MovieChat Forums > Politics > Well, we now have video evidence of chea...

Well, we now have video evidence of cheating in Georgia

Cheating in plan sight in Georgia?

Take a look for yourself. This is a 360 composite video of GA rigging operation with testimony overlay. Taken from Thedonald:


No, that is not evidence of cheating at all.

The most that could be is evidence that some observers say they did not have a good enough view, but the people doing the counting are a mix of Republicans and Democrats to keep it honest.


all the republicans, press and watchdogs left. just democrats pulling out suit cases full of biden votes.


You can see they were Biden votes ... or is that just what Trump claimed ... and a few votes for me? He's nuts.


its in the video, they pull out stashed suitcases of biden votes after everyone had left, its a federal law that votes have to be counted in plain view with watchers in place...looks like this election is a fraud and should be investigated for fraud and collusion...


No, you have to prove that there were no Republicans in the mix. So far every time one of your trolls makes this claim it has turned out to be false.


but ... but the voice-over said so and that's pretty conclusive. So that's that.

It's disturbing us how easily people are influenced by spooky voice overs


they identified that everyone in the video is a democrat, they know their names and know they work for the democrat party...


Even if one assumes the worse, firstly, I don't give a damn. Trump has made it obvious in his speeches, rallies and tweets that would cheat and use the government, and try to bully people, including the Supreme Court to reverse a valid election. And second ... the number of votes here would not make any difference.

Finally, I know the extent Republicans will go to in order to cheat, but I'd suspect that look behind the scenes and some of those people who claim to be Democrats were either Republicans or set up.

The one thing we can all learn from this is to demand that our elections are secure. And throughout the last 30 years it has been dirty tricks on the Republican side that has made the difference, from partisan redistricting, to pulling people off the voting rolls, to intimidating minorities or lying to them to not vote.

I am sick and tired of the criminal Republican party - so whatever needs to be done I am down with.


There's enough gaslighting on this board to make the whole website explode in flames.


And you hold the highest methane count around here. yikes!!


Funny thing is they stream these voting places live yet people think they're dumb enough rig an election right in plain sight live on cam? KEK! Takes ballz.



Really ... all I got was two BS commercials and a blank screen for my trouble.


works for me but here's a youtube link:


And it's bogus, according to Georgia's own Secretary of State. Back to the drawing board for the cranks.


"according to Georgia's own Secretary of State"

That is truly the funniest thing I've read all day. Oh, it must REALLY be bogus then.


Thanks for agreeing with me.


Yes, all elected officials are corrupt and all elections are dirty.
So let's see who can make them even more dirty.

Ask foreign countries to dish on your opponent. Strike one !
Discredit all the legitimate news sources in your country. Strike two !
Demonize everyone, including those in your party, who doesn't agree with your shitty agenda. Three !
Then try to install an illegitimate dictator to run what was previously a Democracy.

And the left is called anti-American?


Trump won
