why is trump still doing rallys?
what are they still voting for?
are they doing over certain votes?
please give me a straight answer if you can, thanks
what are they still voting for?
are they doing over certain votes?
please give me a straight answer if you can, thanks
they got one of the apprentices speaking
isn't the election over? wtf is going on/?
why ralley all the losers together? isn't that provoking a civil war?
what is georgia still voting for?
I think he's raising money to fund the lawsuits.
shareHe’s conning more money from his base
He’s gleamed a lot from the evangelicals!
In 2011 Trump, Stone and Bannon came to the realization that he could get all the religious suckers on his side just by rallying loudly and divisively against a common opponent.
He started with Obama's BC, he shifted to Hillary's emails, and now he's on to democratic voter fraud. The religious suckers will buy into anything that criticizes people they already oppose, no matter how far-fetched the allegation. Some of them even bought into the idea they didn't have covid as it was literally killing them.
If Trump stops rallying, those suckers slowly gravitate back to Fox News which is still divisive, but not as much as he is.
There are yhree reasons for the rallies.
1. The main reason is it feeds his ego.
2. It energizes his base which like to bond with each other and reinforce their hate of the "other".
3. Trump is making millions from his base with his lie about winning the election. The rallies give him free publicity to get more money from them.
You should be asking:
Why do televangelists do so many sermons? Same reason he does so many rallies. Keeps them in the echo chamber and one world view. He's finally tapped into the lowly educated base from his usually conning from his businesses and it's making probably him more money than he's ever dreamed of. That and helping to destroy the US experiment on democracy. Smart I say if I were a pure capitalist at heart. Money is king after all.
money is reason and I say only in 2020 can a president say that 80 million votes are from cheaters