MovieChat Forums > Politics > Rudy Giuliani tests positive for coronav...

Rudy Giuliani tests positive for coronavirus


He’s a super spreader of everything stinky these days


Another outbreak. How embarrassing. Watch it be Mike Pence who's next.


Poor little fella.


Not even worth reporting on these anymore at this point. They all survive via close ties to the predz and access to premium healthcare.


Survive because of the Pres?

Giuliani must have turned away from him... momentarily.

Praying for Giuliani and that he gets out of being Trump's lawyer safely.


Wow. What a fall.

If there was ever a figure between 2000-2020 who fell from the top of the world to land on Trump.

All that hair dye on his chin. All those ghoulies and wtf's!

I hope he survives..

He was once "Man of the Year":

That would be an awful moment/memory.

What the hell happened to this guy?


Well, he's in the hospital now. Not really much still since he'll most likely get the vaccine pronto so he can continue spouting COVID is nothing really bad thereafter. Sucks that some people get access to this while most won't.


It just goes to show that everyone at some point is going to get it. Do we even know that these tests are reliable and it's just not the flu? Juan Williams of Fox got it, are we saying he didn't follow protocols? He's a democrat. mask or no mask; you're going to get it. I hope they are both doing well.


The tests are not reliable.

No one is allowed to get the flu, a cold, pneumonia, etc. It's all Covid and only Covid now.

I know 2 guys in recent months who went into the hospital and it was quickly discovered they had pneumonia. They kept testing one of them 5 times until they finally got the Covid "positive" results they wanted. The other guy eventually tested positive too.

Yes, Juan Williams is a mask believer. I hope he's ok too. I hope anyone who gets it is ok.

It's a virus, which you're not going to stop. When Phony Fauci was honest in the early days he said masks aren't going to protect you. He said people can wear them to "feel a little better" but admitted it's a false sense of security.
Then he turned into a CNN media whore who's all about the mask now. What a fraud.

If the Democrat politicians thought masks really worked, they wouldn't want us to have them.
It's an experiment to see who will comply like little sheep.
They wear theirs for show.
Many of them have been caught not wearing them but preach to us about wearing them.


oh, right, I forgot, lol How silly of me to think we still got colds...during cold season....

I have been very fortunate that I don't know a single person who has had it. My aunt got sick so she went to go get tested, came out negative. I am pretty sure I had it in February. I had it all, weakness, no appetite for a month, chills, fever, stomach issues. But I was fine in 3-4 days though still no appetite weeks after. But this was before the pandemic was news worthy so no one cares.

Fauci is the worst. He has contradicted himself so much, it's infuriating. The worst is when he tried to explain his mask flip flop by saying he did it to ensure medical people got he blatantly lied to the American people to keep them from protecting themselves. Now the damn things are forced on us under threat of job loss, fines, arrests....Either he was lying then or lying now; which is it? I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. People would have been more willing to wear masks if they were never lied to and weren't forced to use them. i find them useless and I am glad people are finally seeing it now. However, in my opinion, it's a little late.

The Democrats have really shot themselves in the foot. I am in NJ and have to deal with the Tyrant King Murphy. Everyone of them closing businesses and forcing these draconian rules on us should be 'setting an example' and never leave their houses or going anywhere. What's going on in California is insane. Shame on all of them. I am glad I don't run a hair salon or a gym or a restaurant. I would kick them out immediately.


Fauci treated us like 5 year olds because he didn't think we could understand basic logic. Maybe he was right though...look at all the toilet paper hoarding. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
Seriously though, when the news "claimed" Trump downplayed the virus they wanted his head on a silver platter. HE LIED, HE LIED!! 😱😱😱😱😱
If he had come out acting like his hair was on fire, that would have been best, right? They're so ridiculous. The way he handled it was fine. He gave the facts, didn't want people in a panic and did all he could humanly possible. We STILL got the same information whether he freaked out about it or not.

Yet you have Fauci on the other hand who blatantly lies, changes his mind and they worship him! He and Birx didn't wear a mask until mid-May. And it's all for show.
I have zero respect for him or Birx.
Fauci was the one going on TV saying not to panic and it wasn't a big deal. He didn't think it was necessary to shut down travel but the president thought it was so he did, to which Fauci later agreed it was best and saved millions of lives!

Doctors and nurses who've been shushed didn't know what the hell was going on. The hospitals were empty. No one able to get preventive care or necessary surgeries! You couldn't go to the dentist either!
Some doctors were suspicious so they sent out Covid tests dipped in saline. They came back positive. The president of Tanzania sent out tests he used on fruit and they also came back positive. A friend of mine said her county coroner got his Facebook page torn down because he was so happy there were no Covid deaths to report in the area.
Hospitals get more money for Covid patients and Covid deaths. Doctors being pressured to put Covid on the death certificates.

And by the way, we've had the same average number of deaths this year than ANY other year!

The media is lying to us.
The politicians are lying to us.
They want us under control.


Caught with his hand in his pants in Borat 2.
Goes to the wrong Four Seasons between a porn shop and a crematorium.
Sweats fake hair juice.
His star witness turns out to be a drunk who did time for revenge porn.
Farts twice at the same hearing.
Gets covid.

That's quite the streak he's on.


His star witness is also a former escort. Fvcks old men for money...lmao!


And he boozes 24/7


It's his copium. That and the $20k a day he gets to pretend there's fraud.
