are my team, and it sucks that they can’t stop saying stupid shit on social media.

I’m also curious if Devin Bush has the same thoughts about Aldon Smith getting another shot in the NFL? 🤔

I’m guessing that’s ok, because Smith is black and Tebow is white, and that’s all that matters to the morons in this country anymore.


Devin Bush is an idiot.


Tim Tebow changed his position from QB to TE. Kaep wants to be a starting QB and paid as one when he sucks


The Kaep crowd concedes NOTHING. Tabby is a perfec example. She can't even bring herself to admit what his argument is. They simply refuse to recognize he isn't good and is a PR nightmare. No one wants a bad player who is a fanatic and a distraction. He doesn't WANT to play football either.

Tebow isn't an NFL player, but he's not a headache either, so people are willing to give him a chance. It's not hard to comprehend.


Tebow could have been an interesting player, he had some skills, he could have entertained a lot of us and helped a bunch of teammates win games.

But he's not a team player, he only wanted to be the starting QB, so everyone got screwed. So basically the wigguh Kaepernick.


Maybe because Kapernick is an A hole and Tebow is receiving Gods favor! Just saying


While I agree his stubborness might have cost him an NFL career, I find it interesting we all know "he can't play QB." He won a fucking Heisman at the position and barely played in the NFL. Is college football really that much of a joke that you can achieve that and teams just know he can't be a competent player in the pros? Is college football really that bad?

I'm a Birds fan and we're going through it right now. Jalen Hurts threw for 32 TDs and rushed for 20 in his senior year. 52 fucking touchdowns and we already know he can't play?


"He won a fucking Heisman at the position"

So did Johnny Manziel.


He also drank himself out of the league, so there's that.


You should take your football wisdom to the Jets. Then they might beat the Eagles for the first time in history.


Having a virgin on your team is good luck! Everybody knows that.


I don't think Tim Tebow will make the team but he appears to be a good role model with his religious beliefs while Kaepernick is promoting anarchy and chaos with the message of "Abolishing the police" that would do more harm than good to the black community.


Tebow isn't playing QB.


He's not going to be playing TE either, but that's besides the point.


Well yeah, but Kaep isn't a TE.
