Even if one assumes the worse, firstly, I don't give a damn. Trump has made it obvious in his speeches, rallies and tweets that would cheat and use the government, and try to bully people, including the Supreme Court to reverse a valid election. And second ... the number of votes here would not make any difference.
Finally, I know the extent Republicans will go to in order to cheat, but I'd suspect that look behind the scenes and some of those people who claim to be Democrats were either Republicans or set up.
The one thing we can all learn from this is to demand that our elections are secure. And throughout the last 30 years it has been dirty tricks on the Republican side that has made the difference, from partisan redistricting, to pulling people off the voting rolls, to intimidating minorities or lying to them to not vote.
I am sick and tired of the criminal Republican party - so whatever needs to be done I am down with.