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Should Guiliani be Kicked out of the Hospital?

The crybaby should man up and treat the "hoax" at home instead of taking a hospital bed. He refused to wear a mask or social distance therefore he should stay out of the hospital.


Should the hospitals not take people who suffered gun shot wounds if they themselves are in a gang, involved in shooting others too? Happens almost every day in Chicago. They hog up the hospital beds. They come first because time is of the essence while other people suffer with an emergency of their own in the ER for hours on end because the gang bangers come first.
Oh and these little savages don't usually have health insurance so it falls on the heads of taxpayers. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™„

Should lung cancer patients not receive medical attention if they're a chain smoker? How about if they quit after 25 years of smoking but 5 years passed since their last smoke?

Should a drug addict not receive medical attention if they OD because it's their own fault?

Should the alcoholic not receive medical attention because he damaged his own liver with years of alcohol abuse?

Should a battered wife not receive medical attention because she should know better than to stay with the idiot?

You CANNOT PROVE HOW OR WHERE Rudy (or anyone for that matter) got Covid. It's a virus. Doctors and nurses who are masked up have gotten the virus. People who have been infected, 85% of them were regular mask wearers!
If people want to wear a mask, by all means, wear one. Healthy people should not be forced to wear a mask, nor should they be locked down.
This is all about CONTROL.

You are so high and mighty KeeLIAR. You think you're so perfect.


excellent post


You are so high and mighty KeeLIAR.

Well, I have to agree with the HIGH part! 😏




The major difference is that the other people you named don't kill doctors and nurses by infecting them with the virus nor ignore their pleas.

"We're tired. We're understaffed. We're taking care of very, very sick patients and our patient load just keeps going up. We're exhausted and frustrated that people aren't listening to us," said Gooch, who said she has patients who don't believe in COVID-19 even as they are hospitalized for it. "It kind of blows my mind and it's frustrating."

"I'm brutally honest. I tell him in 10 years of being a nurse I've done more CPR and seen more people die in the last 2 weeks than I have in my entire career combined," Ashley Bartholomew, an ICU nurse in El Paso wrote on Twitter."

"Grossman said she too has had experiences with patients where their first realization of how serious COVID-19 can be is when they're being taken to the ICU, or when she has to phone patients' families and its their first realization too."


Are you currently under the supervision of a mental health professional? Because you should be.


Is this what you want for your loved ones?


Rudy is recovering and has been released from the hospital.


Of course! He was given the same experimental drugs which Trump and Trump's friends have received. Regular folks get zip and end up a part of the death stat.

"I am doing fine. Pretty much all the symptoms are gone,” Giuliani said in a Tuesday radio interview. β€œThe minute I took the cocktail I felt 100 percent better. It works very quickly β€” wow.”

In the same interview, Giuliani acknowledged that he might have received the drug cocktail due to his stature."


He was given Remdesivir, which is not an "experimental" drug any longer. It has secured regular approval from the FDA as a treatment for covid after initially being given emergency use approval in May. Tens of thousands of patients have received it. Most are not friends of Trump.

Cheer up, Keelai. Maybe he'll relapse or have a heart attack or get hit by a bus or something. You have to stay hopeful.


Death cult membership is your MO.

The antibodies treatment which isn't available to the overwhelming majority of people. t likely did the trick.

"Giuliani was given a cocktail of drugs (including antibodies treatmen)t which isn't available to the majority of covid patients. If you think you'll get his level of treatement in the hospital, you're delusional.

"The treatments β€” a monoclonal antibody developed by Eli Lilly and a cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies developed by Regeneron β€” won emergency use authorization, or an E.U.A., from the Food and Drug Administration last month for outpatients with β€œmild to moderate” disease who are at high risk for progressing to severe disease or for being hospitalized.

Even some top officials at the F.D.A. β€” both career employees and political appointees β€” have privately expressed concern in recent months that people with connections to the White House appeared to be getting access to the antibody treatments, according to three senior administration officials.

Mr. Giuliani, 76, appeared unaware of the scarcity issues, telling interviewers that politicians have taken masks and business closures too far now that Covid-19 is β€œa treatable disease.”

In fact, the antibody treatments are so scarce that officials in Utah have developed a ranking system to determine who is most likely to benefit from the drugs, while Colorado is using a lottery system. Dr. Matthew Wynia, director of the Center of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Colorado, said that giving the powerful access was patently unfair."


Like I said, he could still die. He had prostate cancer once, so maybe that could come back. Stay positive.


Death cultist, you're projecting your goal. You support a death cult leader who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. You're the one who calls for people not to wear a mask in order for them to be "liberated" to kill more Americans. Giuliani is obviously a part of your death cult. How many did he infect?
