MovieChat Forums > Politics > Will Biden's Push For Green Jobs End In ...

Will Biden's Push For Green Jobs End In Failure?

Remember this? Obama promised 5 million but until now, only 3.1 million exist with 8 years of Obama. Now Biden is aiming for 10 million green energy jobs when they haven't even reached the half-way mark yet... So how the hell is he going to create that many with only 4 years? Let's not forget we're in perpetual COVID and some lockdown for the indefinite future along with these new variants out and about affecting efficacy. Oh and don't forget many of these jobs have reduced pay from the good o'l coal/oil days.



Will our Earth turn into a cinder of over-population and wasteland because we burned it out from over-consumption and no thought for the future?
If coal and oil were an endless resource that didn't pollute the environment AND could somehow "magically" support high wages (unlike FOOD, i.e., working in food services), then great and have at it, but ...

Someone has to think about the world AFTER we leave it.


Only places with overpopulation are from 3rd world where education is low and contraception is nearly non-existent. More developed countries with an educated population usually slow down in population growth, some going in population decline after a certain mark. Over-consumption will still happen in the foreseeable future as long as people like to consume materialism. You should see what happens to products that are returned from Amazon, most go to the landfill and not resold/restocked.

I have no issues switching to green energy but if you can't replace the numbers at the pace you eliminate fossil fuels, you're going to have people suffering. I know how the game works, always winners and losers in tech advancements or in this case, policy moves that don't drive based on supply/demand. Some things just naturally fall out of favor due to convenience but this one is based on climate policy so it different, imo. Biden will also need to make solar panels at home because China has the market on solar panels atm and if they buy from them, they'll have lost jobs and fossil fuel to be spent shipping them over.

The world aka Earth will be fine whoever is on it. It's the species that need thinking about. Earth has survived for billions of years and will survive a billion more after humans have gone extinct, just like the dinosaurs.


What people dont know the electronica in these green energy machines line wind turbines.

You still need to mine for metal
Mine for precious metals

Fossil fuel and plastics
Oils for lubrication.

Sorry liberals ky jelly doesnt work.


No matter what humans do to curb climate change, it always comes at a cost. Switching one form of environmental harm with another. Since these types of tech burn toxic chemical mixtures into the air compared to regular fossil fuel and require much much more water to put out, going to be interesting to see what new forms of cancer people start developing if not a rise in cancer related cases.

Speaking of needing copious amounts of water:

Ah, the utopian dream.


I studied a lot of geology and read a lot of books on the subject.

Through history their were periods of ice ages and hot ages.

And humans were so minimal during these times you could say the earth's climate has changed and will on its own.

That doesnt mean humans cant be sloppy and due radical things to alter the climate. But everyday stuff and current co2 out out is minimal.

And even if it were drastic, humans have not been around long enough to even start to diagram such changes.

Climate change would need to be measured in thousands of years in relation to the earth's age.

Measuring it every year would be like someone taking their temperature every hour of a day and debating why is changes a degree or 2.


I've watched many videos and read some articles as well. It's just that humans have I guess accelerated the rate at which things die out or happen. Back in the day they were talking about ice age and now they're talking extreme heat if nothing is done. I think we should be developing stuff around surviving extreme weather rather than just trying to mitigate the acceleration or both. Either way it's still going to happen whether we stall it or not.

That's the great thing about ice cores. You can measure thousands of years in the past on how the climate acted. I remember some NAT Geo docu about it or some other. Lots of good docus on it on YT.


The environmental factors are unknown, yes, so the damage fracking causes is pitted against greener technology that is somewhat quantifiably better known in order to do with the life cycle assessments. What is being discovered is the pipeline for natural gas is just one part of the energy economy, and the sources like hydro, wind, solar, biomass are helpful or useful when they can be combined.


By the time a green new deal bankrupts banks. china will have a strong hold on the world.

They are building man made islands,

Their navy has surpassed any navy on the planet.

They are way ahead of a space force. That red head who speaks now for Biden mocked a space force the other day.

The u.s. is concentrating on green, BLM, LGBTQ, illegal aliens.

People better wake up fast.

Oh and China is working on a virus that will work on everyone else accept certain things in chinese DNA.

After they collect the data from the Corona virus and everything they are learning from apps.

By accepting this app you agree to allow the user

Access to microphone
Access to camera
Access to gps
Access to internet history
Access to contacts

Putting this info in weird algorithms, china is learning to slowly cripple the u.s. before prime for take over.

It will be so subtle and gradual most wont.even know



You're not saving the world it's just politics.
