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Who will reject the election results more?

Who will not accept the election results. Democrats or Republicans?

Who will start an investigation and bring it to court?

Who will riot if the results do not go their way?


All 3 scenarios are awful...especially that last one.

I hope Biden can seal the deal early on but I also think it's going to be so much closer than the pundits are suggesting.


btw...want an early indication of how election night will fall.

Kentucky and Indiana. Easily both red states. And their ALWAYS the first calls to make "...the polls have just close and...".

But how fast do the networks call it?

I've been binge watching election night videos on Youtube.


Terrorist are already gearing up to test Biden...too afraid of trump.

Careful for what you hope for.

At a terrorist prayer the other week the Iman mentioned...Americans are so naive they would get rid of the tough leader that protects them.

Their priorities are that trump is rude and more gay rights ..


It's interesting. I think there's more people within the family unit that are voting against people within their family unit as opposed to either candidate.

After a ridiculous 5 minute argument with my brother about the coronavirus 4 or 5 months ago...he finally uttered that it doesn't exist:

"Do you know anybody who has had corona"?

...This is from the same fool who thinks Sandy Hook never happened. They were all actors and all that nonsense.

My vote is against his idiotic idea(s).


Well that's a bad litmus test.

Vote for the guy the terrorist are more scared of.
Vote for the better economy, more jobs, and safety.

Not people.who call for defund police, groups who raise bail for criminals.
Definitely groups who burn the American flag


lol...Donald Trump?

Forward thinking 4 years from now...

Donald Trump believes in the sanctity of America?

He holds your beliefs when he goes to bed at night?


People have bad memories, but it's no miracle all we did was hear about ISIS for years under Obama and now nothing.

Dont take that for granted.

Yes Donald Trump is 1000 better for the country then Biden/Harris.

Biden just had a illegitimate grandson recently.
From a son who was. Smoking crack and denied getting this stipper pregnant until he was taken to court.

That's pretty bad.


Biden is a terrible candidate who doesn't hold your beliefs or values.

That should BE the argument team Trump is making.

Instead, it's just conspiracy theories...

Maybe Trump will actually lose 30 + states.


That’s it!?
His son had an illegitimate baby, and a drug problem?


Right but his son was a liaison between sketchy companies in the Ukraine and China which involved his father.

The son was going to be charged in the Ukraine but Biden said you better get rid of that prosecutor investigating my son or you aint getting any u.s. relief money.

Usually crack heads with and addiction to hookers dont find jobs in countries where they dont even speak the language.

Which means he was a foot soldier for his father which uses the power of political positions to force money out of countries.

That's what we want to get rid of in the American government.

The same old families abusing their power.

Even with trump as president we got to see how powerful and real the deep state are. People in powerful positions who made a pact to resist the president on every subject since day 1.

This is now the power we want in governments.


"Right but his son was a liaison between sketchy companies in the Ukraine and China which involved his father. "

no evidence has been shown. claims are made he was called "the chairman" in emails. this was never confirmed. also Biden wasn't in office at the time.. soo.

"The son was going to be charged in the Ukraine but Biden said you better get rid of that prosecutor investigating my son or you ain't getting any u.s. relief money."

Literally never happened. The US with other countries pushed for a stronger prosecutor to be put in because the last one was too soft on corruption. If anything this led to a higher chance of Hunter being prosecuted.

"Usually crack heads with and addiction to hookers dont find jobs in countries where they dont even speak the language. "

welcome to the life of the elite. where based on your name you literally get money and jobs thrown at you. its disgusting

"Which means he was a foot soldier for his father which uses the power of political positions to force money out of countries. "

assertion without evidence. Biden used his son as a foot soldier to.... make his son bit of money... The thing is Biden could have had anyone there in place of his son. why have as you said a coke and crack head prositute loving wild cannon doing your alleged sketchy corrupt Ukraine and Chinese business? this makes NO SENSE. Have someone else there as your foot soldier.

"The same old families abusing their power. Even with trump as president we got to see how powerful and real the deep state are. People in powerful positions who made a pact to resist the president on every subject since day 1. This is now the power we want in governments. "

No deep state conspiracy nonsense needed. its called the revolving door. You pt forward legislation and help out the rich and corporations when you have influence and a government position, and they "pay you on a board" or reward you in other ways. Yes some families have become more entrenched in this and show up more often. but the problem is ultimately money in politics. its disgusting


Democrats will want to say votes that come in 2 weeks after election count.


Definitely the Reptilians. Even though President Biden will win in a landslide the Ultraright still won't accept the their Fuhrer lost.


How do you see the right refusing?

Violence, riots, forming a coup to resist and impeach the president?

If the dumbocrats win they just dont walk away with the win, they are already planning on how to go after trump voters.

What do we do with trump voters have been some of the round table subjects.
Real nasty bullies these people



In a sick twisted way, I'd love to see the feminazis, and low test coomers 'go after' people.

Put that shit on PPV.


What kind of threat is a "riot" when leftists are now rioting all the time?

Joe Biden will accept the results, when he loses, because old geezers like him give in really quickly and he just wants to go home, drink a cup of Ovaltine and watch his son screw some hookers while sitting on his porch.


Let him hang out with his new grandson..


The Dems will be absolutely apoplectic if Trump wins.

They haven't been normal or lucid since HillaryBeast lost.

I fear there will be blood in the streets. (They've had a lot of practice in the last few months.)


I think everyone and their mothers know that's the truth.

The police are already planning for the left's reaction...


You mean more blood. Democrat rioters in Democrat cities in Democrat states.

6 months of Democrat praised rioting.


The DNC literally had a play-date on this topic, and in all scenarios...the person playing Biden never conceded.


Democrats haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election so that won't be any different if Trump gets reelected and yes they will riot.

