MovieChat Forums > Politics > Megan McCain complained

Megan McCain complained

about not being able to get a vaccine and was attacked by the mob:

Joey Behar called for Tucker Carlson to be "tied up" and I bet you never even heard this story:

I don't know about you, but I'm real sick of this shit with the left. There's no accountability. Everything they say is untouchable.This is why we ended up with that slob blowhard of a "man" in the WH the last 4 years - and we will again if they are not put in check. All these "progressives" do is anger people and fuel the fire.


No there's no accountability with the Left?? Whatever. Take this hypocritical asinine opinion elsewhere.


Pedro Pascal called Republicans Nazis and compared border detention to Nazi Germany. Not a thing happened to him. Carano compared being Jewish to being a Republican and was fired. They were on the same show.

This Disney producer made a "joke" about killing Republican's kids: Nothing happened to him.

AOC outright lied about being at the Capitol. Nada.

James Gunn - an outspoken liberal - made "jokes" about raping kids and was given his job back:

Nick Canon made some awful comments and was given his job back:


I agree with all your points but to win an argument at least make sure the other side has no ammo to shoot you down.

Gina Carano didn't compare being republican to being a Jew.

She compared the build up to WW2 and the way Jews were attacked by their own neighbours and friends to the way politics are today. Basically if you voted for Trump you have normal people attacking and slandering you just because of the way you voted and to show what a slippery slope that is and what it can lead to. That was the example. Jews were not just rounded up when the war broke out, it was a 10+ year campaign by the German government to tell normal people that Jews were the reason for all the countires problems and so they were beaten by their neighbours and even children (shown in the Tweet). The Twitter mob and MSM twisted that to say she comapred being a Republican to being a Jew to make her the enemy.

Like I say I agree with all your points. Just wanted to clarify that.


Eliminating people from society? You mean like the homeless??


I must apologise I have no idea what you are referring to.


Of course not, oppression is from the Right and you're twisting it.

Praying someday introspection occurs.


Oh you are one of them. Ok. Enjoy.

What am I twisting? Please elaborate.


First, I'm an Independent. Second, the Right tends to vote against social issues.

But stay bias because it's helping you in perspective...



"First, I'm an Independent. "

Yeah, no your not. You've thrown a temper tantrum and lashed out at every person who criticized the left.


Jesus lashed out at the Pharisees, not the unbelievers.

You want to say something to Him about His example.



Everyone disagreeing with you is throwing a temper tantrum?

Gee, stop making stupid arguments then no one will confront you. Pretty simple.


Are you implying that the right is eliminating the homeless??? Where do you leftists come up with this crazy nonsense? The homeless are where they want to be, sunny California making mansion tent homes with free electricity and water slides. The other half smashing windows and doing drugs in Oregon and Washington. New York is also littered with homeless people everywhere. How are they being eliminated?


Okay, let me ask you this to see if you know what oppression means...

Is keeping people at the current minimum wage rate oppression?


Minimum wage has nothing to do with oppression. It actually helps the less educated or nonskilled workers from getting slave wages. It helps to keep corporate plantations, who are the real oppressors, like Amazon and Walmart "honest."

Also, I think people should get paid for what they know how to do. The guy who has more knowledge and works harder should be rewarded higher. The guy with the plan and resources to capitalize should make way more than the guy mopping floors. Open-and-shut case!


No way. There are actually people who think like you out there?


Uh duh? That would be every small business owner, CEO of a board, and any business that capitalizes on consumerism. Do you not work? Are you collecting disability and food stamps?


I work and I'm smart enough to know that the quality of the owner determines the success of a business, not whether it's a small or big business. So where did you get your education??


So where did you get your education??

Sesame Street. You?


Jeremiah 22:3 and Proverbs 3:31


The thing is, minimum wage was only suppose to be temporary. People were suppose to work these crap jobs to eventually get the job they want or go further in their career. It seems not everyone has the capacity to do so or there is just too many low skilled workers there along with the illegals to add into the low skill worker mix. This in turns makes people dependent on low wage jobs and never rise up or can't because of the competition to get better jobs but they're competing with those that aren't actual citizens along with foreigners with skills immigrating in.


Oh vey. Business owners can be greedy people who oppress their employees. Period.

A raise in minimum wage would protect the working class from being taken advantage of.

If we want to ensure that citizens aren't taken advantage of by anyone international, then why not domestic?


Didn't realize working at Burger King is a Crap Job (Shithole Country?) and Everyone should have better Career Aspirations and the USA has all those avenues wide open for every single person to make a sustainable income by finding work that isn't at Burger King, (which is a big employer).
Makes you wonder why people go to Burger Kings at all, being such a crappy job seems like the product would be crappy too, right?
But maybe alt-wrongs figure the rest of us go to BK while we serve them whatever they want. That's comfortable.
Sure, all the better paying companies are begging for under-priviledged people to Give Them A Chance. (sarcasm alert).

Not even close to reality.


"Gina Carano didn't compare being republican to being a Jew.

She compared the build up to WW2 and the way Jews were attacked by their own neighbours and friends to the way politics are today."

These are the same statements. Stop this retarded argument.


Sorry, let me try this way... will you please give an example of the Right taking accountability for their actions?


Who the hell is Pedro Pascal other than some dummy who is a couple steps ahead of you in the no-one-cares order?




James Gunn was technically never fired. He had already apologized for those tweets BEFORE Disney hired him. That's a big deal. He walked into the studio hoping to get the job, but before they gave the answer he said, "Here's what I did that I'm not proud of." What happened is Mike Cernovich found out about it and used it as part of his cancel campaign, not realizing that Gunn and Disney had already hashed it out. But because it went public, Disney put Gunn on hiatus until it blew over.

Cernovich also tried it on Sam Seder to get him fired from MSNBC, but it blew up in Cernovich's face because he completely misunderstood the context.

Gina Carano made controversial tweets that Disney told her were not acceptable. They asked her to stop, she agreed, and they moved on. After she made her recent tweet, they didn't fire her because they thought she said something negative about Jews. They did it because they felt her tweet was a sign she could not avoid controversial tweets.

AOC never said she was at the capitol building during the attack. She said she was in her office when someone banged on her door that she later learned was a capitol officer.


kuatorises forgot about Cuomo covering up all the people he killed.

Cuomo and the sexual harassment allegations.

Biden throwing kids in containers.

Biden saying the N-word during the virtual conference in Munich.


So you're a mod here? Oh, wait.... you're not so shut the fuck up.


Hey ! Just lie and complain that no one takes you seriously ! The sky is falling !


thats because we live in bizzaro world.


MeAgain McCain

"You will listen to what I have to say, dammit! I am the daughter of John McCain!"

"Okay ma'am, but this is the Wendy's drive thru."


You are an insane liberal. There is no objectivity in anything you say. Your no different than a Trumper.


Care to explain what I said that is insane?


You've literally tried to excuse every example of liberal hypocrisy I laid out, LOL! You're a hypocrite and a biased party hack. You will scoff at something a conservative (or someone you THINK) is a conservative does because it disagrees with your agenda, but if a liberal turns around and does the same thing, you will turn around and defend the shit out of it. You are no better than a Trump supporter.


Then show me the two situations that were the same where I defended one and criticized the other.

In the post you replied to, I didn't even criticize Meghan McCain's political ideology. I specifically criticized her personality.

Yet it triggered you into this left-vs-right "hypocrisy" diatribe.


That's what I thought.


I named at least six in my first few posts you fucking clown.


So first you called me insane when all I did was criticize Meghan's personality.

Now you're pissed off because you realized your mistake but are too much of a coward to own up to it.


