MovieChat Forums > Politics > Well, we now have video evidence of chea...

Well, we now have video evidence of cheating in Georgia

Cheating in plan sight in Georgia?

Take a look for yourself. This is a 360 composite video of GA rigging operation with testimony overlay. Taken from Thedonald:


oh snap...dems will just claim that the video is fake, photoshopped, altered, Russia, not real, fake...

this could go to the scotus...should be interesting...


CNN will do what CNN does, pretend it doesn't exist. They've done this hundreds of times.

It really is amazing that so many people are OK with their own country, the USA, devolving into a Banana Republic.



Hehehehe, Project Veritas stripped CNN naked, again :D. They're trying to sic their goons on O'keefe, but they'll never catch him.


To the Trumper, doctored videos are real news, and those who expose it are goons.


When it exposes the hypocrisy of the dems , they always say it was fake.


It's just video of what's already been discussed as irrelevant. Nothing illegal, fraudulent or irregular has or is being alleged..

They're using fish eye lens images to complain that the permitted observers could have been closer.

But there's no law that states they should have been closer than they were.

Another waste of time.


You're not seriously suggesting that the shenanigans going on in the video is irrelevant?


maratota is our new resident troll, this is his MOS


What "shenanigans"?


They are stuffing hidden ballots from suitcases into machines for two hours after witnesses have left.




I didnt bother watching the video becasue i thouth it highly likely full of shit.

can you give a time for where the obviulsly bullshit
"stuffing hidden ballots from suitcases"



they pull out the secret stash from under the table...


I'm not gonna watch a 17 minute video to see someone pull a box from under a table.
what in the hell would that prove?


did u watch the link? how do you know if you didnt watch it? i could have posted a cat video.


I watched the first 30 seconds , enough to relise it was 17 minutes of day to day operations in the counting office , no doubt involving moving of boxes around.

I'm pretty sure if i had wasted my time watching the whole thing i would be none the wiser about which perfectly inocent action you crazy conspiracy nutjobs have taken offence at.

So why dont you just tell us?
every other post in this thread is "wtf in that video are you talking about?"
so please , just tell us!
we wont to believe!
just give us a clue!


basically they, (the dems) told everyone to stop counting and go home and then around midnight they pulled out a secret stash of biden votes from under the table, Trump was winning that night and then the next day biden was winning. the problem is now that all the illegal votes are mixed with the legitimate votes. doing a recount does no good.


and again, what in the video, corroborates that crazy fantasy?


in the video you can see them (dems) pulling out suitcases and then start counting them. this is after everyone else left, its State law that votes cannot be counted in secret.


ok , i see what your getting at , thats what the lady narrating was saying i think.
The video however in no way proves anything,
Presumably the verdict is now out from whoever that lady narrator was talking to?


yeah, the only thing it proves is that votes were counted were there weren't supposed to. biden said there would be a lot of chicanery going on, and he was right. if republicans were caught doing this, nancy (saggy boobs) mcgee would have a full on conniption fit...


> You're not seriously suggesting that the shenanigans going on in the video is irrelevant?

If he is not, I am.


you didn't watch the video


I guess since you guys watched the video, you would be able to identify the specific act of "cheating" or wrongdoing.

But none of you have. Hmmm.


Its a joke. The narrator is basically trying to create a narrative out f thin air. Another nothing burger


Then why is the governor of GA calling a signature audit?


Because GA republicans need Loeffler and Perdue to win to maintain control of the Senate, and Trump supporters are threatening to boycott voting in the runoff if GA repubs don't go along with Trump's audit demand.


This is the Democrats we are talking about...nothing is out of their hands and rigging votes in defiance of trump is directly up their alley


Yeah , but blindly refusing to look facts in the face and instead choose to baselessly scream "voter fraud" is right up the Trump alley , and a certain proportion of republicans who have yet to see sense.


Right up trump's alley?

Democrats have been fighting it for 4 years and trump 4 weeks.

Man you dems are so full of double standards.


No, it was only a day, not 4 years.

Impeachment is not an attempt to overturn an election, that is not how an impeachment works


That's funny. If you are a Republican you clearly do not cares about double standards. Look to your own part first before you criticize others.


Democrat voters are antifa, BLM and LGBTQ rioting in the streets killing people. Looting and burning buildings.

Those groups vote Democrat.,

How can you align with those groups?


>> Democrat voters are antifa, BLM and LGBTQ rioting in the streets killing people. Looting and burning buildings.

Thats the cartoon version of the Democratic Party your Conservative News keeps blasting you with so the slower Republicans can't think fast enough to resists it is plays so fast and is repeated so often.


So BLM and antifa vote trump?


In the first place, antifa is a made up fiction by alt-wrong pub strategists. And good Americans are peacefully trying to get the country to wake up that Black Lives Matter. Just recently in my state we had a 40 year old white guy kill a 19 yo black kid for playing his music too loud, in a small white rural town.

And I'm sure to you, Black lives DON'T matter, so don't pay it any mind, while all this "burning, looting and murdering" is going on, like what is it now -- every day? Every hour? Every where? In the minds of white blood crazed wrong wingers, and tools for the status quo -- sure it is.


Atleast we are seeing how you view things.

Antifa is made up.

Man that's such a great quote

By me at an election both, 25 antifa showed up in 3 vehicles and lined up together to vote.

Behind then was a line of about 30 blm members who all.showed up together.

And I guess they vote Republican...

BLM is responsible form millions in damages and theft, attack police.

What other group loots targets?

Recently you had a black man shot?

Well in NYC there are streets, bars and 711s where if you show up at nightfall and are white.
You will be singled out and attacked just for the color of your skin.
Has been happening for 40 years.


Antifa are some rowdy kids in Portland.

You confused random people wearing masks as Antifa because you're a raging moron who thinks the ghost of Hugo Chavez gave Biden the win.


Antifa are just some kids?

Man that's another great line.

Just some kids wearing body armor, causing millions in damages and some deaths.

So I go on YouTube and look up target looting.

I see people way above 21.
No masks.

Just some random people looting hub.

Too funny your point of view.


Cartoon version?

These people caused multiple deaths, millions in damages.
Attacking police.

At the height of George angel floyd.

The hospital by me was packed with beating victims who were pulled from their cars trying to get home by vicious Democrat mobs.

This is who you align with.

Groups who make up names?

They will never be taken serious.

One proud blm member in my community goes by poopy.

I though that would be a disrespectful name. But they make it seem cool.

Guy sold drugs and robbed people through out high school.
Assaulted many people.. really violent attacks.

Left senior year, in and out of prison.

Got different women pregnant and does not acknowledge his children

Let's hear what he has to say?

Ha ha ha ha


That's total BS.
In fact the violence and casualties always track back to Republicans white nationalists and racists.

Using your own poopy stories to prove a national point ... that is about the speed of a Republican.


Its violent white nationals on video looting targets?

You are literally crazy...or totally brainwashed.


Democrats like Loeffler, Perdue and Kemp, right? Those commies are the ones refusing to help Trump get re-elected.


They didn't even try to hide it, thinking they would get away with it because they thought all law enforcement was in their pockets. Boy were they wrong.


This is an actual tangible proof now. If all the wrongs aren't made right, I don't see how civil war can be avoided.


Why does civil war frighten you? Afraid of losing again?


You obviously don't know your history. Lincoln was a Republican, you weirdo. I'm sure you are not familiar with books so I will point you in the right direction.

Watch it and learn something!


I wasn't referring to that.



BTW, civil war does not frighten me. My man will come home with medals!


Needed to reply to this twice. Worried much?


It's not proof because it hasn't been verified or presented in court as evidence. It's just some video on the internet.


You’ve got to be kidding!
Pathetic “evidence of fraud”
The cult is desperate


What else is new?


Trump won


Bill Barr already said the DOJ who’s not investigating the massive election fraud has not uncovered any evidence of massive election fraud.
